i used to love setting mini-goals for myself and then rewarding myself with something for each one :)

i think once i lose 15 lbs (200) then i'll buy myself a cute new keychain (i need to reorganize my keys BADLY)

anyone else have any minigoals/rewards?


  • karlajohnson123
    karlajohnson123 Posts: 86 Member
    I teach first grade and go back to work for Preplanning 3 weeks from today. I told myself this morning that I at least want to be down 6 more pounds by then. That is only 2 pounds a week which seems do-able. But, then I got sidetracked this week with the holiday so who knows?!
    My Goal if I do is to buy me some new sunglasses. My long term goal of 100 pounds by next summer is an Alaskan cruise And I better make that considering I have already booked it.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I just gave myself my first reward. I promised me that after I got solidly into the 160's, I'd get my hair done. I hadn't had a haircut in years (literally; I had really long hair). I am definitely well into the 160's, and I felt euphoric yesterday because I got weighed and measured, so I went to the salon and got my hair cut. :)

    I think the next thing will be a massage when I reach my goal. I'm down 40 pounds total, and I have about 30-35 more I'd like to lose.
  • priescm
    priescm Posts: 95
    My current mini goal/reward is losing 10lbs so I can get my hair done! I told myself that when I lose 10lbs, I can go get my hair cut and colored. :)
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    I used to spend about $15 per week eating out, so I've been setting that aside and use it to buy myself little rewards. The next reward is a few pairs of sleeve clips for my t-shirts while I play volleyball and a pair of nice gloves for bike riding purposes. I don't have a particular weight loss goal, I'll probably go after another 7 pounds or so, I figure if I don't spend the money that I usually do eating out then that's half the battle!
  • Mrs_Hull
    Mrs_Hull Posts: 25 Member
    Once I lose my first five pounds, I'm going to get my brows done. I let them go during my busy spring and now they badly need to be reshaped.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Once I get to my goal....which is 20 pounds away..I'm going shopping for some CUTE new clothes!!! :D
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    Having the body and the skills is my only reward...... Is that lame?!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i always make mini goals/rewards for myself!! :)

    right now - my ultimate goal when I reach a certain percentage of body fat, I am going skydiving!! :)

    and non-fitness related = when I graduate college, i'm getting my new tat :)
  • jenannroberts
    When I lose the first 5 lbs, I am buying new tennis shoes. After the first 20 I am buying a pair of jeans I have been really wanting.
  • sweepeas
    sweepeas Posts: 4 Member
    The best reward is LINGERIE <3