Sandy2658 Member


  • Hi Sabrina! You've found the right place...I'll send a friend request. Welcome!
  • Let's just think of ourselves as works still in progress. Losing the weight was the first step...I'm just starting on the arms now. I run between 3 and 5 miles a day so the legs are ok. You're's the "core" area. I'll let you now what my son comes up with. I'm going to do some research online about this too. We…
  • I've just reached my goal yesterday (85 pounds gone). Every other time I've done this my skin snapped back...not this time. I had three children and am over 50 so none of this helps. From your description, we could be twins :/ One of my sons is a personal trainer and he's working a routine for me with weights to build…
  • For some reason that questions bothers me because it's so obvious...I don't eat as much and I move more. It's not rocket science...ok, I'm better now. I do tell everyone about MFP and I hear .. oh, it's like Weight Watcher's. No...I've been on Weight Watcher's...this is much better. You have the nutritional value to almost…
  • First, you're in the right place for motivation! I never was into formal classes or gym setting. I have a treadmill at home, some aerobic videos that I love (Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies. (I like them because there are people of all shapes and sizes...not just little "Stepford" women who don't need to work out.)…
  • Only people on MFP could understand what a great feeling it is to be overweight! (Just to get out of the obese category.) Congrats to you on your proud!
  • I'm a firm believer that you can eat anything you want...just not ALL of it. I do watch what I eat and I exercise, but if I get a craving for pizza or chocolate or even chips I will go for it...just in a human size portion. Sometimes just a bite or two will do it. I wanted chocolate a few nights ago...I have a bag of…
  • Diet pills are a waste of money, but more importantly, they can damage your health. I've tried them....never again! Diet and exercise (lifestyle changes) are the only things that work and keep working. If it came in a pill, everyone would be thin.
  • I've been getting these on and off for the past 20 or so years. I remember the first time I had one I thought I was having a stroke or going blind. I thought it might have been blood sugar (since diabetes is in my family) so I had a glass of oj and rested. Now I've learned that they are mostly triggered by bright light…
  • I'm so glad a friend of mine found it and thought enough of me to tell me about it. I've lost 75 pounds since last May 26th. I couldn't have done it without the support and motivation of the great friends that I've made here. I can't praise this site enough!
  • Cate Blanchet...maybe when I'm serious...don't see it.
  • Occupation: Magician, Palmist, Seamstress for Variety Entertainers Dream Job: Writer
  • Congratulations! It's an incredible feeling to be overweight...only people on this site could understand! You're doing great...keep it up!
  • Hi Cheryl~ Welcome to the MFP family. I too am 53 and have been here since May (I think) and I've lost 60 pounds. A friend told me about this site and I though how could this possibly work...but it does. There are so many wonderful people here to help and encourage you. Best of luck! Sandy
  • I won't be taking a break over Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year's. It's about planning ahead and eating sensibly. Will I have a taste of the cookie batter before it goes into the oven? Probably, but a taste...not the whole bowl. I have also started running again to still help me lose over the holidays. As of today…
  • I don't think of this as a diet...I think of it as a life plan, so "cheats" don't exist. I allow myself to have whatever I want *in moderation*. (When my husband and I go out to dinner he keeps asking can I find something at a restaurant. I tell him I can eat anything...just not ALL of it.) If you're constantly telling…
  • Took them about 10 years ago...Metabolife. Will never do it again. I was fat and getting married and I just wanted to lose weight *no matter what*. I did lose about 20 pounds, but started to get heart palpatations and generally felt bad. The safest and best way to lose weight is just good old fashioned exercise and push…
  • Hi Laura, I'm Sandy. Welcome. This is the best place to be for support and encouragement in the battle of losing weight. I've been here for about 70 days and have lost 32 pounds and have made some new friends in the process. I look forward to seeing your posts.