200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hello everyone
    last night was my hubbys christmas party for work.. i did really good ate lots of fruits and veggies and brought my own water. they had free cokes.. but i didnt want any.. although i did have a couple drinks.. long island, and amerretiio sour... had fun bowling for like 3 hours.. good time.. and then this am i was up a few pounds lmao... eh well.. i should lose it this week.. i have one more week before school starts.. oh we got rid of 2 couches one broke and one that came with our house it was from the 70's i think.. it was nasty and got a nice new couch and chair.. best part the chair was free because of a little defect with the couch !!! cha ching lol and we got a new bed... went from a full to a queen.. and a foam mattress.. ohh its so comfy.. hope everyone is having a wonderful wkend...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bethany YEAY for new furniture!!!! Good choices at the party too!

    Amy is that what it is?? The glare? It is painful for sure and I have too many gadgets to get a kindle or nook, etc so I will stick to paper. Plus I just love the way the books smell, how they get all crinkly etc.

    Victoria good job on the running!

    Today I did a work out and it was just meh but I guess t least I went. I haven't had a rest day since Tuesday and I think it's catching up to me. I wish there wZsnt the whole "if every day were like today..." ing on MFP because all week its shown I'd weigh 200 in 5 wks and I changed my weight to my weigh in and now it says 202. BOOO!!!

    Tomorrow I'm planning on taking the day off. I need to hit target after work and another grocery store for a few more things and The U of O national championship game is tomorrow night and while I don't care so much it is my Alma mater and jeff is super excited about it as is everyone else in eugene. He wont be watching the game at home but G and i will check in from time to time to see the score.

    I decided to go the route of ease for dinners this week and bought a bunch of pre made stuff st Costco. While they are all healthy, they are sodium ridden so I'm going to have to really work hard, chug water and watch what else I eat!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG!!!! DH called me from work and asked if I want to go somewhere this coming weekend (it's a holiday weekend AND DH's birthday). I said "sure." He said he'd call me back. He called back and said we're going to Rome Friday through Monday. Rome is one of my favorite places ever and neither Trav nor Gabe has been there before! I'm sooooo excited!!!! Yay for a weekend trip!

    Oh, and I did a 35 min run and my P90X Arms & Shoulder & Ab RipperX workouts. But mostly I'm just buzzing cuz I get to go to Rome!!!! I'm working like a mad woman to find a dog sitter and book a couple of tours (Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel tour is already booked...yay!). Yay. I'm stupid-happy right now.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm running late but just wanted to quickly post - YEAH for the weekend trip!!! Have fun. Amy - I'm sending more coupons today. These were older ones that got put in a side pile.. .Out of sight, out of mind. I took out all that ext in July... Use caution or use them quickly because some expired in Aug and most in Sept/Oct... I decided to send them since you got them so quickly the last time.

    Have a great Monday...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I think I've got everyone's weigh-ins except for Lacey, Bethany, and Amber. Post them sometime today and I'll post the final week 1 weigh-ins later today.

    Amy- ROME??? Ack! So SO SO SO jealous! Have a fabulous time and take TONS of pictures! Nice job on doubling up on the exercise!

    So, back at work, though I just remember next week I have Monday off, so I'm trying to keep thinking I get a three-day weekend coming up. Power through gal!

    Weekend wasn't fab. It went by quickly. Did NOT exercise. Yeah yeah yeah. I know I know. I really thought about running yesterday, but in the end, didn't. Eating wasn't great. Nothing horrid, but definitely over calories. I didn't weigh myself over the weekend because I know the scale would be angry because of TOM. I will step on it tomorrow morning and see where I'm landing. I can't get into the habit of slacking on the weekends. That's 2 days I'm not doing anything/sabotaging, and there's no way I'll hit my weight loss goals for the challenge if I don't step it up.

    The one good thing about the weekend was that I was looking for some more long sleeve shirts. I love that all the winter stuff is on sale. Hello-- there are like 3 more months of winter here! Picked up a couple of light weight sweaters at Old Navy. Size? Medium! Oh yeah. The larges fit but were a wee bit loose and the mediums fit but were a wee bit tighter than I wanted. I decided to go positive. Sizes are so confusing though. I know Old Navy runs big, but it still feels pretty fab.

