What time do you stop eating?

yonce20 Posts: 11 Member
I have heard so many rules regarding eating at night (don't eat past 7pm, don't eat 2 hours before you go to bed, etc).

The latest one I heard is no carbs past 7pm. I'm struggling with this because by the time I get home, cook dinner and eat, its around 8:30pm or 9pm. Any advice/tips on this?

Thanks guys!


  • wanttogetskinny
    I don't eat after I've had my dinner (ie: no snacking). When I have dinner ranges from 5-8pm.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    I just try not to eat anything heavy 2 hours before I go to bed.
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    In the end it's only how much you eat calorie wise that will make a difference. Some days I eat before 8pm other days I have dinner at like 11pm. Hasn't made any difference for me. In the end do what works for you :smile:
  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    In the end it's only how much you eat calorie wise that will make a difference. Some days I eat before 8pm other days I have dinner at like 11pm. Hasn't made any difference for me. In the end do what works for you :smile:

  • adventuring
    adventuring Posts: 178
    I read it doesn't matter when you eat in relation to when you sleep. Your body can't tell.
  • noelheart
    noelheart Posts: 60
    usually, I stop eating after 7pm, but sometimes i can't help eating some snacks
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I don't snack after dinner--whenever that happens to be. A good dinner should be enough to last until breakfast, but I know a lot of people snack out of habit either while doing something in the evening or a holdover from snack before bed as a kid.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I stop at dinner, which is usually around 6:30. But, sometimes I'll eat dinner at 8 after my workout. And occasionally I'll have a small post-workout snack..
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When I go to bed. I've read many things that say the whole time of day thing is pretty much B.S.
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
    Plan your meals. I have an erratic schedule but I plan my meals and eat them when my schedule allows. I pay no attention to time just plan to have my carbs earlier in the day, for energy. I usually don't eat dinner til 8:30 either. I just make sure that I plan my meals. Time is subject to each person and the schedule you keep will be different from the next guy. The wonderful thing about dieting that there isn't just one way to do it. Cater yours to you. Hope this is helpful
  • jenannroberts
    It doesn't matter. Most health magazines advise not to eat late at night because that is when a lot of people tend to do a lot of mindless snacking. Your body will burn the calories any time of the day. It is advised that it is good to have a 12 hour period where you do not eat. So if you eat at 8 at night, then breakfast would be eaten at 8 in the morning. This is only because it takes 12 hours for your body to fully digest your food. This doesn't have anything to do with weight lose or calories burned, it is only a suggestion.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Sometimes I'm still chewing as I trudge up the stairs to go to bed well after midnight. :)
  • beedo30
    beedo30 Posts: 186
    When I go to bed. I've read many things that say the whole time of day thing is pretty much B.S.
    Agreed, if I am hungry and it fit within my macros for the day I EAT. I work second shift and get home at 12:45 am and I will eat something light and maybe have a protein shake if I have a few calories left. If I am hungry and have no calories left I will eat baby carrots and then go to sleep. I sometimes wake up at 3-4 in the morning and make a shake cause im hungry, so for ME it doest matter.
  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    In the end it's only how much you eat calorie wise that will make a difference. Some days I eat before 8pm other days I have dinner at like 11pm. Hasn't made any difference for me. In the end do what works for you :smile:

  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    it depends on how you spread out your calories, ideally eating every 3-4 hours...some serious body builders have an alarm set to wake up in the middle of the night to get their meal in. it depends on how you have eaten all day long. if you spread your calories out and it is a deficient to loose weight, eating before bed wont matter.
  • yonce20
    yonce20 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks guys - this is super helpful.

    I always thought that it wasn't good to eat so close to bedtime so this advice is very interesting. I sometimes feel eating dinner and then going to bed close afterwards makes me extra sluggish in the morning, but I guess that is my own body's reaction.
  • mackenziestack
    I don't eat after 7
    Mainly because I am the biggest mindless eater and I tend to mindless eat more in the night. I think eating meals is fine if you come home from work late or forgot dinner. I even use to wake up at 3 a.m and eat so this is a way to remind myself that I'm not actually hungry.
  • Rexrabbit
    Rexrabbit Posts: 3
    I've been using a strategy of waiting until shortly before bed to have a snack of 50-150 or so calories. It makes it easier to refrain from excessive (non-hunger-based) snacking earlier in the evening and gives me something to look forward to. (I eat dinner very early - sometimes as early as 4 or 4:30 p.m. - so sometimes I do have to snack earlier because I get quite hungry.)

    In general, I like to spread my calories out over the course of the day, and keep calorie consumption at any given time to a moderate level.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    i really wish i knew the answer to this question, especially because i work odd hours, that rotate. so hard to maintain a set schedule for sleep and eating let alone exercising. i try not to eat when i am working a mid-shift, so i can train my tummy not to desire food during normal sleep hours.
  • nguyenedward
    nguyenedward Posts: 54 Member
    I don't have a time when I stop eating. I used to not eat after 7:00 PM. However, I noticed that it did not affect results on when you stop eating. I sometimes have a snack after dinner at around midnight too. As long as you have enough macro's that you need, you can eat all you want at night and still get results.