

  • If support and well wishes are what you are looking for this is the place. Everyone has the same goal. Cheers and good luck add me if you'd like :D
  • I know when I work out i get hungry after and it allows you to eat more. I love it and it works for me. good luck
  • you are going to love it here! add me if you'd like! Good luch
    in Hi! Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • Wow sounds like you are super excited good for you. Weight / strength training require definate rest days. Listen to your body it will tell you if and when it needs more rest than a 4 mile walk on Sunday
  • welcome to one of the most positive and encouraging sites I've ever seen. Good luck on your journey!
  • My first tattoo - My best friend and I got matching tattoos after her husband died. It's our intials linked together with the Angelic symbol for friendship in the middle of them. Our children saw within the tattoo their fathers intials too. I have mine for a reason and it's my reason. - the next and the next are for my…
  • Best of luck ! add me for support if you'd like this place is heaven for unconditional support!
    in a newbie Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • First step is the hardest so they say :) I personally think its the best too! You will be awesome if you did it once you can to it again!
  • i actually managed to keep my friday weight the same as my monday!!! Made my morning!
  • can you join if you just like the topic. All runners are different so it helps to get everyones advice perspective....
  • I agree the couch to 5 k is a great start its pretty much how i started running. I am now training again for my 2nd half marathon :) Not only that but my whole family started running with me and we are all doing the "fat *kitten* trail run" google it if you like that is what its called :) Best of luck!!! Happy Running
  • My picture right now is my reason for getting up every day and trying my hardest to be the best everything i can be. The others on my profile are me proving it :)
  • This sounds awesome I am a veggie (not a vegan so I eat chess and drink milk) BUT I have an egg allergy you got anything in the book that fits Other than salad :D
  • I will help however i can too!
  • I love this place welcome to it!!
  • Friendliest not judgemental support site I've ever been on. Add me too :)
  • Great words of widsom. Especially the few regarding someone missing you. I never thought of it that way. My kitchen table belonged to my grandmother it bears the marks of her ten children their spouses and all 40 + of us grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren it has never seen a coaster however the table holds more…
    in the Champ Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • I know mine are directly related to my level of hydration. I always go with water and stay away from sports drinks and things like that there is stuff in there that isn't as good for you as they let on. You seem to be doing everything right. If you do log your food you may find something that comes up on the same day as…
    in Leg cramps Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • Way to go that is really amazing! you should be so proud of yourself
  • Congrats on the quitting smoking congrats on raising your babies and congrats on joining this group! Now on to the next phase of your life!! Enjoy it ! Gen
  • Awesome job and congrats on your run! this place is amazing to help get you over the humps and to help you celebrate your successes. New dress is a great way to celebrate!!! :) Cheers Gen Ps feel free to add me if you'd like
  • HI Ellen! Only site in the world where your get congratulations for losing something :) SOOO congrats on your loss Gen add me if youd like! Gen
    in Hi there! Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • I have a tournament with my kids away form home always a killer ! thanks fo rthe awesome tips!
  • This is what I do I am a veggie with an egg allergy :s My husband loves this site for me because i eat way more than ever ! Best of luck
  • Sometimes its harder when the one you love the most sees you as their perfect :) I know how you feel my husband is the same way I love him for it but sometimes I wish he'd kick me in the but and say come on babe lol ! Good luck and If you want a new friend to travel along with feel free to add me!
  • Me too. If I go to bed hungry I wake up hungry and that is an awful feeling
  • I vote beer you have earned it.
  • Keep doing what you are doing. I agree about this site i've the app on my bb and am always adding and checking. Best line I've seen is i am not on a diet just tracking everything that goes past my teeth. Best of luck! If you want to add me go ahead the biggest motivation i have just realised is being accountable. And now…
    in Hi There! Comment by gcumpson June 2011
  • I am a vibram five runner (basically a barefoot runner) flip flops are a must lol all those wanting to start running its putting one foot in front of the other thats all running is. My profile pic is usally the group I run with we are all shapes and sizes sexes and speeds. Runners are great supporters they usally don't…
  • Try them. You will know as soon as you put your hands on them. Mine have grips so no slipping but they are only 10 lbs but its enough for what I use them for in my workout. Good Luck