200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am back from my lovely weekend with Taylor. I need to take down my little Christmas tree still...it seems like such a big job even though its only 3 feet tall. He's staying with me all week so I will have to work hard to get back on track. I guess my big motivator will come in the morning when I weigh myself.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! I hope some of you stick around. Tell us a little about yourself....where are you from? whats your family situation? kids? pets?
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576

    Welcome to all the new ladies! I hope some of you stick around. Tell us a little about yourself....where are you from? whats your family situation? kids? pets?

    I live in Fort Worth, TX and I am a Social Worker. I am married and have two step kids, but they do not live with us. My husband also uses MFP and has lost 90+ pounds. We both have a long way to go and have slacked off during the holidays, but I am hoping that if I can get back into it, he will also!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I live in Fort Worth, TX and I am a Social Worker. I am married and have two step kids, but they do not live with us. My husband also uses MFP and has lost 90+ pounds. We both have a long way to go and have slacked off during the holidays, but I am hoping that if I can get back into it, he will also!

    Yay for another social worker! *twirls* Welcome to the group! That's fabulous how much weight you and your husband have lost. Way to go! All of us still have a ways to go... and struggled/slacked during the holidays. Just jump back on the train and get moving! You've done it--- you can still do it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Day 79. Exercise good. 55 minutes, 1685 to go. I took a brisk 3.25 mile walk today in the 38ish degree weather. It was nice to get out and about but i was already super stiff from the prior days hard gym work out and the cold made it worse.
    Food, not so good. I was good all day until i made these oven hot dogs that i found on foodgawker. Omg they were amazing, but i couldnt stop eating anf then there were the cookies and there you have it.
    Im supposed to weigh tomorrow morning, so i suppose i will take what the scale gives me. And then maybe weigh Tuesday morning again too.

    I am off tomorrow and am hoping to be not so sore that I can't go into the gym at some point. I have a lot I need to do around the house as well and make sure that G gets a nap tomorrow too!

    Kendal I'm glad your weekend was good with Taylor. I know you can keep going with the working out wnd have him in the house as well!!!

    Kristina that soup sounds goooood!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Travis calls foodgawker my "porn" (as in: "Oh, you're looking at porn on the computer again."). That site can be dangerous because everything on it looks soooooo yummy! Good job getting moving!

    Karen: Good job on your weight loss so far. I'm sure your hubby will jump back on track once you get headed in that direction. It's so much easier to do it if you aren't alone.

    Kendal: I'm so glad your weekend was good. I understand your problems with working out when you man's around and not working out. Travis goes through phases where he'll work out and phases when he doesn't (he's naturally slim so he doesn't have the fat @ss motivation that I've got). I used to work out when he worked out and didn't when he didn't but I had to put a stop to that as it wasn't helping me reach my goals. So I just started doing my thing and if he happens to be around (sitting on the couch or whatever), I just tell him I've got to get my workout in and I'll be available in an hour or so. He's really supportive of me so he doesn't give me any crap about it. He will even go running with me sometimes.

    Victoria: Yay for killer calves!

    Kristina: I think your goal of not letting work stress keep you for eating right and exercising is a great goal! I bet that the eating right and exercising will even HELP with the work stress.

    It's Monday again. Back to the regular routine. I didn't sleep well last night (tossing and turning and dreaming A LOT) so I have the same headache I went to bed with but I'm hoping that some coffee and a walk in the snow will take care of that. Hope you all have a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning Super Pals!!! I love Mondays - not really but if I say it, maybe I'll start to believe it. Getting back to work after all these short weeks and holiday attitudes is going to be rough. Tell Gabe I can see why he doesn't want to go back to school... Kendal - I agree that should get more days off and hit rewind for the weekend. I'm jealous that you have the day off Lacey. Glad you made it home safely Kristina.

    Karen - I'm a physical therapist, 42 years old with no kids. I live in northern Michigan. Next month, my husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. Time just seems to fly. Congrats on your weight loss. I'm happy for you that your husband is involved as well. Mine goes through phases of exercises and eating better. He's in a slump again and has gained all he lost back.

