

  • What's up ya'll!!! Sorry I haven't been online. Monday it took me 2 hours to make it into the office because of the weather and I actually left early as well to beat the sunset so I could see the roads. We had enough snow and ice that I tried to work from home Tuesday. Wednesday I was back in the office and had meetings…
  • Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I was super busy with work on Wednesday - Friday. I also went into the doctor on Friday for a second round of antibiotics for a sinus infection I've been fighting since Christmas. The meds he put me on are clearing up the infection but geez....they are making me nauseous. I…
  • Laceylala – I honestly wouldn’t know how to respond to that type of gift. I would seriously have to bite my tongue as to not say anything that would be offensive. I do like your being able to use it on those pesky guys. LOL! And congrats on the collarbones. That is awesome! Victoria – Well at least you redeemed the McD’s…
  • I believe tonight's episode is 2 hours so I was thinking about maybe breaking it down into 30 minute segments. So say for the first 30 minutes, you would do cardio during the commercials. The next 30 minutes you would do lower body (squats, lunges); the next 30 minutes you would do upper body; the last 30 minutes you would…
  • Well, I met my goals for yesterday. I only had 2 cups of coffee (that's a huge reduction for me) and I had one glass of decaf tea. I got all my water in yesterday and I came in under my calorie allotment for the day. YIPPEE! I'm higher than where I want to be with breakfast this morning. I'll just have to adjust my…
  • I would love to work less hours, but unfortunately it's just part of the job. The markets close at 3PM here and the marketers are entering their deals into the system from 3 to 4 PM. I have to tie out their positions between the marketing system and the inventory system every night. Then after pricing files are sent to us…
  • Good almost noon! I was wondering if you would be willing to accept another participant. I've been a member off and on but just haven't gotten with it. About me: I am a mid-30s working mom to three kids: two boys - one grade school age and one preschool age and one girl-older toddler. My commute into my demanding corporate…
  • When you jot down every little thing that you put in your mouth, you can quickly see how the calories add up. While I am in no means making huge progress, here are tricks I've heard and tips I'm using to help. Never eat everything on your plate. Always leave a little something there. NO CHIPS...NO BREAD. Eating out...send…
  • That is phenomenal! I bet that just made your day! Congrats!
  • I've had this on my iPhone for over a year. It's just so daunting to even think about starting it. I'm game though. One day at a time, right?
  • Hello! I'm fairly new here too! Good luck and remember it's a lifestyle change!
  • I'm game! I've got 70 pounds to lose total so this would be a good start for me on that journey. I've only just watched Twilight and am currently reading that book. I thought the movie was slow but the book is actually very good.
  • I hear ya. I have three kids and it's very hard. As mothers, we are nuturers and put our kids before ourselves. In my case, compound that by a very demanding career and long hours and it's extremely difficult. In my case, my health has started to suffer, so I've finally come to the conclusion that I have to be what most of…
  • I'm game! :happy: