'cheat day'

Do you typically have one day out of the week that you use as a 'cheat day'?


  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Not on purpose LOL. That is a slippery slope for me. I can't even have a "cheat" meal without getting carried away. :)
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    == Hate to admit this but when I have a particularly bad food day - eat too much,. don't exercise, I like to qualify that as my cheat day. I know many of my MFP friends have a planned cheat day, and it seems to really help them stay on track the rest of the week. There are different mindsets and opinions on this topic, so you have to figure out what works for you.
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    I don't have a set cheat day. But...If I know I am going out to eat dinner somewhere I will really watch my calories throughout the day to make sure I have enough to enjoy dinner. I have only been at this 5 weeks so...no "cheat" days for me yet.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Nope. I no longer have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, when I want - but in moderation. I've found that I enjoy knowing I can have whatever I want whenever I want it vs having to wait for a specific day or meal. I have learned about portion size and follow it very closely - it allows me to eat my favorite things more often. :)
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    I think a "cheat day" is a great way to keep yourself sane! I know that if I say "I can't eat sweets anymore, " the only thing I can think about is sweets! With a cheat day, I know that in a few days, I can indulge in that food I've been wanting. And from what I understand, it helps to keep your body guessing. So yes, in my point of view, a cheat day once a week is a GOOD thing! :)
  • daniellerp
    daniellerp Posts: 21
    yes! :)
    Although sometimes it's just one cheat meal. Tomorrow will be a cheat day for me.
    I know that for some people it just leads to more cheat days but in my case it keeps me going. I'm the type that if I have to say absolutely no to certain foods or have to be "good" all the time it will drive me into cheat overload.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have cheat days but they are never planned. They pop up randomly.
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    of course =)
  • fit4justme
    fit4justme Posts: 92 Member
    Nope. I no longer have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, when I want - but in moderation. I've found that I enjoy knowing I can have whatever I want whenever I want it vs having to wait for a specific day or meal. I have learned about portion size and follow it very closely - it allows me to eat my favorite things more often. :)

    Your before and after picture gives me so much motivation and a can do attitude!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I have had two days since I started mid-May. One was my birthday and one was yesterday. I didn't go way over, either day - not even up to maintenance level either time, but I did go 200-300 over my 1200 net.
  • daniellerp
    daniellerp Posts: 21
    That's awesome! What a great statement :) That is a great inspiration!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Nope. I no longer have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, when I want - but in moderation. I've found that I enjoy knowing I can have whatever I want whenever I want it vs having to wait for a specific day or meal. I have learned about portion size and follow it very closely - it allows me to eat my favorite things more often. :)

    Your before and after picture gives me so much motivation and a can do attitude!

    Thank you very much. You CAN do it. If *I* can do this - ANYONE can. And I truly mean that. :)
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I don't have a preset or planned cheat day, but I will take a day or two every 7-10 days and allow myself to eat what I want. I do still try to track my calorie intake though, even if it gets extremely high. I think it helps me figure out where I'm going wrong and where I'm going right.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Never! I have huge meals quite often, and I don't always eat the healthiest food, but I manage to make it work. I also log EVERYTHING I eat. I like what I'm eating, so there is no need for cheat days. I'm definitely in the "everything in moderation" camp.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Nope. The whole concept of "cheat days" doesn't work for me. Who would I be cheating? Me?
    I plan my meals ahead and make room in my calorie allowance for wine and chocolate and occasional desserts along with the healthy stuff.
    If I go out to dinner I will usually make a healthy choice that fits with my calorie allowance.
    Sometimes I go out (or stay home) and eat over my calorie allowance. For me, that's not cheating, it's life. It doesn't need a name or a day, it's something that happens sometimes, I just make sure it doesn't happen too often.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Nope. I no longer have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, when I want - but in moderation. I've found that I enjoy knowing I can have whatever I want whenever I want it vs having to wait for a specific day or meal. I have learned about portion size and follow it very closely - it allows me to eat my favorite things more often. :)

    Very much this. Every other time I've tried to lose weight, I've limited what I ate and allowed myself one cheat day a week. I'd obsess over what I was going to eat on my cheat day. Then I'd go wayyy overboard, feel like a failure and quit. Now, if I want something, I work it into my day. I'm finally seeing results this way. I've been at this for 4 months now and haven't ever really felt like giving up. Before, I never lasted more than 6-8 weeks and hated every day of it.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Few times really. whenever I have a meal at a restaurant or @ friends in which there is no way to know the calories and (seem like they were a lot) I'll take it as a cheat day. I'll have a few treats but keep I keep in mind to not go overboard. I've had my few binging episodes :blushing: in the past and I felt so badly bloaded that I wont allow myself that anymore. Those cheat days are rare because I plan ahead my calories. Since I eat a variety of foods I don't feel deprived or that I owe a cheat day to myself either. I'll plan a few treats on regular days. Everyone has their own way of doing things what works for some doesn't for others.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I don't do cheat days as I would feel like crap afterwards and why do that to myself. Also I dont feel like wasting the time and effort I put forth to exercise by eating the wrong foods.

    That may seem crass but I put a lot of hard work into this lifestyle change and I dont want to blow it. Im not on a diet but on a life style change so those "bad" foods dont exist for me.

    I know if I eat more sodium than I normally eat then I feel like crap the next day I can just imagine if I ate too much fat or calories.

    Everyone has their own way of doing things that works for them so it is just however you want to approach it. Neither way is "wrong"

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    I dont have cheat days but i change my goals to maintaince on my birthday and a few hoidays. That way i can have a reasonable splurge without blowing it with old bad habits and mindless eating. This ":strategy" has helped me in this lifestyle change
  • trujillo68
    trujillo68 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't. I eat everything in moderation. For example, if my family wants to go out to eat I eat the smallest meal. Like a single hamburger and a small frie.