    My healthy lunch is packed and dinner should be okay. Crosses fingers to stay on track for food. Mom is coming over tonight for a 30 min workout. We are toying with the idea of shopping tonight. It's an hour to the big city to do bulk shopping. It depends how late the store I need to return a gift is open. I'm to shower and work. Only 5 clients today - yeah...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! And so work begins again...

    I stepped on the scale this morning-- 182.4 :noway:

    I'm still thinking that's a bit higher than it probably is. I ate late last night and am still working on losing some water weight from all the carbs and lack of hydration over the holidays. I mean, I'm sure I gained 2-3 pounds, but 5? That's pretty much mathematically impossible. So I'm not stressing. I'm hoping at least the first couple will come off quickly with eating well and drinking a lot of water this week.

    So, goals for this challenge:
    - Goal weight: 174-- it's a big goal, but that would put me one pound under my lowest weight, before all the nonsense of Thanksgiving and Christmas happened. And I think the first couple of pounds should come off okay. Just need to work on it. Food will be my biggest issue. Need to stay in the calorie range.
    -Exercise: 4 times a week, at least... can involve running, gym, video, etc. Just get my butt moving at least 4 times a week. I was up to 6 at one point, so this shouldn't be horrid.
    -Running: this week: make a training spreadsheet for upcoming half marathon. Begin running either this week or next week to start training.
    -Emotional: don't let stress get to you and deter from your weight loss goals. Use healthy eating and exercise to DECREASE stress.

    Breakfast off to a good start this morning. Made my gym back, put it by my front door, and proceeded to walk right passed it. *facepalm* I cursed up a blue streak when I got to work and realized what I'd done. So, now i have to go home first and change, which is always tougher for me--- as I'm at home and I don't want to leave again. *curses at self* Must get to gym today or run. Will have to report back how heinous the gym is in terms of people there. It's always horrid at the beginning of the year.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think Kristina said it best on her status....holy holiday weight gain batman!! I'm up to 219.6 this morning. :noway: :embarassed: Thats up 6 pounds from my lowest (213.6). If I hadn't found my motivation by now, that would have definitely kicked my tail into gear.

    I'm going to have to make it clear to Taylor that I can no longer eat dinner with him. He tends to make it a big meal and when he's not around, I have something small like a sandwich or a tortilla pizza.....I also think I'm going to tell him to chip in on the utility bills since he's staying with me basically 5 days a week. I don't think he'll have a problem with it.

    My goal for this challenge is to lose weight again. I'm not sure exactly how much at the moment- I'm going to pound some water today and see how much I weigh tomorrow before I decide that.

    Glad you found us Karen! Even if I don't log my food/exercise everyday, the ladies on this thread have kept me coming back daily to check in and see whats going on with them. I think thats been the most important difference in why I am successfully losing weight this time compared to all the other times in my life when I tried.
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Well, 210.8 is a little more than three pounds gained. I'm actually surprised it wasn't worse.

    I wil drop to at least to 190 in six weeks.
    I will exercise four or more times a week.
    I will drink my eight glasses of water every day.
  • seanvz
    seanvz Posts: 4
    Im sorry but im too skinny for this website now cause i lost my weight of 600 lbs
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal-- I think having a talk with Taylor about eating would be good. You've come so far and you shouldn't derail yourself over him. Maybe you can make dinner together that's a happy medium between what you both would like a couple times a week. Good luck with the weight loss! You can do it!

    Sarah- 3 pounds isn't horrible. Just get back on track. Have you been exercising pretty regularly before? If so, I think 4 times a week is achievable, as well as drinking 8 glasses of water can make a big difference. Your body will thank you. Good luck with your weight loss goals--- it's a high goal you have for yourself, but keep at it, and you'll eventually get to the 190.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Well, 210.8 is a little more than three pounds gained. I'm actually surprised it wasn't worse.

    I wil drop to at least to 190 in six weeks.
    I will exercise four or more times a week.
    I will drink my eight glasses of water every day.

