shannp Member


  • MINI CHALLENGE DATE: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Logged food: Yes Under calories: Yes Exercised: Yes - 30mins walking not really able to do very much exercise as I have just found out I have a stress fracture in my foot from a car accident 8 weeks ago :-(
  • MINI CHALLENGE DATE: Sunday, December 10, 2018 Logged food: Yes Under calories: Yes Exercised: Yes - 1 hour of pilates
  • MINI CHALLENGE DATE: Sunday, December 9, 2018 Logged food: Yes Under calories: Yes Exercised: Yes - 2 hours gardening
  • Username: Shannp Weigh in week: December wk2 Weigh in day: Monday Previous Week's weight: 114.5kg Todays Weight: 113.9kg Only a small loss this week but it is a loss :-)
  • Thank you. Just to clarify though, my weight is in kilos not punds - sorry dont have scales here that are in imperial. is that going to be an issue?
  • Username: Shannp Weigh in week: December wk1 Weigh in day: Monday Previous Week's weight: 116.4 Todays Weight: 114.5 Hope i have done this right
  • W = 116.1kg GW = 85kg Day/Weight/Comment 11/24 11/25 11/26 - Received approval from Physio and Doctor to start light exercise after car accident 11/27 - 116.1 No exercise today as one thing led to another and time just got away from me. There will be no excuses tomorrow. Aiming to ride pushbike for 30mins a day 11/28…
  • W = 116.1kg GW = 85kg Day/Weight/Comment 11/24 11/25 11/26 - Received approval from Physio and Doctor to start light exercise after car accident 11/27 - 116.1 No exercise today as one thing led to another and time just got away from me. There will be no excuses tomorrow. Aiming to ride pushbike for 30mins a day 11/28…
  • Hi All So just curious as I am in Australia, if the Weigh-ins close at 11:59 pm EST on Saturdays - what time will that be for me here? Just dont want to miss the deadline and let the team down :-)
  • Ive joined the group and posted my starting weight
  • I would like to join the challenge please. User Name: Shannp Start Weight: 116kg Weigh In Day: Monday
  • SW = 116.1kg GW = 85kg Day/Weight/Comment 11/24 11/25 11/26 - Received approval from Physio and Doctor to start light exercise after car accident 11/27 - 116.1 No exercise today as one thing led to another and time just got away from me. There will be no excuses tomorrow. Aiming to ride pushbike for 30mins a day 11/28 -…
  • Hello to everyone...especially fellow Aussies. I am in Perth - where is everyone else residing? oh and good luck with your journey :)
  • Well you really think eating nothing but celery and a little bit of chicken for a whole week is the healthiest way to lose weight. If you are serious about losing the weight and keeping it off, forget about these silly quick weight loss schemes and do it the right way. Otherwise you will only put the weight…
    in Celery Diet Comment by shannp May 2012
  • I was pretty happy with April even though I have been unable to complete the cto5k due to stupid shin splints. However my goals for the month are: * 1 rest day from exercise per week * Cardio workout every other day for at least an hour (min 500 calories per workout) * Aim for 4 lots of Jacobs Ladder (242 steps each way;…
  • I am in (sorry my goals are in Kgs not pounds) SW 78.8kg (174) CW 76.2kg (168) - as of 30/4 (I weigh in every Monday) GW 72.2kg (159) as at last weigh in on Monday 28th May UTG: 60kg (132)
  • I was pretty happy with April even though I have been unable to complete the cto5k due to stupid shin splints. However my goals for the month are: * 1 rest day from exercise per week * Cardio workout every other day for at least an hour (min 500 calories per workout) * Aim for 4 lots of Jacobs Ladder (242 steps each way;…
  • I say everything in Moderation and you will have more success changing your habits than if you deny yourself any treats whatsoever. I still enjoy my 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks a day, or that packet of crisps if I want. Do deny yourself all your favourite things as this will just lead to binging.
  • I would suggest drinking more water during your workout - not just before and after. Also eat what you like if it makes you feel better. At the end of the day everything you eat goes towards your total intake. However, the headaches do persist, I would strongly recommend you see your GP as there could be an underlying…
  • After smoking for 23 years, I finally quit in April 2011 and haven't looked back. I found that for 6 months after quitting I needed to take phenergen (antihistamine) as I too had flu like symptoms. I went to the doctor who advised that when some ppl quit smoking their airways can become quite sensitive to everyday stuff…
  • I am from Perth, Western Australia. Doesnt look to be too many more people that I can find that are from Perth.
  • I will be in for soon as I can figure out the conversion rate between pounds and kiols (sorry we use the metric system here in Australia) :) If my calculations are correct, I weigh 177 pounds (or approx 80kg). Goal weight is 132 Pounds (or approx 60 kg)
  • I am quite sure I drink enough water each day (2.5 to 3L)...although I would be interested to hear what your plan is :)
  • Have you thought of getting a personal trainer for a while too? I go to gym and do my own workouts, but find when I see my PT once a week, he pushes me further than I thought I could go. This then keeps me motivated for the next week until I see him again :)
  • Maybe set yourself bigger and harder targets to achieve when using the cardio equipment. If that doesnt help, then maybe look at doing a Pump Class which will improve your strength and cardio at the same time. Zumba is also a great way to burn those calories. Might suggest even finding a friend to workout with as that…
  • Good Morning. As others have already said, stop thinking of this as a diet and more a lifestyle change. The changes you make to your food and exercise need to be sustainable long term to ensure that once you have lost the weight you never put it back on. I have never been one for exercise in the past, but unfortunately age…
  • I started drinking Oolong tea. It is great for circulation and increase in metabolism
  • Without being able to see your food diary it is a bit hard to guess. But as most have already said, keep an eye on your sodium intake. Also ensure that you are not have too many (if any) carbs for dinner - best to have your cabs for breakfast and lunch so that you still have time to burn it off rather than it sitting in…