    Brought my gym clothes to work today, so I'll either hit the gym or run after work. Also, I need to finish planning out my half training schedule. Time is flying Victoria, eh? I was glad last week to find out that I haven't lost all my stamina, but I have a mileage building to do again!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hey everyone! I didn't get a chance to get on much this weekend. Our computer has been crashing a lot lately, so we just ended up getting a new one. Setting it up and transferring the files is very time consuming! I am back at work today, so I thought I'd check in before I get too busy. I didn't log my food over the weekend, but I think I did okay. I did log all last week, and as I reported before, had a successful weigh in.

    At work we are starting a 2 month long weight loss competition. Everyone puts in $20, and the person with the highest percentage lost wins. I am going to participate, but I'm not going to get all obsessive about it. I'm just going to do my best, not for the contest, but for my health. The contest is just a bonus!

    I hope you all have a great week! Talk to you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi everyone! i was kinda busy this weekend and a little naughty by having a few drinks wit friens on sat. but over all it was good. here is my weigh in for this week

    amber 246/244.6 (-1.4) yay im losing weight again!!! have a good one all i will check in later
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I think I am back for good Super Pals...lost you there for a while but VIctoria sent me the link...Thanks Pal!

    I will try to catch up what u have been up to....missd everyone and according to the mean evil scale...I really MISS logging foods..back at it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Amy- ROME??? OMG have fun! That is like an art history and religious studies major DREAM right there!! I will dream vicariously through you!

    Lacey 210.8/208.6 (-2.2)

    I'm taking the day off working out today and having a splurge meal. I'm going to try to not go over 1800 calories total. That is about 500 over my 1310 regular amount before exercise. And then tomorrow its back to hitting it hard. WEdnesday night is the boot camp class!
  • Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I was super busy with work on Wednesday - Friday. I also went into the doctor on Friday for a second round of antibiotics for a sinus infection I've been fighting since Christmas. The meds he put me on are clearing up the infection but geez....they are making me nauseous. I guess the good thing out of that is I lost 2.8 lbs. last week without much exercise due to the complete lack of appetite. I'll take what I can get. :)
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    I think I've got everyone's weigh-ins except for Lacey, Bethany, and Amber. Post them sometime today and I'll post the final week 1 weigh-ins later today.

    Amy- ROME??? Ack! So SO SO SO jealous! Have a fabulous time and take TONS of pictures! Nice job on doubling up on the exercise!

    So, back at work, though I just remember next week I have Monday off, so I'm trying to keep thinking I get a three-day weekend coming up. Power through gal!

    Weekend wasn't fab. It went by quickly. Did NOT exercise. Yeah yeah yeah. I know I know. I really thought about running yesterday, but in the end, didn't. Eating wasn't great. Nothing horrid, but definitely over calories. I didn't weigh myself over the weekend because I know the scale would be angry because of TOM. I will step on it tomorrow morning and see where I'm landing. I can't get into the habit of slacking on the weekends. That's 2 days I'm not doing anything/sabotaging, and there's no way I'll hit my weight loss goals for the challenge if I don't step it up.

    The one good thing about the weekend was that I was looking for some more long sleeve shirts. I love that all the winter stuff is on sale. Hello-- there are like 3 more months of winter here! Picked up a couple of light weight sweaters at Old Navy. Size? Medium! Oh yeah. The larges fit but were a wee bit loose and the mediums fit but were a wee bit tighter than I wanted. I decided to go positive. Sizes are so confusing though. I know Old Navy runs big, but it still feels pretty fab.

    Brought my gym clothes to work today, so I'll either hit the gym or run after work. Also, I need to finish planning out my half training schedule. Time is flying Victoria, eh? I was glad last week to find out that I haven't lost all my stamina, but I have a mileage building to do again!

    sw188./184. (-4lbs) sorry it took so long... i kept forgetting when i was on the computer to do it :blushing:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- great job on the loss! 1800 is fine for one cheat day!

