

  • I have a similiar goal as well. I requested you as a friend. Lets make this goal real : )
  • I strangely enough get told constantly that I look like Jennifer Hudson surprisingly even after she lost all that weight...I also used to get compared to Jill Scott when my hair was natural.
  • I did low carb a couple yrs ago and lost alot of weight but once I started eating carbs again I gained all the weight back and then some. I would say try reduced carb (60 grams- 100 grams) That is probably the way to go if you want a healthful approach and a easy start to low carbing. Good Luck.
  • I never thought of logging it before. I usually just put it under food notes. I will start as of now.
  • I was wondering the same thing the other day. The maintenance calories seem pretty low but I guess the smaller you get the less calories you need.
  • Hey don't let that inner voice get the best of you. I also started at 265 and I haven't been under 200lbs since I was 20 so I know the feeling but u can do it just like I know I will do it to. Just take it one day at a time and worry about that. Also put those size 10 jeans away cuz they're obviously making you feel more…
  • Ooh my two favorite ingredients avocado and corn...yummy :smile:
  • a matter of fact I would recommend that women avoid weighing themselves during their period because it can be counterproductive for a lot of reasons. Number one you feel bloated anyway so you will assume you gained weight which can vary from 1 - 5 pounds during your period. Secondly it takes about 5 days to…
  • I started off at 1200 calories and my weight loss slowed down to about 1pd so I changed my activity level and upped my calories which helped me a lot. Switch up your workouts also helps. Good Luck : )
  • Hey since it came from a can I assuming they added preservative and other ingredients to preserve the taste. also my mom is West Indian and we always ate callaloo which is a form of Spinach but denser and she definitely added a lot of different stuff to it..Next you will know better so no worries : )
  • sounds very easy to do and yummy.
  • Wow you look Marvelous...I see a huge difference in your face and body. Keep up the excellent work. I only wished that I started this MFP journey when I was your age but oh well better late than never I say.
  • In Reply to: I am a big craver! Usually 3-5 days before TOM and then 3-5 days into the cycle. I do eat pretty healthy and I do workout at least 5 times a week. I am curious as to what vitamin you are taking? I take vitamins and probiotics yet still experience that craving that if I don't give in, the world is going to end!…
  • i also noticed the same thing as well. I usually would be binging on food day and night while I was PMSing but I also have noticed a change. For me I think its a combination of eating better, exercise and vitamins. I was so scared when I started this site that I would not be able to lose any weight due to my extreme carb…
  • I really think WW old flex points plan is pretty similiar to MFP. The new plan...not so much. I actually think we can learn from both sites and use the information as needed. I still use old tools and tips I learned when I used the old WW flex plan and the MFP app by far does a great job at showing the most updated…
  • Hi I am talking to you as an one time Asthma sufferer who developed that condition from years of neglecting my allergie symptoms. I started reading books on natural remedies because I refused to live on a asthma pump all my life or a nebulizer. The first I realized from reading about natural remedies concerning Asthma was…
  • I made a low fat healthy version using mayo and some thousand island dressing and my youngeset daughter loved it so much she ate the whole thing The italian dressing also sounds good as well. I think any low fat dressing with a vinegar base would be good with low fat or light mayonaise. :smile:
  • Awesome job...I just started logging my weightloss on here and it has definitely helped me alot. I lost about 25 pounds before I started this site so I am seeing some differences with my clothes as well. Keep up the good work : )
  • I noticed this as well. I am well over 230lbs and I decided that I needed to revamp my goals of losing 2pds a week. I decided to up my calories because I was feeling super hungry and I was losing weight at a really fast rate so I decided to change my goal from 2 pounds to 1 !/2 pounds a week. You also have the option of…
  • I am definitely gonna try this recipe...I actually have been looking for a good low cal version of pizza and here it is : )
  • I agree @ KrayzieKay with everything you said because I know people who have lost weight on the new plan but for me I felt bloated and I gained a lb. Let me reinterate that I LOVE Weight Watchers because I lost a big chunk of weight when I used the old plan so I am definitely not bashing...I am just wondering why the new…
  • Wow I am so glad you posted this. I also did the old WW plan and lost about 35 pounds and then fell off the wagon so this year I decided to try the new WW points plus plan. I not only didn't lose weight...I actually gained a pound which frustrated me and I kept thinking am I counting these points right. I finally cancelled…
  • I am new to this forum (almost a week in) and I asked a question concerning this and I got different feedback. After reading the posts I decided to at least eat half my excercise calories back. I am going to be doing my weigh in tomorrow and honestly if I saw the weightloss was not significant then I would just go back to…
  • honestly I find that the Zumba game gets me motivated and its super fun to me but I also love to dance. I have not heard anyone say anything negative about the game. The tutorial is a bit confusing and slow but to me Zumba is more about feeling the music then getting everything technically correct. I have been wanting to…
  • I have the Zumba Wii fitness game which I love so much...Its alot of fun. I also have the original Zumba fitness Dvds. Honestly my only problem with the original (older) dvd version was the cuing and sometimes it was a bit confusing to follow due to the instructors heavy accent ( he is still sexy though :wink: ) Anyway…
  • Any tea works for me especially at night. During the day I would recommend a boiled egg or some raw carrots or brocolli. I also found that making breakfast heartier sometimes keeps my hunger at bay for the day...Goodluck and You can do it :smile:
  • @ Pandorium I totally agree. I need to get in a habit of putting my info into the eliptical trainer when I use it. Most of the time I just jump on. That will definitely get you a more accurate reading.
  • @ Lady it looks like the calorie count you are getting is in result to your exercise and your calorie needs. I also realize that the calories for some exercises are slightly higher than they should be. After going through the forum I have decided to at least use half my exercise calories. Its kinda hard though because I…