Nighttime Eating

I doubt I'm the only one, but I have this comforting habit of eating RIGHT before bed. Typically, it's a bowl of cereal or another carb-packed, breakfast-like food. I guess I could probably switch the type of foods that I am eating...But I was wondering if anyone else overcame this.



  • yukiokudasai
    I am the same way. I have forced myself not to eat anything before bed for the last couple of weeks and it is getting easier. I have been doing my best to not eat and go to sleep. That should help as well. I hope this helps some.
  • jenannroberts
    I have the same problem. I have started training myself not to snack after supper. If I have to have something I will sip on a cup of hot tea or decaf coffee.
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    My weakest moment is when I get in from work- about 4.30pm and I ALWAYS hit the sugary cereal or sit white knuckled trying to stay away from it!! Its a sugar crash I think as a handful is enough to make me feel better? Maybel allocate something to have just before bed- like a small bowl of cereal or a ceral bar. That way you wont feel guilty and will work it into your allowance for the day rather than go over.
  • cassandraemily
    I have the same struggle. I crave a nice bowl of Kashi cereal almost every single night before bed... so I opted for some fresh organic strawberries instead. You could have any other low carb fruit. Strawberries are one of the lowest, and it will get that sweet in (even if you add a little splenda on top) at least you won't be eating a heaping bowl of carbs & crap before bed!
  • cassandraemily
    Also another great little snack, *in the day if you are craving sugar* that is really balanced is ZONE perfect bars. They are snack size 200 cals, have 7 g of Fat, 18 g of Carb, and 15 g of Protein. These are nice and filling.. They are all natural too!
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    If you're going to eat right before bed, go for cottage cheese or yogurt(Greek is best). Both contain casein protein(it'll feed your muscles while you sleep) and are low in fat/calories. Cereal isn't terrible before bed either. Just try and stay away from the sugary stuff.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    I was the same as you, only it was worse... Biscuits, chocolates. Chips. Anything I could lay my hands on. I now try to end my day with a herbal tea. It's quite chilly where I am (Sydney, Australia) at the moment and it's amazing how comforting it is as a pre bed "snack". Don't know if it will work for summer...
  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    I don't eat right before bed, but every time after dinner I want something sweet, and then one sweet turns into another, and another, etc.

    Recently I've tried eating fruit if I feel like a little something extra, but I've only been consistent this past week...