

  • I'm 5'5" and currently 154. Goal = 135.
  • nwilliams29 are you pregnant??
  • How is everyone doing? We're starting week 3 this week! I hope you're doing great. I've skipped a workout or two due to lack of sleep and a teething 5 month old. But, I try supplementing that walking a couple miles to a least get some burn on the days I'm not working out hard. Might just extend the 15-20 weeks by a week to…
  • Hey everyone! So glad to connect with so many people doing this TF thing! :) I skipped Sunday's workout due to the far that BF my little one and working and getting little sleep because of teething...I just didn't have the energy and I didn't want to get sick. That always happens to me when I push beyond the tired zone,…
  • Just fInished fire 30 and I feel muchore comfortable with the moves now! Great job everyone! My little one enjoyed watching Chalene haha because she was so energetic!
  • Woohoo! Me! I'm ready! Up early to kick this things butt!
  • Quick question...did it take you more than one time through the video to get the moves? I have done the "New to Class" but still feel uncoordinated. How do you keep going if you're confused about moves? Pause and Rewind?
  • I'm excited so many people are going to start Monday. I too did the 30 EZHITT workout today and will try and get all my "moves" somewhat mastered by Monday. I would like to do the Inferno, but I'm still nursing and can't be that low on calories...I'm eating very clean and subbing a meal with a 100% natural protein shake…
  • I'm starting officially on the 15th as well! I'd love to start a group!
  • I just did my first class today. I got 1/2 way thru the 30 min HITT class and had to rewind so I could learn the moves. I did start w/ the New to Class selection. I like it so far and it helps when she is so animated it make you want to work harder. Question: this is the first workout other than walking I've done since my…
  • Can I ask how old your little one is?
  • My weight is not budging...been stuck for the last couple weeks at this weight. A little worried since I have a wedding to be in, in 2 weeks! I gained a lot with pregnancy 55lbs. I have about 25 to go to get to my ideal goal weight...back when I got married. Trying 2 protein shakes a day...hopefully this will kick start it…
  • Gripe water does wonders. Its a homepathic remedy and my little guy had a ton of gas. It helped him relieve his burps or pass gas easier and it also helps with hiccups. Also, try cutting back on Dairy intake. This helped as well with my LO. Here is a link for the water. Amazon has free shipping for amazon Mom's…
  • You burn between 300-500 calories a day Exclusively Breast-feeding. Especially with a newborn who is always eating and your body is always creating more milk. I always use a lower calorie burn just because I don't believe every woman was created the same. I just started counting calories this week and adding a bit of…
  • Try making your own dough....whole wheat flour. It's very easy and you can change it up. If you want a honey wheat crust or just a garlic herb crust, it's the best. Also try turkey instead of beef products. Turkey pepperoni, turkey/chicken sausage, grilled onions and a little sprinkling of goat crumbled cheese - it's…
  • Thanks Shane! Ordered some of the Natural Oat and Whey and it's awesome. It's probably the best protein drink I've ever tasted in all my years as an athlete. Plus it doesn't have all the fake crud in it. It's not organic, but it's natural and I'll take it! Appreciate the suggestion!
  • Hi Ladies, New here. Had my son by emergency c-section on March 13th (10 weeks old). Love him to death! I'm curious, any other C-section survivors out there? Started Jillian Michael's 30-day shred and hope I can fit into this bridesmaids dress by July 23! I'm hoping to have lost 12 pounds by then! Next stop, Turbo Fire....…
  • I have used castor oil. I wouldn't suggest it....it really brings on false labor (although if you're at that "done" point) I know you;'ll try anything - that's why I did! I was in labor for 3 days off an on due to castor oil, which put my baby in stress. C-section here we come! It doesn't taste horrible if you put the…
  • There are places that will not allow you to get tattooed while breastfeeding because of infection risks. Plus, if you're losing weight then I'd wait anyways so that my skin went back to normal.
  • If I don't work out I get a flat fat square butt :) Lovely.... Best thing....the dreaded squats. But, there are different variations of squats and pelvic thrusts (on the floor) that will tone your booty quickly. Try doing squats in the shower (be careful!), while waiting for the microwave to heat your coffee, etc. Finding…
  • This is a great workout DVD. I did it 6 days a week for a month and lost 10 pounds (I was 162 and dropped to 152) by this DVD and eating right. For someone that questions workout DVD's Jillian doens't have a lot of fluff (much like her TV persona). It's a good workout if you push yourself. I would say that the levers 1,2,3…
  • Thanks everyone! I love this site because everyone responds sooooo quickly! Right now the plan for losing says I need to eat around 1300 calories (which was what I was eating before I got pregnant) and I was losing the amount it said I would lose. I know this is too low now! I am exclusively breastfeeding and will add 400…