Headaches after Exercising

I just recently started working out in the morning, and I love having the extra time. However, after I finish, I've been getting really bad headaches. I eat a few pretzels and drink about 3 oz of water before, and I try to drink a lot after, but I still don't feel good. Has anyone had this happen to them and knows what it could be?


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i think you should be drinking much much more than that. and eating a salty pretzel sounds counterproductive.
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 172 Member
    I probably should drink more beforehand...the problem is I'm afraid if I drink anymore I'll get cramps while I'm working out.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I probably should drink more beforehand...the problem is I'm afraid if I drink anymore I'll get cramps while I'm working out.

    I stay hydrated and I don't get cramps.....:ohwell:
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    headaches usually mean you are dehydrated...I agree with the other posters try drinking 8 oz of water two hours before workout..and another 8 oz an hour before workout...and sip 8 oz during workout.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I get cramps if I eat right before I work out, but not if I drink water. I try to have a full 12 oz glass of water before I start and take a little here and there throughout. I have made the mistake of skimping on the water before a workout and have ended up with a headache as well
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Exertion headaches, dehydration, blood pressure and/or electrolyte related, it could be anything really. I would see a doctor about it.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    What are you doing for workouts? I often get headaches after exercising, but I know it's because I try to read a magazine while I'm on the elliptical/treadmill (it's the only thing that makes the time pass quicker, plus looking at perfect, airbrushed bodies provides motivation). It's like the type of motion sickness I get if I try to read in the car, but without the pukes.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I totally understand not wanting to drink a bunch of water right before an AM workout. I combat this by drinking a TON of water the night before (about an hour before bedtime start drinking, that way you won't be up all night peeing). Also when I workout in the morning the first thing I do when I wake up is drink a small cup of coffee and a big glass of water, then get ready. By the time I'm ready to leave the house about 15 minutes later the liquid has settled. Also it sounds obvious, but maybe try going to be a bit earlier. Your body is probably just adjusting to the new schedule and the headaches will pass after a few weeks. Stick with it.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    headaches usually mean you are dehydrated...I agree with the other posters try drinking 8 oz of water two hours before workout..and another 8 oz an hour before workout...and sip 8 oz during workout.

    So if you are working out at 6am how do you drink 8oz 2 hours before?????????? And another 8oz an hour before?????????? Really?? :noway:
  • margaretmillen
    you're most likely dehydrated and need to drink more water before and after working also throughout the day. Dehydration is one of the biggest reasons people get headaches.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I get migraines when I work out....all 3 times a year. I have no idea what causes them. Now I'm trying to hang with the old bitties in the water aerobics class, I've only gone to one class so far, but I felt fine afterward.
  • edmercdeleted
    ...eating a salty pretzel sounds counterproductive.

    Not at all. Salt makes your body RETAIN water. The very thing drinking more water is trying help the body do. Retain water. That's why all the sports drinks have at least one thing in common... SALT.

    DISCLAIMER: This could be a medical issue. Please contact a physician for a professional assessment.

    My guess is it's from lack of oxygen.

    If you are new to working out, your cardiovascular demand is probably more that what your are able to sustain. This could lead to things like dizziness (that's me), nausea, and headaches. As you get fitter the headaches should become less of an issue.

    In the meantime, you could try dialing it back a bit and finding an intensity level that still gives you a benefit, but keeps you safe and healthy too.

    Good luck,
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    headaches usually mean you are dehydrated...I agree with the other posters try drinking 8 oz of water two hours before workout..and another 8 oz an hour before workout...and sip 8 oz during workout.

    So if you are working out at 6am how do you drink 8oz 2 hours before?????????? And another 8oz an hour before?????????? Really?? :noway:

    That's easy you drink before you go work out and then some while working out...did you read the original post...Eating pretzels and such...I don't eat anything before my workouts in the AM, because I am very big on glycogen levels and using my fat as calories I burn....I only have water for morning workouts...but mind you I work out twice a day and my body is use to this
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 172 Member
    thanks everyone! yeah i'm thinking i'm just not drinking enough. i am going to try to drink a little more and see if it helps. and about the pretzels...i have a pretty weak stomach, so i can't really eat that much before working out. not much tastes good to me in the morning, but i'm afraid of fainting, so i try to at least eat something small.
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    I would suggest drinking more water during your workout - not just before and after. Also eat what you like if it makes you feel better. At the end of the day everything you eat goes towards your total intake.

    However, the headaches do persist, I would strongly recommend you see your GP as there could be an underlying medical reason that should not be left untreated :)

    Good Luck :)
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    I drink a minimum of 2 ltrs of water per day (67.62 oz)
    It took me awhile to adjust to this amount and build it up and keep it consistent but I find it easy now, the only days I don't end up drinking as much is generally on the weekends..

    Your body should never feel thirsty during exercise if you are well hydrated. I can do a hard workout and not feel the urge to drink.. I'll just take a tiny sip with all the others and thats it..

    Try increasing your water intake as it will really help you.. With my early morning workouts a glass in the hour beforehand is enough :-)