Turbo Fire- august 15 starters

Hi all,

I'm officially starting turbo fire on Monday and wanted to start a group of you that were just starting off too!

This forum can be for us newbies but welcomes and advice of you TF pros out there!


  • OnCmommy
    OnCmommy Posts: 40
    I've downloaded TurboFire, but haven't even started it!! Maybe I'll start on the 15th with you :)
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    I got it a couple weeks ago, but haven't even looked at it!! Im with you! Let's get this party started!!!
  • calebespnsmommie
    calebespnsmommie Posts: 111 Member
    I would LOVE to do turbo fire but I dont have the money to buy it right now! :(
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I will be doing a modified hybrid of this and chalean extreme, so I'd love the support. Started yesterday and all I can say is thank goodness for the modifiers.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I am totally addicted to Turbo Fire, and I am a BB coach so I'd be happy to help and answer questions. Feel free to add me here or on FB at Beverly Lassiter.

    What time is it?????? Turbo time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm starting on Monday! I have done the Fire 30 yesterday and today. I'm so excited to start the program in full swing! I plan to do the "new to class" EZ 55 tomorrow just to make sure I have the hang of that one too. Is anyone planning to follow the 5 day inferno eating plan?
  • I bought my Turbo Fire 2 weeks ago and haven't started it yet, so I think Aug. 15th sounds like a great time to start! Count me in:)
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    I'm excited so many people are going to start Monday. I too did the 30 EZHITT workout today and will try and get all my "moves" somewhat mastered by Monday.

    I would like to do the Inferno, but I'm still nursing and can't be that low on calories...I'm eating very clean and subbing a meal with a 100% natural protein shake instead of shakeology - for cost purposes. I hope that my eating cleaner (no red meats or dairy) will also help in my weight loss.

    Recently I did a juice cleanse which was great and kick started my weight loss again.

    Looking to drop another 25-30 pounds. Can't wait to check in with you ladies!

    Do we want to make a weigh in day of the week? Maybe Sundays?
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    I am totally addicted to Turbo Fire, and I am a BB coach so I'd be happy to help and answer questions. Feel free to add me here or on FB at Beverly Lassiter.

    What time is it?????? Turbo time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quick question...did it take you more than one time through the video to get the moves? I have done the "New to Class" but still feel uncoordinated. How do you keep going if you're confused about moves? Pause and Rewind?
  • Everyone ready to start the challenge tomorrow??? I am so excited to get going!:)
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    Woohoo! Me! I'm ready! Up early to kick this things butt!
  • I started doing the prep two weeks ago but it's just not enough for me so today I decided to start on the regular schedule. Fire 30 here we go!!!
  • I will start with you all Monday as well!!
  • Woot Woot! I finished fire 30!!! Man I completely forgot how tough that can get! I'm motivated to push harder though! I've been slacking and I need to kick my butt up!
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    Just fInished fire 30 and I feel muchore comfortable with the moves now! Great job everyone! My little one enjoyed watching Chalene haha because she was so energetic!
  • Finished HIIT 15 today. Didn't do stretch 10 as my little boy was pleading for attention once I was done with HIIT 15. I love HIIT workouts!!! have only done 15 and 20 (or 25?) but I love them already.
  • I haven't done a HIIT workout yet. Do you suggest doing the "new to class" first or is it pretty easy to follow?
  • Also, how do you all track the turbo fire workouts in your diary? I have been tracking it as kickboxing (turbo jam) but I don't know if that is completely accurate.
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    I want to join you guys. I was definately going to start yesterday but had a late day at work :( Since there is a break day on Wednesday I'll just be a day behind you guys until then. Glad to finally have others doing the same workout! I have started and stopped Turbo Fire so many times and have never gone past week 1 :(. Soooo, I will be doing Fire 30 today and HIIT 15 tomorrow instead of breaking.
  • I've had this for awhile as well and would love to join.. I didn't start yesterday since I just saw this today. I did Zumba for an hour yesterday. I will do Fire 30 and Hiit 15 today to catch up. Looking forward to following through the 20 week plan of Turbo Fire!