    So here's the chart as I have it so far. I didn't get some peep's starting weights or current weights. If I missed you (entirely possible I skimmed past it), let me know, and I'll add it to the list.

    It'll go:
    Name/StartingWeight/Week1(lb. lost)(% lost)

    Let me know if there's any confusion, or if there's a better way to do it.

    Kristina / 182.4 / 180.6 (-1.8) (0.99%)
    Amy / 220 / 215.6 (-4.4) (2.00%)
    Kim / 203 / 202 (-1.0) (0.49%)
    Kendal / 219.6 / 216.8 (-2.8) (1.28%)
    Sarah / 210.8 / 206.8 (-4.0) (1.90%)
    Karen / 266.8 / 263.1 (-3.7) (1.39%)
    Lacey / 210.8 / 208.6 (-2.2) (1.04%)
    Victoria / 189 /187.25 (-1.75) (0.93%)
    Amber / 246 / 244.6 (-1.4) (0.57%)
    Christina / ? / ? (-2.8)
    Bethany / 188 / 184 (-4.0) (2.13%)
    Debra / ? ?

    Gold Star for weight loss: Amy with 4.4 pounds lost! With all those doubling up with working out, you deserve it
    Gold Star for % weight loss: Bethany again with 2.13% lost! Nice!! Amy and Sarah were right behind her!

    Fabulous guys! Let me know if this format is working for you, and I'll keep up with the weigh ins and the challenge progresses.

    ETA: added Bethany's weigh-in info. thanks for getting it in!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina...I realize I must of missed weigh-ins while I was off line...let me know and I'll post next time, or I can go back and give you weights from last month...December started good...but ended ugly!! :laugh:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: Thanks for doing the chart! It's so nice to see how great everyone is doing!!!

    Debra: Welcome back!! :flowerforyou:

    Christina: Feel better, sinus infections suck!

    Lacey: Enjoy your day off. I adore Italy. I have a degree in Humanities with a focus in art history and languages. (My favorite being Art History!!!) The first time I went to Rome, I was in HOG heaven (this was about 11 years ago). I loved seeing the paintings, buildings, fountains, etc that I had only ever seen in pictures. I am SUPER excited to gt to go back and show everything to Gabe & Travis. Gabe just finished up a unit in school on the Roman Empire and the beginnings of the Christian Church so this trip fits really well (completely by accident) into our curriculum.

    So...what do I do about P90X? I've been working really hard to stick to my P90X workout schedule so I can see results. So far, I've done great. What do I do about my weekend? I'm not to worried about exercise as it is pretty much gonna be 4 days of some serious walking on some serious hills. Friday is my P90X rest day and the end of week 2 of the program. Do I just start back up on Tuesday with Day 1 of Week 3? It's either that or double up on the workouts (which just might kill me). I just don't want to lose my momentum...you know?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I'd start up with Day 1 Week 3 if it was me...

    Well I went and had my splurge meal. BLEH. We tried a new mexican restaurant and it was total crap. I hate wasting cals like that..but I got a redeeming soy white chocolate tall mocha.

    And...it seems that we might leave early today for the BCS game, not much work is getting done. So I could go work out! Maybe. We'll see.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I stayed out of work today because of the weather. My manager didn't like that too much since the weather didn't hit till the afternoon. I figured if I went in, I would be driving home in bad weather no matter what time I left. I'm glad I stayed home though.....my car is NOT meant for wet weather (mustang)

    Taylor and I did the Fit Test and Core Synergies of P90X. We actually only got a little over halfway done before The Appliance Doctor guy showed up to look at my washing machine (need to buy a new washer even though mine is only a little over 2 years old :explode: but at least I had an amazingly nice Appliance Doctor guy and he didn't charge me the $45 service fee for coming to look at it :flowerforyou: ) I turned my hrm on and off a couple times so I missed some of the time I was actually working out, but of the 25 minutes I had it on, I burned 304 cals so I was getting a great burn.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Ugh! I've been running around the last two days so I haven't had time to jump on here. Yesterday I was beyond bad. I didn't exercise, I didn't get all my water in and the jack in the box I ate for dinner put me over my calories. Today I got back on track. I only got 7 glasses of water in, but I exercised and was under my calories. I'm finaly getting to bed to start the madness again tomorrow. I promis to read some of the posts from you lovely ladies that I've been neglecting in the a.m.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- the challenge started basically 1/1 and this was just our first week's weigh in. If you can, let me know what your current weight is and I'll add it for your starting weight for this week and then just post your weight again some point between Fri-Mon. I post the weekly numbers for everyone Monday afternoon-ish (EST).

