

  • i've recently become the crockpot queen of soups and stews. (what can i throw in there today?!) I often have that for breakfast even though it's not a "breakfast" food.
  • I absolutely LOATHE every second of running. However, I LOVE competing in races (5k, 10k, half marathons, mudathlons) even if it's just to beat my past time. Also, the feeling I have after running is seriously better than an orgasm. Now that's motivation!
  • don't eat fast food. don't eat processed junk foods. don't dine out at all. don't drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day (red wine is best 5oz glass) if it tastes good spit it out, it will make you fat! well, we know that isn't exactly true...but some days i feel like it is!
    in hello Comment by Sk1nnyMoo August 2011
  • Guess that really depends on the types you're getting (protein powder shakes vs protein from meat vs vege protein). It shouldn't be an issue though. Just make sure you have enough fiber so you don't get stopped up!
    in Protien Comment by Sk1nnyMoo August 2011
  • I would find a running store in your area and have them fit you for what you need, then they should let you try running in several different brands before purchasing (i know Bob Roncker's Running Spot near me has a tredmill in their store and also will allow you to run down the street). I also hate Nike just because of the…
  • 2009 saturn vue. it makes me feel tall as i'm only 5'3"
  • eat before you go =o] then maybe have a vegetable as a side?
  • 1. Finding out the guy I thought I was dating is gay. He invited me over to meet his roommate...who is also his boyfriend. FML. 2. My sister isn't pregnant yet and I want a neice! 3. I still can't fit into my fav lil black dress. 4. After 5 days of work I still have to go in this Sat and Sun as well as next Sat. 5. I…
  • I agree, especially with height. I used to choose AE's "short" version and they would fit perfectly. Now if I get the short they're too short (high waters) and the regular are too long (I'm trampling the bottoms). I feel like all jeans are changing their sizing though. I guess I will choose when I reach my goal!
  • i like plain, nonfat greek yogurt.
  • there has been too much cookies, ice cream, and crackers on mine. but in a few weeks check out how much that changes as I'm going vegan for 35 days!
  • Your family doctor usually won't prescribe phentermine, as you should have checkups on the medication monthly to monitor your health. There are usually places that specialize just in phentermine programs, like figure weight loss. For your state I would just try google and see if you have any luck.
  • I'm pretty much in love with milk. Soy or cow. Haven't tried almond yet though. I prefer it to water in my protein shakes as well. It's not really about using the milk to lose fat, I just can't live without it. =o]
  • I currently have a higher body fat percentage so to lower that I'm striving for 30% carbs, 50% protein, 20% fat. At 1200 calories that's 90g carbs, 150g protein, 26g fat. When I kick into marathon training mode though I eat 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. At 1200 calories that's 120g carbs, 120g protein, 26g fat. It's a…
  • Cincinnati sure is hot so far this week. Any Cincy people interested in getting together for some running/jogging? I'm more for distance than speed. Running a 10-12 min mile.