Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I am on Week 2 Day 6. HEH. I'll just keep doing Week 2's run until it feels more comfortable, right now I can BARELY make it through the minute/half run so I'm not willing to push harder.

    I think you should give Week 3 a shot! I felt the exact same way you did. The minute and a half was a struggle for me, and running for double that time seemed impossible. I was shocked when I successfully made it through that first 3 minutes, and then I only had to do it one more time. If I can do it, you can do it!
  • Hey Guys! I am new to My Fitness Pal! I created my profile today! Looks great so far! I started the couch to 5K program a month ago but had to stop due to sraining my ankle (twice actually). I am hoping to run a 5K in September. So, today I did Day 3 of Week 1. I didnt get to go as fast as I'd like because I took my little puppy with me and she got tired :) But I'm curious, to you guys who have been doing this longer, do your shins ever stop hurting?! They dont hurt at rest but usually about 10 mins into the workout they are really hurting! Is this common and will it get better?
  • WrittenInRed
    WrittenInRed Posts: 17 Member
    I am starting tomorrow. I started it once before but the person I was running with talked me out of keeping up with it. :frown: Hopefully I will be able to keep up with it this time around! :ohwell:
  • Okclbates
    Okclbates Posts: 15
    I've had this on my iPhone for over a year. It's just so daunting to even think about starting it. I'm game though. One day at a time, right?
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Hey all -
    I was in the beginning of this thread...made it to w1d3 and then got side-tracked with school (it's finals week finally!). So I am starting over again on Wednesday. I know tons of girls that have done this and are now running for FUN (yeah I know crazy right??).

    I will let you know how it goes!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I am on Week 2 Day 6. HEH. I'll just keep doing Week 2's run until it feels more comfortable, right now I can BARELY make it through the minute/half run so I'm not willing to push harder.

    I think you should give Week 3 a shot! I felt the exact same way you did. The minute and a half was a struggle for me, and running for double that time seemed impossible. I was shocked when I successfully made it through that first 3 minutes, and then I only had to do it one more time. If I can do it, you can do it!

    Well, I've decided to finally give Week 3 a shot, starting this Thursday. :) Thanks for the encouragement! I"ll let you all know how it goes!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Hey Guys! I am new to My Fitness Pal! I created my profile today! Looks great so far! I started the couch to 5K program a month ago but had to stop due to sraining my ankle (twice actually). I am hoping to run a 5K in September. So, today I did Day 3 of Week 1. I didnt get to go as fast as I'd like because I took my little puppy with me and she got tired :) But I'm curious, to you guys who have been doing this longer, do your shins ever stop hurting?! They dont hurt at rest but usually about 10 mins into the workout they are really hurting! Is this common and will it get better?

    I'm on week two and I've never really experienced any pain in my shins or anywhere else. Are you wearing proper running shoes? Are you landing on your heel or your toe? Maybe something somewhere is a little bit off in your stride and this shin pain is a warning to adjust accordingly! I don't know but it's something to consider.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I am on Week 2 Day 6. HEH. I'll just keep doing Week 2's run until it feels more comfortable, right now I can BARELY make it through the minute/half run so I'm not willing to push harder.

    I think you should give Week 3 a shot! I felt the exact same way you did. The minute and a half was a struggle for me, and running for double that time seemed impossible. I was shocked when I successfully made it through that first 3 minutes, and then I only had to do it one more time. If I can do it, you can do it!

    Well, I've decided to finally give Week 3 a shot, starting this Thursday. :) Thanks for the encouragement! I"ll let you all know how it goes!

    WOOOHOO! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hey Guys! I am new to My Fitness Pal! I created my profile today! Looks great so far! I started the couch to 5K program a month ago but had to stop due to sraining my ankle (twice actually). I am hoping to run a 5K in September. So, today I did Day 3 of Week 1. I didnt get to go as fast as I'd like because I took my little puppy with me and she got tired :) But I'm curious, to you guys who have been doing this longer, do your shins ever stop hurting?! They dont hurt at rest but usually about 10 mins into the workout they are really hurting! Is this common and will it get better?

    My shins hurt a bit the first week, and that pain did go away. The running/walking actually makes my legs feel better now if I am sore from lifting weights the day before.

