Turbo Fire- august 15 starters



  • I'm switching the plan up! I'm going to move the Friday workouts to Wednesday and use Friday as my rest day. I think it will help me stick with the 90 day plan! So far so good....how is everyone feeling?
  • I haven't done a HIIT workout yet. Do you suggest doing the "new to class" first or is it pretty easy to follow?

    HIIT classes are pretty easy to follow. She goes through the steps first before you start, and the drills are repeated 2-3 times during the whole workout so you'll have time to be familiar with them. :)
  • I want to join you guys. I was definately going to start yesterday but had a late day at work :( Since there is a break day on Wednesday I'll just be a day behind you guys until then. Glad to finally have others doing the same workout! I have started and stopped Turbo Fire so many times and have never gone past week 1 :(. Soooo, I will be doing Fire 30 today and HIIT 15 tomorrow instead of breaking.

    I quit after week one last month too, but we can do this together!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I <3 turbofire too.

    HIIT's are my fav. Today I did the upper20 class and my arms are still burning.

    Charlene rocks!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    I would love to join. Me and a group of my friends just started our turbo fire wednesday when our children started back to school . We all love it so far!
  • I just started on August 15th. So happy I found this group. I'm loving Turbo Fire so far! I'm in!
  • Hi everyone! Just checking in on the group! I wasn't able to do FIRE 55 EZ yesterday so I did it this morning. Totally kicked my butt. I gave up after 40 minutes, but hey, I burned 578 calories!!! That's more than a healthy meal right there!
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    I've downloaded TurboFire, but haven't even started it!! Maybe I'll start on the 15th with you :)

    you DOWNLOADED it? how? where?
  • Week 2 starts today!!! I hope everyone is still hanging in there :) 2 HIIT workouts this week...YIKES!!!
  • Hello everyone! Nancy again checking in on our progress! I skipped TWO workouts, friday and monday, so today I will do two workouts (CORE 20 and STRETCH 40) and FIRE 45. I am kinda nervous and don't know what to expect with fire 45. I had a hard time with fire 55 EZ, but I'll do what I can. :)
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    Hey everyone! So glad to connect with so many people doing this TF thing! :) I skipped Sunday's workout due to the far that BF my little one and working and getting little sleep because of teething...I just didn't have the energy and I didn't want to get sick. That always happens to me when I push beyond the tired zone, so....I just took it easy and went for a long walk instead. Not the same, but I was back strong yesterday.

    Completed Fire 45 (woo that one is intense!) and am looking forward to HIIT 20 today.

    Weighed in yesterday and no weight lost, but not worried. Just pushing forward to see these results. I think my shoulders are already starting to look more defined.

    Enough about me! :) How is everyone's week going so far?
  • I use a "slimmer belt" I bought at Target for around $10 when i do Turbo Fire. I sweat soooo much more with this on. I definitely recommend it :) Just thought I would throw that out there!
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    Ok, So far we are all loving our turbo fire here and we are mixing it with insanity also. Along with Bob Harpers 15 minute Yoga abs and Zumba abs. our workouts last between 60 and 90 minutes and by the end of them we are completely soaked!
  • Well, guess what I found out last Friday? I will be following Allee with the low impact version of TF. 9 months of low impact TF and NO insanity after I finish this workout, but I will keep on pressing play. :) It's all for the baby and my health. :)
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    How is everyone doing? We're starting week 3 this week! I hope you're doing great. I've skipped a workout or two due to lack of sleep and a teething 5 month old. But, I try supplementing that walking a couple miles to a least get some burn on the days I'm not working out hard. Might just extend the 15-20 weeks by a week to make up for a missed day here and there.

    So far, I'm down another lb this week. I can tell a difference in my stomach and even squeezed into a pair of regular jeans that I had...first time I've done this since I had my little one. Woohoo! :)

    How are your goals? Anyone need encouragement?
  • lmarcia
    lmarcia Posts: 27
    nwilliams29 are you pregnant??
  • I have still been doing turbo fire even though I haven't been logging on consistently. It is getting tougher to keep up with the workouts since the school year has begun. I have had to do two videos a few days a week to keep up and that has been really hard. My legs are constantly sore. I have been hoping for better results (weight loss) but I'm still feeling better so I can't complain too much.

    How is everyone else doing???

    Congrats on your continued weight loss lmarcia!!!