

  • sometimes I put my water in a cup with a straw (like the reusable ones you can buy at Target) It makes it easier to sip away. :)
  • Great idea!!!! Thank You!
  • I get a vitamin B12 shot once a week and it's awesome for energy :)
  • I would love to know the answer to this...I did this for an hour and a half on choppy water in Lake Tahoe yesterday. However, I was on my knees most of the time due to the water conditions. I'll do some more research and see if I can come up with any more detailed info.
  • I am sooooo with you on this issue!!! Sugar cookies and buttercream frosting sound amazing! Night time is the worst, watching TV, relaxing, thinking of something sweet to eat :\ I think that allowing yourself this type of treat every once in a while is a big YES. If you deny yourself completely it's a recipe for self…
  • I have a friend who tried Clomid, she ovulated regularly right away and was pregnant in two months. I have been on Ortho Tri Cyclen and didn't have any problem with weight while on it, I thought it kept my skin clear as well. I really liked it :)
  • Well done! You look great :)
  • Yes, I do it often. Although it is best to eat your daily calories in healthful choices throughout the day to keep that metabolism going I don't see anything wrong with saving your calories every once in a while. Also, it keeps you from cheating and going over in calories because let's face it everyone is faced with a meal…
  • You got this! It's a great feeling!!!
  • That's awesome! What a great statement :) That is a great inspiration!
  • yes! :) Although sometimes it's just one cheat meal. Tomorrow will be a cheat day for me. I know that for some people it just leads to more cheat days but in my case it keeps me going. I'm the type that if I have to say absolutely no to certain foods or have to be "good" all the time it will drive me into cheat overload.
  • That's awesome that you only have 15 more pounds to go! With both of my kids it took nearly 2 years to get the weight off....I'm still not there after my second. Yesterday I realized that I was 70 pounds lighter than I was at my last prenatal appt. whew...only having 27 more pounds to go seems easy compared to how far I…
  • ya, I've lost 8 pounds in a week before....if you do a major switch up in your diet and go from basically sedentary to extremely active I've seen it happen...some of it is water weight. Keep up the good work though, next week will be less weight even with the same amount of work but stick with it and you will definitely…
  • I know what you mean....my mom is the exact same way and she's so thin she's never worried about food. My parents eat out all the time and live right around the corner...my husband often works through dinner and they are always calling and asking me to go to dinner with them. Just tonight I was over there swiming and I…
  • I love love love Body Pump! The official website for Body Pump will tell you approx. how many calories you burn during class based on your physique and the amount of weights you use in class. The instructor has told us that doing the class for consecutive days isn't helpful but twice a week is perfect. You have to give…
  • I can definitely see a difference! Great Job!!! :)
  • I could not agree with you more! I truly don't feel that some of the activities you are allowed to put up are actual "exercise". However, just to play devil's advocate here, when you first sign up on this site it asks you to state your daily activity level and some people are truly sedentary. Therefore mowing the lawn or a…
  • I know....hard to tell exactly :\ Livestrong.com stated- "Tilling Garden burns approximately 394.6253619 calories per hour for an average, 145 pound person" Not sure if this is using a rototiller or doing it by hand. It sure does workout your deltoid muscles though! :)
    in yardwork Comment by daniellerp June 2011