Postnatal-May 2011



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Never done castor oil, just fool around the seamen is supposed to ripen the cervix and the hormones that you release when you climax are supposed to help with that stuff too. Whether or not it works ? Not sure, it has been my experience with all 3 that they will come when they decide to.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok ladies May is almost over, how are your goals for this month looking?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ok ladies May is almost over, how are your goals for this month looking?

    I haven't done well at all :( Tomorrow I plan on starting Slim in 6! Having some beer, steak, potatoes and shrimp tonight :blushing: But it is time to get cracking. The scale is going in the wrong direction, time to start going in the right direction before it gets out of hand!

    You are doing awesome Sheri! Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    hey im sneaking in here.. has anyone used castor oil?

    Yes, and it worked for me. I used it with my first. I was 5 days over due. Took it and went into labor that night.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Ok ladies May is almost over, how are your goals for this month looking?
    Nice checkup on everone Sheri :) Even though all the drama in my life, I'm so proud to say that I've accomplished everything I wanted to in May weightloss-wise :) I didn't have a "number" goal I just had other goals and I've kept myself on track in C25K for my 5K run on July 19! I'm definitely going to have to come up with a number for June to get me even more motivated. I'm going to the gym after work so once I weigh myself I will know more of what that number should be.

    How much weight is everyone trying to lose each week/month? I'm thinking 6 pounds a month (1.5 a week). Do you all think that's reasonable for us PP?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok ladies May is almost over, how are your goals for this month looking?
    Nice checkup on everone Sheri :) Even though all the drama in my life, I'm so proud to say that I've accomplished everything I wanted to in May weightloss-wise :) I didn't have a "number" goal I just had other goals and I've kept myself on track in C25K for my 5K run on July 19! I'm definitely going to have to come up with a number for June to get me even more motivated. I'm going to the gym after work so once I weigh myself I will know more of what that number should be.

    How much weight is everyone trying to lose each week/month? I'm thinking 6 pounds a month (1.5 a week). Do you all think that's reasonable for us PP?

    I think that is totally reasonable, I have set my goal to 1lb a week but have been losing more per week than that. I have myself set at sedentary so everything I do burns calories and I try to work out everyday but it is not going too well now. I did finally get a new phone so I downloaded the c25k app and plan on starting it today. I am scared though because I have never been able to run. My goal for May was to reach 222 (8lb loss) I got just below that on Saturdays weigh in so my June goal will be to hit 215.
  • CherylVannattan
    CherylVannattan Posts: 19 Member
    OK I need some encouragment!! I started this about 5 weeks ago and have stayed under my calorie count for about 90% of the time...yet I have gained one pound! :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm exposing my stalker self.

    Sheri, I just wanted to encourage you to start & stick with C25K! That's how I got started with running and I fell in love with it. I had never in my life been able to even run a mile so the program was super hard for me at first. I couldn't even do week 1 day 1 I was so out of shape. I was about 255 pounds at the time. I was determined to stick with it and about 4 months later I was running 3-4 miles at a time 3-4 times a week. After I got to 4 miles, I started working on my speed, which was pitiful because I have the shortest legs ever. Then Maisie happened. I kept running until I was about 8 weeks pregnant but I couldn't do it anymore after that. I can hardly wait to get back to running the way I was before. Well, this time with a little jogging stroller. :smile:
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    I have used castor oil. I wouldn't suggest really brings on false labor (although if you're at that "done" point) I know you;'ll try anything - that's why I did! I was in labor for 3 days off an on due to castor oil, which put my baby in stress. C-section here we come!

    It doesn't taste horrible if you put the spoon back as far as possible and have a glass of lemonade, oj, whatever acidic drink to cut the oily part and get it mostly down your throat not on your tongue.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm exposing my stalker self.

    Sheri, I just wanted to encourage you to start & stick with C25K! That's how I got started with running and I fell in love with it. I had never in my life been able to even run a mile so the program was super hard for me at first. I couldn't even do week 1 day 1 I was so out of shape. I was about 255 pounds at the time. I was determined to stick with it and about 4 months later I was running 3-4 miles at a time 3-4 times a week. After I got to 4 miles, I started working on my speed, which was pitiful because I have the shortest legs ever. Then Maisie happened. I kept running until I was about 8 weeks pregnant but I couldn't do it anymore after that. I can hardly wait to get back to running the way I was before. Well, this time with a little jogging stroller. :smile:

    Thanks Julie I made it through and felt like dying but I'm still here so I will complete it. I must admit I felt like I was running in slow motion and pounding the ground like a herd of elephants. Hubby used to love to run so he's doing it with me.
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    well hello ladies im making the jump to here. I was so blessed to give birth to my lil one on may 22 2011 at 7:50am.. she currently is 7lb 9oz.. so ill be doing my weigh ins starting soon. just wanted to pop in and say hello

    this is alison
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    Hi Ladies,

    New here. Had my son by emergency c-section on March 13th (10 weeks old). Love him to death! I'm curious, any other C-section survivors out there?

    Started Jillian Michael's 30-day shred and hope I can fit into this bridesmaids dress by July 23! I'm hoping to have lost 12 pounds by then! Next stop, Turbo Fire....

    Any suggestions for milk production/working out/eating right. I'm going to start a protein shake meal supplement for all 3 of those purposes! Optimum Nutrition Natural Oat and Whey milk chocolate. That way I can add a little decaf coffee and trade in my frappaccino pregnancy cravings for some healthy stuff.

    Good luck to all the mommies!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    well hello ladies im making the jump to here. I was so blessed to give birth to my lil one on may 22 2011 at 7:50am.. she currently is 7lb 9oz.. so ill be doing my weigh ins starting soon. just wanted to pop in and say hello

    this is alison

    Adorable, we had lots of the monkey stuff too... I LOVE it
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    New here. Had my son by emergency c-section on March 13th (10 weeks old). Love him to death! I'm curious, any other C-section survivors out there?

    Started Jillian Michael's 30-day shred and hope I can fit into this bridesmaids dress by July 23! I'm hoping to have lost 12 pounds by then! Next stop, Turbo Fire....

    Any suggestions for milk production/working out/eating right. I'm going to start a protein shake meal supplement for all 3 of those purposes! Optimum Nutrition Natural Oat and Whey milk chocolate. That way I can add a little decaf coffee and trade in my frappaccino pregnancy cravings for some healthy stuff.

    Good luck to all the mommies!

    Welcome, I do not give up anything. Not sure if its good or bad but I eat what I want and just stay in my calories. The only thing I can think of is to make sure you add the breastfeeding calories to your food journal so you eat those calories back. I have my cup of coffee every morning and my diet coke at dinner. I definately need some caffeine in my life
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    well slow start wanted to be at more of a loss.. but its been 3 days since alison has come into our lives and im down i think 7-9 lbs.. in a 9 pant vs a 11. i still have the odd looking tummy thing
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Do lots of breast feeding, ur uterus will contract back faster. U should feel period cramp sensation when ur feeding until it goes back down.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Really hoping to break through and atleast hit 219 tomorrow when I weigh in. I am so done with the 220s
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    you can deff do it.. lol think pos!!!!
  • anonymia
    anonymia Posts: 3
    Hi all - I've read through this whole thread & figured it was time to jump in. I had my little guy a month ago; I was induced at 36 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia which, among other things, caused a massively ridiculous amount of fluid weight gain. Most of that has disappeared in the weeks after delivery and I'm pretty sure that sadly, everything left is actual weight that needs to be actively addressed.

    Pre-pregnancy I was maintaining fairly easily between 110 and 115 lbs (very small frame) by eating fairly healthy food and doing intensive pilates & ballet two to three times a week. I went up to 145 lbs or so by the beginning of the third trimester, and then the pre-eclampsia started and I gained literally 20 lbs in a week and a half. I weighed 171 when I was admitted (on the verge of hypertensive seizure) and was back down to 145 about 2 weeks post-delivery.

    I'm at 136 right now; I'd love to be the same size I was before the pregnancy adventure, but I'm trying to breastfeed as much as possible and really trying to increase my milk supply (doing combo of nursing & formula right now) and I don't want to accidentally reduce my milk by restricting calories too much. I'm also concerned about the possibility of releasing toxins into the milk that were previously stored in my lovely fat supplies if I lose weight too quickly - some people say this is totally a myth, others seem to swear it's true...I'd be interested to hear what you all think...

    I'm aiming for 1500 cals/day right now and have not been exercising (still recovering from that whole "giving birth" thing) but I know it's time to start again soon. I'm thinking of getting a Wii console & some exercise games - anyone had any luck with those?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have my cals set at 1 lb a week loss. To increase supply u can add pumping. between feedings. Check out they have lots of great info. EBF burns 500 cals a day so its a great incentive
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