Diet pills



  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I think diet pills are definitely a waste of money especially in the long run. A better approach as mentioned by a few others would be eating healthy, exercising and tracking here on MVP. Diet pills will work but once you stop there is a chance that you will gain the weight back or double it, not to mention all the chemicals that you are adding to your body.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    brace yourself...this could get ugly. general consensus on MFP is that diet pills are bad. I agree.

    Use MFP correctly (log, log, log) and exercise. Guaranteed success.

    Good luck!
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I asked the same thing on here months back and I never took a diet pill and I'm glad I didn't. It's something un-natural that you are putting in your body and you hear horror stories about what it can do to you. The best thing that will work for you is to continue to exercise and eat healthy. There is no quick fix or long lasting fix other than those two things. Just keep working hard at it and you'll get where you want to be.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Has anyone tried any diet pills which have helped them lose weight, i am on a diet aswel. Or are they a waste of money
    WASTE OF MONEY! Tried , lost weight , ( or just water) gained back more than I lost . Waste of money!
  • angie55320
    go to everything is all natural! Great product.. I done my research on it and have not see anything bad about just lots of people losing and feeling better about their lives.. I even know a chiropractor that is taking it and selling it and he also went to college for nutrition and health or whatever it was... but if it was bad i know he sure wouldnt be using it!! one product they have is a pill called xyng.. It helps with energy forsure... I don't even have cravings for soda anymore!! Great feeling also haven't had headaches since I started taking it!!
  • Franelizabeth
    I would never try diet pills i have the herbalife shkes and a meal in the evening which is working well for me and i have joined a zumba class to help ith exercising correctly
  • mhamlin
    mhamlin Posts: 35 Member
    I know a lot of people says they are a waste but I have had great results using Viper (fat burner) + women's Multivitamin from G-Powerworks. All my weight lifting buddies stand by this product as well. You HAVE to eat something with them and you Have to exercise 30 minutes after taking them.

    The one thing to remember is there is no healthy quick fix to loosing weight. It's a process and no pill will help you loose weight alone. It takes a life style change of eating right and exercise.

    I hope this helps.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    One time I worked at an answering service and my co-worker and I used to work evening shifts alone. We were both overweight and had the bright idea to try green tea pills. We ended up taking like 4 our first shift. She was bouncing off the walls peeing every 10 minutes and I was on the floor rolling around alternating between panic and laughter with my skin all flushed and my heart in my throat. We both have anxiety, and we both overdid it, and that's my only experience with diet pills. Sooo funny to look back on us rolling around like fools in that office with the phone ringing off the hook... next time you call a taxi cab or a doctor after-hours picture us on the other line.

    What did work for her was diet and exercise. And it's working for me too!
  • policemanswife
    Do not waste your time. In the end they all have recalls and are proven to be bad on your body. I take a multivitamin and it is awesome. It is designed for women who diet and exercise. It is called Women's One A Day Active. It helps speed up your metabolism and gives you energy and all the vitamin's your body needs. I have been taking it for several months and love it. You can also purchase the wal-mart brand for like 4.97 which is a great price.
  • Sandy2658
    Sandy2658 Posts: 20 Member
    Diet pills are a waste of money, but more importantly, they can damage your health. I've tried them....never again!
    Diet and exercise (lifestyle changes) are the only things that work and keep working.
    If it came in a pill, everyone would be thin.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    As everybody is saying, don't waste your time and money over this. There's no shortcut when it comes to health. Besides, it's a guaranteed yo-yo effect if it ever works without damaging your health.
  • Venus2011
    Diet pills are a waste of money and time. I have seen alot of people lose some weight but in the end gain that back and more. Plus alot of them are dangerous to your health/body. Like someone said earlier: 1/2 tablet of exercise and 1/2 tablet of healthy eating. Just remember to record everyhthing you eat and get in as much exercise as you can and you will see results.