

  • I am 5"3", 140 lbs and wear 4-6.
  • It doesn't matter. Most health magazines advise not to eat late at night because that is when a lot of people tend to do a lot of mindless snacking. Your body will burn the calories any time of the day. It is advised that it is good to have a 12 hour period where you do not eat. So if you eat at 8 at night, then breakfast…
  • My theory is, if you sweat while doing it then you can count it as exercise.
  • I love my spin class and I do zumba on the wii. They are both great. I go to a gym with Les Mills products and I would pay extra for the body pump(weightlifting class) and body attack( high impact cardio). Good luck with the search!
  • I have the same problem. I have started training myself not to snack after supper. If I have to have something I will sip on a cup of hot tea or decaf coffee.
  • First of all, don't beat yourself up. You are not a failure. The way you go back to the gym, is start thinking positive thoughts. You can do this and it will be great for you. I know what you are going through. A couple years ago I was very fit and was doing boot camps continously. Since then I gained 40 lbs and was way…
  • zumba is great and you can get the videos or if you have a wii you can get the zumba game. If you are going to a gym with les mills, you might try some strength training. I switch things up with body pump, body combat, and body attack. The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn.
  • When I lose the first 5 lbs, I am buying new tennis shoes. After the first 20 I am buying a pair of jeans I have been really wanting.
  • Most of the time it means that your shoes don't fit properly. Are they tied to tight? Are they too big or too small? It is crazy how shoes can make a difference in your run, but they really can.
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