1st May! New Month, New Start! What are your May goals?



  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member
    my goals are:

    follow my 10km running plan....properly....running season starts in june so i wanna bag some new PB's at the events
    less alcohol
    less junk
    lose 4 more pounds!
  • kacia1976
    kacia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    log every day, even if I go over calorie goal
    drink all my water
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Diet Goals:

    -Whole Grain Bread/Rice/Pasta/Tortillas
    -Salmon/Fish (including raw)
    -Natural Peanut Butter
    -Milk (soy, nonfat, and 1%)
    -Greek Yogurt
    -Protein Supplements!
    -Daily Vitamins!!!
    ^ other essentials may be added to this list, but of course. This is just a basic outline of things I would like to get more of into my diet... specifically lean meat and protein!!! I also would like to lower my sugar intake this month!!!

    Basic Exercise Plan:

    Mondays (apx 2 hours 45 minutes)
    -60+ min Treadmill - Incline Walking at 12% or higher
    -70+ min Elliptical Trainer at Level 6 or higher
    -20-30 min Stretch

    Tuesdays (apx 3 hours 30 minutes)
    -55 min Yoga
    -45-70 min Elliptical Trainer Level 6 or higher -or- Incline Walking
    -30-60 min Strength Training
    -20 min Stretch

    Wednesdays (apx 3 hours)
    -120+ min Jogging / Walking outdoors
    -30 min Stretch
    -20-30 min Calisthenics (pushups, situps, leg lifts, plank, etc. at home)

    Thursdays (apx 3 hours 30 minutes)
    -55 min Yoga
    -45-70 min Elliptical -or- Incline Walking
    -30-60 min Strength Training
    -20 min Stretch

    Fridays (apx 2 hours -or- 3 hours)
    -60 min Yoga
    -45 min Incline Walk
    (Optional- 70 min Elliptical or Running outside if I have Energy to burn and Time to kill!)

    Saturdays (apx 3 hours)
    -30-60 min Strength Training
    -45 min Incline Walking
    -20 min Cybex Trainer
    -30 min Elliptical Trainer
    -30 min Stretch

    ***REST DAY***
    -Possibly an hour walk with my pup around town. ;)

    - Burn 40,000+ Calories in the month of MAY!
    - Start trying new classes at the gym (ie: ZUMBA and Cardio Kickboxing!)
    - Try to make it through INSANITY!
    (^the above two in place of other exercises during the week, of course!)
    -Focus on losing INCHES and BUILDING MUSCLE!!! Not on weight!
    -NO WEIGHING MYSELF UNTIL 5/30/2012!!!!!
    -Take DAILY photographs of my progress
    -Do not allow CHEAT DAYS to fall on Sundays (rest days) ... ;) (or try not to!)

    There we go. That's my May list. ;)
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 74 Member
    1. Increase activity days I don't go to the gym by
    a: riding my bike
    b: roller skating
    c: tennis or some other sport

    2. Get in the 160's!

    3. Try to be at or under my calorie goals at least 6/7 days of the week!
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    I want to exercise 5 days a week. Also, I am aiming for 8 pounds lost. That would put me well into the 230's! I havent seen those since before pregnancies!
  • Kadidio
    Kadidio Posts: 10 Member
    Keep training for my first 5k
    Up my cardio workouts to at least 5 times a week
    Keep eating vegetables especially at dinner
  • msharif71
    msharif71 Posts: 34 Member
    My goal is not to eat out all this month, my husband is notorious for procrastinating which thens leads us to eating out A LOT! :smile:
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    1. Add more leafy green vegetables to my diet
    2. lose 5 pounds
    3. try to like lifting weights a little more. It's effective, but oh how I hate it. :)
  • monica2434
    monica2434 Posts: 88 Member

    1. Lose 5 pounds
    2. NO candy or my fav chips (Ruffles)............that I somehow only can't resist when I'm at work.
    3. Drink atleast 1 gallon of H2O a day.

    Gook luck everyone...........WE CAN DO IT..................
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 273 Member
    i want to get going on this weight loss.
    i've had a downer last few months.
    but i kinda feel the motivation to start again.

    my main golas for may will be:

    one cheat day a week (most likely sundays which are my lazy laundry and relax days)
    weigh in every friday
    go to the gym ATLEAST 3 times a week, if not more but ATLEAST 3 times.
    workouts must be ATLEAST 45 mins of cardio.
    also, must have weight training in there.
    try to break even or be under my calorie goal.
    eat healthy food.
    drink only water !
  • leamj87
    leamj87 Posts: 20 Member
    I need to start focusing on balance. Too often I deliberately eat super lightly and miserably all day so that I can stop by the chinese food place for dinner and be under my calorie goal. That's okay once and awhile but this month is going to be focused on balance, and making sure each meal is worth putting in my body.
  • livefree1127
    livefree1127 Posts: 24 Member
    :love: :love: :love: This month I will exercise 3 times a week I will continue to eat more fruit and vegetables I will switch to more items that are fat free or reduced I will loose 5lbs
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    1. Get through weeks 5-9 of TurboFire
    2. Go harder
    3. Lose 5 pounds
    4. Allow a cheat meal once a week
    5. Buy myself a new pair of shoes to celebrate reaching my Day 60 of TurboFire goal
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    May Goals:
    1. Never eat over my calorie goal.
    2. Do an ab workout on each day I don't go to the gym.
    That's it:)
  • jessrect
    jessrect Posts: 21 Member
    Eat clean at least 80% of the time.
    Only have 1 glass of wine at my work events which seem to occurring at least once a week.
    Follow the 10 minute trainer workout plan.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    My goal for May is reach my fat loss goal of 184 lbs. I intend to do this by:

    *Reaching my macro nutrient goals
    *Eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts
    *Avoiding processed foods
    *Limiting dairy (I'm addicted to Chobani)
    *Continuing the cardio workouts
    *Incorporating more resistance training

    Looking forward to June when I will start concentrating on muscle tone and development after having reached my desired weight goal.
  • allipix711
    allipix711 Posts: 91
    1. Lose at least 6 lbs.
    2. Log all my food everyday.
    3. Controlled cheat day once a week.
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    I was pretty happy with April even though I have been unable to complete the cto5k due to stupid shin splints. However my goals for the month are:

    * 1 rest day from exercise per week
    * Cardio workout every other day for at least an hour (min 500 calories per workout)
    * Aim for 4 lots of Jacobs Ladder (242 steps each way; down and up equals 1 lot) - currently best I have been able to achieve is 3 lots
    *Complete a 4km walk/run on 27th May

    If I can do all of the above and continue to eat healthy, I am hoping to lose 4kgs in May (approx 8.81 pounds)
  • incendia3
    incendia3 Posts: 57 Member
    April had some good results, but I have a bad habit of getting on the scale every day. It hasn't really moved but I am getting smaller.

    1. To not step on the scale at all. I will weigh myself June 1st.
    2. Take measurements once a week. Goal is to lose 2 inches from my waist and 2 from my hips.
    3. Get as close to my protein goal as I can every day.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    1. increase water intake
    2. drop bf%
    3. take a sexy bikini pic by the last weekend of the month and post it to MFP
    4. no binge eating!
    5. get my abs where I want them to be (almost there!)
    6. spike day once a week (eat at maintanence cals, increase carbs)