What's the story behind your profile picture?



  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    my picture is one that a friend of mine made of me.. i call it my before and in between pic. i now weigh less than i did in the pink shirt! :tongue: the difference between the two pictures is -54 pounds. it motivates me to keep on going and live a healthy lifestyle for ME, my fiance, future step-daughter, family... :heart:
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Mine is a picture i took of myself in my bathroom and later edited to what you see now. I love photography and love editing photos even more. I was having a good hair day and my skin looked pretty clear so I decided to take some photos :)
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    My first picture is at a company picnic Aug 2010, doing the water balloon toss. The second is showing my weight loss since that time.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    Mine is my after pic hubby took when I had lost 50 lbs. Don't know how to do the split screen w/ my before pic too so I settled for this.
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    Standing on a rock at Half Moon Bay in Cali. I went with a "Come At Me Bro" pose.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    My wedding day - Aug 2008 - it was hot as BAWLS in that dress so I positioned myself over the AC coming up from the bathroom floor vent.. It felt magical :D
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    my pic was taken in montego bay jamaica and my sister was the photographer at my cousins wedding. She took this picture and then did some work to it. It is her favorite picture of me. I think she is very talented. She softened me up.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    There's no real story. Folks on MFP had been wanting to see what I look like for a very long time but I feared porn hackers so I was hesitant to post. <G>

  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    That's me after a 4 mile hike at San Tan Mountain Park a couple weeks ago... feeling very Zen, and looking very flushed.
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    Mine was taken this past weekend. My son was getting dedicated in our church that sunday and I had just finished getting us both ready. I was super happy and had my good freind take our picture right before we left for the service.
  • suzitkd
    suzitkd Posts: 110
    Mine was my turning point. It was taken on holiday last year in France, with some lovely friends of ours and some others we had made whilst there too, sat around many pushed together camping tables, sipping wine, eating wonderful food, listening to the river. When we got home and I saw the photo of myself I was at once reminded of what a wonderful time it was, and horrified at how big I looked - the biggest ever in fact. That was when I started my weight loss journey. I keep it as my profile picture as a constant reminder of why I am doing this. Oh, and we're going back there in a couple of months time, meeting the same friends that we haven't seen in a year - I soooo want them to say 'wow, you look amazing'! :-)
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Mine is 3 of my wonderful kids and it reminds me daily why I need to get off my *kitten*.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    On Liberty Island last year. For our 20th anniversary we went to New York for a week. I had always want to see Lady Liberty so this was amazing for me!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I Love Retro and glamour...... being a woman, a wife and mother..and a sexy Grandma too.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    This is a pic of me with my son! <3 He is such a good boy!!!!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I'm a halo dork and I hate how I look in pictures. However I do have one of me under my profile, I just don't use it.
  • gcumpson
    gcumpson Posts: 39
    My picture right now is my reason for getting up every day and trying my hardest to be the best everything i can be. The others on my profile are me proving it :)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    drunken in magaluf.. taking pics of myself is something i love when drunk haaa

    Hehe, so its not just me then?? I love taking drunk pictures of myself too!! :drinker:

    drunk picture taker here :)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    oh, and mine i love!! b/c it is the first picture of me and my son with him smiling!!! It drove me crazy how he would never smile in pics with me, but he would with everyone else! but this past weekend we had some pics taken and he did!! I love him! :)
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    Mine is my 20 wk pic!!! 4mths post breast reduction and almost 30lbs down!
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