gym classes versus workout dvds

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
I have done almost all workout dvds along with running outside and some treadmill work. I am thinking about possibly taking some exercise classes at my gym to remotivate me (sinus issues have drained some desire for working out). I was thinking maybe spinning and Zumba, if I can find a gym that offers both. What are your thoughts? Are there classes that you just love, that you look forward to weekly, that you'd pay $20/month to do?

I kind of thought that if I had to pay for the classes and if others were expecting to see me there, that I would be more likely to go. Plus, I may eventually get certified to teach Turbo Kick, and if I am already working out at a gym, there might be a chance that they'll hire me to teach too.


  • jenannroberts
    I love my spin class and I do zumba on the wii. They are both great. I go to a gym with Les Mills products and I would pay extra for the body pump(weightlifting class) and body attack( high impact cardio). Good luck with the search!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was personally a big fan of Zumba class, it was only once a week and it cost me around $5 a class to go, so it got me there every week no matter what mood I was in. I had a great time and it was nice having other people around. Since I joined a gym in January, I haven't really tried out the classes there. They're offered at 5:30 and 6:30 and I tend to get to the gym around 5:45-6, so they just don't fit into my schedule.

    But perhaps find a gym that includes classes in the price of their membership. Usually you can get a 7 day trial and you can check out the classes first before you commit. I tried spinning at my gym and it wasn't for me, I couldn't sit down for days! hahaha
  • opher
    opher Posts: 19
    There are pros and cons to both. I like the flexibility and hassle-freedom of at-home workouts, and I do it with my wife or son to stay motivated. If they're not there, I work on myself as needed to get the workout in. I also like the fact that if I don't feel like doing the scheduled workout I can simply do something else like biking, racquetball, soccer or whatever.

    Gym classes are more structured, and the instructor is there (if s/he's good) to correct wrong posture and/or technique. There is also, as you said, the matter of having skin in the game in the sense that you already paid for it so you're going to want to get something out of it.

    Bottom line is that either one works as long as you stick with it and do it right. The only question is which one is more likely to have you doing that.
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    I love all of the classes apart from spin! :) Anything dancy! I went to spin a few years back and it nearly killed me, although I am going to join a beginners spin class, to see if I can work up to actually survive a normal spin class!

    You're right though, when I joined aerobics and paid weekly, I didn't want to miss a week ever!!!

    Zumba is an excellent class as well! I went for the first time last week and loved it! :)
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have Zumba DVD's but theya re not the same as being there. It works my butt off...

    *looks around to make sure no one is looking* I used to pay 29.99 to go to Zumba at Gold's....
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    I just signed up for a gym ($35/month) just to go to the classes. I take spinning, body pump, Total Body Conditioning, Yoga, and Turbo Kick. I love all the classes! it feels great to be able to get out of the house and i dont feel like i am wasting $35 at all. i say go for it.
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I love going to Zumba classes. The quality of the instructor makes a HUGE difference. I've gone to classes where I barely broke a sweat and others that I'm dripping 15 mins in. So just keep that in mind! I pay $29.95/month for my gym membership which includes unlimited classes. It's worth every penny in my opinion. My husband has a membership there as well so for both of us it's about 60/month. We both go to the gym 4-5x a week each if not more so we're definitely getting our money's worth! Classes really get me into it and honestly it's just not the same if I'm working out at home. I have a ton of DVD's but I definitely prefer going to the gym, but everybody's different!
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    I think it's a matter of personal preference and responsibility. I belonged to a beautiful gym in my town for 3 years and I only actually went to it 12 times in all that time. So, at $1200 for the three years it cost me about $100 a visit, lol. Then, I started working out at home and found myself to be far more committed with absolutely no excuses or ways to back out.

    But, that's just me. It's different for everyone. Some people like the social aspect of going to the gym. For me, getting in the car and going there just gave me another reason to avoid it. Now, I work out at home, on my time, at my convenience and I never miss a workout.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I do both. I workout at home (started with Insanity, then ChaLEAN Extreme, RevAbs, Turbo Jam, and now Asylum). BUT, I'm also a big advocate of group fitness. I do Turbo Kick, PiYo, and Boot Camps. Working out at home is great for my daily routine. But there's a social aspect of group fitness that's awesome. I would try and incorporate both into your routine.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I'm a big fan of gym classes. They do add accountability, especially once you become a "regular". I felt obligated to let two of my teachers know I'd be on vacation and miss class the week of the 4th. And it's nice because they change it up. I'm doing JM's 30-day shred right now, too, and I've only done two days, but I can tell it's going to start grating on me. Thank goodness there are three levels!

    Anyway, we pay $76 for a family membership at our YMCA, which includes the wellness center and all classes except yoga and pilates. It's a great deal, because there's child watch and a pool for the kids to enjoy indoors and out. It also allows me access to more weight training. I'd highly recommend it. The memberships are well worth it if you use them.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I love working out at my gym because they offer so many classes. My favorite is the Power class (60-minutes of weight lifting) and Zumba. I have worked out at home with the DVDs and just didn't feel that same exhiliration of working out with other people. I also feel obligated to go because I have become acquainted with other gym members who expect to see me in Zumba each week and it helps to keep me motivated. I say, whatever works for you.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    I like to do exercise classes at the gym because I'll definetly stick it out the whole hour or 90 minutes, whereas when I'm doing a workout video at home I find it is really easy to slack or quit because no one is there with you!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I enjoy doing both. During the week I go to the gym and. Take a variety of classes in addition to using the Cardio equipment. I don't work so for me it's an opportunity to get out of the house, connext with others. But I also like the variety iny workouts, the internal competition I have with people who I see doing something "better" than me- helps me challenge myself. Weekends I ususally do DVDS at home- Jillian Michaels, Leslie Sansone, and starting turbo fire. Don't like the crowded gym atmosphere on weekends and want to be in the groove of working out at home in case of car problems, bad weather, kid issues. Don't want those things to be an excuse to not work out.

    I struggle with my eating habits but I am 100% committed to my workouts so will do anything/go anywhere to keep my motivation/ interest.
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    I adore Zumba (which is why I teach it now) and also really love to go to spin classes when I get a chance. I love the variety that live classes offer and the social aspect. But, I'm also bad at doing stuff at home. It's just to easy to find excuses to do other things.