    Amy- Don't know what to tell you about where to fall with p90x when you return. But in terms of exercise in general while you're gone. How often do you go to Rome? It's not like you're going to be there for weeks. You'll get a lot of walking in. Just enjoy yourself!

    Lacey- it's a total bummer when your cheat meals totally aren't worth the calories. Makes you feel even worse for cheating. Sorry to hear about your boys from Oregon. If it makes you feel any better, my team doesn't have a football coach at the moment. What a mess.

    Kendal- nice job on the fit test! You can do it. I feel a little lost not doign p90x, as everyone else seems to be. haha.

    Sarah- glad you checked in. Look, we all have bad days. As long as you don't take that as an excuse to completely fall off the wagon, don't worry about it. Just hop right back on, which it sounds like you're doing. Push that water even more today. Fast food is notoriously salty, making the scale even worse the next day.

    Well, things are okay here. Weighed myself this morning: 181.4. Ugh. So I know some of it is TOM (maybe 1-2 pounds), but that certainly means I didn't lose anything over the weekend, which makes sense as I didn't exercise and didn't eat fantastically. So, stepping it up this week and can't coast through the weekend. Plus this is a three- day weekend coming up, so I really need to be good. Not like I'm going anywhere (*glaresat Amy for her Rome trip*), but it's more of a chance to loaf at home at eat when I shouldn't.

    Yesterday's food went pretty well. A bit carbier in the evening than I should have been. I went to the gym late after work and the parking lot was PACKED. I couldn't find a space, so I gave up and went home. Did I punk out? No, I say! I did level 1 of the 30-day shred, which is still pretty tough if you put all you got into it. The cardio portion is definitely no problem for me now, but the weights are still challenging, and I'm sure my legs will feel the burn.

    It's supposed to snow this afternoon/rush hour, so definitely no outside run for me. I did bring my gym clothes, so at this point, I'm hoping to go to the gym, but Tuesdays are my later day at work, and if the roads are really crappy, I might just want to go home, but then I have to do some sort of vidoe again. Hope everyone has a good day! I'll check in again later :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: TOM weight gain sux!!! Great job getting a workout in even though the gym was a no-go. You rock!!!

    Sarah: Water, water, water! It will help flush out the sodium!

    Kendal: Good job getting started on P90X. Bummer about your washer though. Those things aren't cheap!

    Lacey: I think you're right, I'll start with Week 3 Day 1 when I get back from my trip. Dude! I have totally had a cheat meal that turned out to be soooo not worth it. Now I tend to cook my own cheat meals as I know I can make my food yummy (especially when allowed to use "cheat" ingredients...hello...butter & cheese - I :heart: U)

    For some reason, I had ZERO energy today. Gabe had to drag me out of bed (the little bugger! He's TOTALLY capable of putting cereal in a bowl and eating it, he doesn't NEED me to feed him! :grumble: ). So I drug him on a walk with Sofie. It was a pretty sunrise and a pretty nice day. We ran into a German lady with her dog (who happened to speak English - thank you baby Jesus- as my German is REALLY bad). Sofie played with her puppy and me & Gabe walked & talked with the lady (who happens to live in our neighborhood). Yay for making friends. We doubled up on some school lessons to make sure Gabe's progress stays on track despite the 4 day weekend we've got planned and then I drug my sorry butt through YogaX. The first 45 or so minutes is sooooo freaking hard with all the sun salutations and junk but I feel SO good when I've gotten through the whole thing. There's this bendy pose where you stick your arms behind you and you are supposed to grab your hands behind your back (while in a LUNGE)...I've never been able to touch my fingers but today I GOT IT!!! Yay!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    *deleted duplicate*
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