    I know some people experience BAD pains in their shins though, and mine wasn't that bad. Listen to your body. You don't want to hurt yourself!
  • dekkal
    dekkal Posts: 4
    Not for me... I ruined my right knee running. I stick to nothing but low impact stuff now. I hate it, but it's what I'm forced to do. I loved running in my youth, but like a dummy after many years of punding on concrete, I paid the price.
  • I'm in! I had never heard of this before, so I looked it up on iTunes, downloaded it and went out and started. So, today I completed W1D1!! I thought it would be a breeze because I've been doing 1 minute very intense, 4-5 minutes easier pace on all the cardio machines for a few weeks now. But somehow running outside always seems harder to me. Man, did those 90 seconds of walking go by fast!
  • Thanks for the advice guys!
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Hey Guys! I am new to My Fitness Pal! I created my profile today! Looks great so far! I started the couch to 5K program a month ago but had to stop due to sraining my ankle (twice actually). I am hoping to run a 5K in September. So, today I did Day 3 of Week 1. I didnt get to go as fast as I'd like because I took my little puppy with me and she got tired :) But I'm curious, to you guys who have been doing this longer, do your shins ever stop hurting?! They dont hurt at rest but usually about 10 mins into the workout they are really hurting! Is this common and will it get better?

    I did W2D1 today and it was the first time that my shins didn't hurt. Make sure you ice after your run and try to rub them, even if it hurts a bit. Good luck!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Good Morning! I wish everyone the best of luck with this program. Stick to it and more than anything.....have fun!!! Yeah, I know. Fun is not quite the word I would use as I am running either but I am so darn proud of myself each and everyday I finish a run. Yesterday I completed Week 5 Day 1. I thought I was going to pass out and die right in the middle of the trail but somehow I stuck to it and followed the program to a tee. Now if my legs would just stop aching........:laugh:
  • flyinmax
    flyinmax Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone...I am a newbie to C25K. I had actually downloaded it from Itunes about 6 months ago, but couldn't commit. I am now on week 2 day 2. I run at the local park on a walking/running trail that is great with hills, but I think the concrete trail is killing my knees. I have NEVER run before (my motto had always been that I would only run if something bigger, meaner and uglier was chasing me....I found out that the fat on my hiney was bigger, meaner and uglier than I wanted to be!!)
    I wear "good" shoes, but my husband tells me that I have a heavy "heel strike". Any words of wisdom for me not to have really sore kneecaps when I'm done running (or the next day)????
    I LOVE this much positive encouragement! Thanks everyone!
  • robinbrown
    robinbrown Posts: 2
    OK,, I'm in,, Need something to keep me motivated and hopefully all you gals can kick me in the butt when i'm not posting. :) I'll go download to my ipod today, and start. I guess I need to find a 5k, so I'll have a goal I can see...

    I'm pumped now!
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Good Morning! I wish everyone the best of luck with this program. Stick to it and more than anything.....have fun!!! Yeah, I know. Fun is not quite the word I would use as I am running either but I am so darn proud of myself each and everyday I finish a run. Yesterday I completed Week 5 Day 1. I thought I was going to pass out and die right in the middle of the trail but somehow I stuck to it and followed the program to a tee. Now if my legs would just stop aching........:laugh:

    My husband is one of those crazy "runner types", he has been running cross country for 15+ years...he says that the soreness gets better...he promises me! Hang in there, you will be running a 5K in no time!
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Has anyone been doing exercise on the in-between days?? I'm thinking about doing something easy like taking my son for a walk in the stroller or wii fit. Something just to keep my muscles loose.
  • maxx750
    maxx750 Posts: 2
    Most sites I've looked thru have recommended using the in-between days to strengthen the upper body while resting your legs. I'm looking into some exercises for arms, back and shoulders since you want to be in pretty good condition in those areas for long distance running.

    I'm on week 2 of the program right now. A bit of a struggle at times but hanging in there...
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    my motto had always been that I would only run if something bigger, meaner and uglier was chasing me....I found out that the fat on my hiney was bigger, meaner and uglier than I wanted to be!!)

    amen to that! just finished up W3D3 - i'm a bit off schedule because of beach preparation (had a great time) and sunburn aftermath, but i got back on the horse today. i think i'm going to do another day of W3 on friday, partly to keep me on schedule and partly because W4, frankly, scares me. i have my doubts that i can run 5 minutes solid. i'm thinking of creating a W3.5 and starting alternating 2 and 4 minutes before a week of doing 3 and 5 minutes. i don't want to be a pansy, and if i'm capable of doing it, i will...we'll just have to see. i would rather modify the program a bit than get frustrated and quit. is anyone else doctoring up their program?
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