rainbowbow Member


  • Thanks so much for your reply! I’m going to be making some adjustments and I’ll stick it out a little longer. I don’t think it’s an issue with my cycle. :( And I’ll be going out tonight to see if I can’t make a keto version of some foods I’m really craving because like you said, it’s best if I don’t deny myself and just go…
  • Thanks for your reply! I have been on MFP for roughly 8 years now and I actually work in the fitness industry as well. I also have an additional certification in nutrition so I’m certainly not new to tracking. It’s time for me to cut after gaining roughly 4kg through mediocre calorie compliance and over-eating post…
  • victoria's secret v string. not only are they durable as hell (i've had some for 8+ years that look brand spanking new) but they don't leave pantylines. and you don't have to worry about feeling a wedgie because the v string feels like literally nothing yet keeps your lady parts covered.
  • vegetarians dont eat meat... that includes fish, turkey, and chicken. Those animals are also alive, sentient and capable of feeling pain, etc. If you're a figure competitor you should be working with a coach that has experience prepping girls with your specific dietary needs and should refer to them for macros/meal plans.…
  • have a garmin 235 and boyfriend has a garmin fenix 3 sapphire. our watches are damn near indestructible. went through 4 seperate fitbits and have several friends whose fitbits just fell apart.
  • fat loss is a result of diet. as a woman it's likely that you simply hold more bodyfat in the lower body (and this is commonly a hard area to lean out for women). I would adjust my calories down, maybe throw in some HIIT sessions in place of your current cardio, and try increasing overall volume on the lower body.
  • what i would do: * write out a list of your favorite foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, desserts, drinks, etc. * write out the calories, proteins, carbs, and fats, for a typical serving that you'd eat of these foods * plug and play these foods into a mealplan that fit your calorie allowance * track your food on…
  • the problem with this idea is that you create a super huge energy/metabolism gap; which essentially is bad for your long term success, hunger, metabolic efficiency, etc. edit: i can expand on this, but essentially the goal should be to eat the maximum number of calories possible while still losing body fat while keeping…
  • Focus on your diet for the time being and follow the plan set in place by your physical therapist. If you need advice on additional exercises you can do (for example: cycling) go ahead and ask your physical therapist to give you a list of green-light activities you can do. Do not, i repeat, do NOT over do it during your…
  • i agree that 25% is probably too high and unnecessary based on your stats OP. You aren't in prep or something and you've already been at this for several years, right? I don't see any reason you should be doing "rapid weight loss". my recommendation based on what i'd do in your position: Plan your cut for about a 10-12…
  • not enough to be counting ~
  • good to know we were on the same page, i was already looking for one of those photos. XD
  • I'm sorry if it seems like we're *kitten* on the article you posted OP, i just want to mention that his "transformation" seems to be more about lighting, posture, water manipulation, and moderate fat loss than anything else. Here's a 10 second transformation to highlight what i'm talking about and why his before/after…
  • and also have higher exposure so that you have less definition. :D
  • tbh though i would expect him to look more impressive if he went on a full stack. his after physique looks identical to about 15 average joes in my local gym. =/
  • This is usually the case when women are already at such a low weight. But it may be an issue of body dysmorphia as well.
  • i'm gonna be upfront... i didn't read your whole post i just looked at the guys photos on the article and am responding to your topic question. yes. This is not an impressive transformation, especially given his "before" physique. Assuming you have as much muscle mass as him and only need to shed body fat i don't see why…
  • Have you consulted with your doctor and/or dietitian about this? To be perfectly honest this doesn't sound like a great plan. If you were not diabetic I would say "go for it" with OMAD and Keto, but as a diabetic it's so important for you to implement a diet that can be maintained (and hopefully reduce your symptoms) long…
  • you need to continue to lose weight overall; probably more than you think.
  • go get tested or get put on an appropriate elimination diet. i had similar symptoms and for me it was dairy intolerance.
  • true, but that depends on how many you're adding. i personally count the calories/carbs from splenda or other non-nutritive sweeteners using a bulking agent (like dextrose) as 3.5 calories per packet.
  • my cousins use to eat "tasty spread" which was essentialy a bowl filled with peanut butter, maple syrup, and butter mixed together and eaten with a spoon....
  • I don't know, i moved to a country where i have to make absolutely everything from scratch breakfast, lunch, dinner along with all the dishes/food waste that goes along with that. Sounds convenient as hell to me...
  • mini cheesecakes. :)
  • search the "groups", there's a low-carb/keto group with a lot of people.
  • yes, that's how MFP works. :)
  • I agree that following your weight and adjusting as necessary to estimate TDEE is probably the best way. What i'd do to start out with (assuming you're lifting consistently every week) is up your "activity level" by one on MFP (this'll adjust an extra ~200 calories or so) to account for those burns.
  • time to implement low fodmap for a month or so and see if it helps, imo
  • Nope, we both have similar fat deposit patterns i think, you just happen to have more body fat right now. :) As you lose weight overall and work on posture you'll notice that everything will even out. Keep at it!
  • no, that's 175 pounds. OP should be losing about 1.5 pounds per week. so they're right on track. :)