    20 pounds in 6 weeks seems kinda hard. How tall are you? How many cals a day are you getting? I hope you can do it! I know I couldn't handle it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: I'm interested to know what kind of workouts you are doing for the next 6 weeks. I'd LOVE to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks but I struggle to lose more than a pound a week (and there were some weeks in recent history when the scale stared at me and laughed rather than reflect a loss). I'm always interested to know what others are doing that's working for them and trying it out to see if it will work for me too.

    Kendal: I'm with Kristina on maybe compromising with Taylor so that you can eat meals together every once in a while. Maybe compromising is the wrong word - what I mean is sit down and talk with him and tell him what kind of foods you are willing to eat for dinner and find out if he'd be down with joining you on your healthy dinners a couple of times a week. Bottom line here is: you gotta take care of you!

    Kristina: Bummer about forgetting your gym bag. I used to do that ALL the time when I went to the gym after or before work and as the gym was right across the street from work, there was NO WAY I'd drive all the way home AND all the way back. Luckily, I work out at home now so I don't have to drive anywhere. I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached.

    I STILL have my headache from last night. I did a brisk hike with the dog this morning and a P90X arms & shoulders and abs workout (which isn't very cardio-tastic but isn't easy either). I've been drinking water like a fiend (and peeing like a racehorse) but the headache won't ease up. It's making me a very nasty person to be around and Travis and Gabe have gone into hiding (actually they are working on Gabe's basketball skills in the basement as basketball season starts for him this week - but it's ALMOST in hiding). Hope everyone has a lovely day!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Thank you all for welcoming me to this group! I weighed in at 266.8 this morning, up 6.3 pounds since I last weighed before the holidays. My goal weight for this challenge is 255 and my other goals include:
    -Start logging my food again and stay under calories
    -Exercise a minimum of 3 times a day
    -Drink lots of water!

    I started off right this morning by skipping the cinnamon rolls and having oatmeal instead!

    Have a great day!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in at 210.8 this morning. Down from last weeks 211 by a miniscule amount, but up from my lowest 207 st the beginning of december. I knew it was coming, I'm still super sore from my exercise and I that food last night, so yeah.
    I will chug the water today andweigh in again tomorrow to see if its any better. Boo.

    I think I'm going to call my gym and see if they have daycare right now...if they do we are heading into town. Gracie can play and I can work out and then get the oil changed in my car finally..yeah.....I like this plan!

    YEAY! They have childcare till 1 pm! Woohoo!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sarah- exercise 3x a DAY? thats commitment!! lol

    Lacey- YAY for childcare at the gym!

    Amy- sorry about the headache! Wish you could figure out how to make it go away!

    Thanks for the Taylor advice ladies. I will talk to him about it tonight. I really need to get a George Forman grill. I think that will help increase my choices for dinner but still be easy enough for my lifestyle.

    I hate to repost stuff that on my status update as well, but I'm too excited! I bought P90X today!! YAY!! Maybe that should be the focus of my goal instead of weight.....I will follow that program and will not slack off! (once I get it, read all the info with it and understand it all).
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Soooo excited for your P90X! I restarted the program this past week after taking the holidays off and it is kicking my butt!! Seriously, I am sooooo sore!

    Lacey: Glad you're getting a gym visit in today.

    Karen: WTG passing up the cinnamon rolls! You rock!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wow - what a busy group today. I loved reading all the posts.

    Kendal - good luck with Tyler. If you're lucky, he will be like most men and say "if you're cooking, I'll eat it". Healthier foods are better but remember portion control is key. When my husband wants pizza, I have 1 to 2 pieces with a nice salad. Or if he's in the mood for hamburgs, I make mini ones eat 1 with steamed veges and a salad. I've found cooking smaller potions of food helped with overindulging on left overs. Maybe you could think of crockpot ideas and prep it all the night before. I don't have time to cook after work and resort to higher cal quickly made meals unless I've planned ahead.

    Karen - what do you for workouts 3 times a day?

    Sarah - good luck on the 20 pounds. I haven't lost anything in awhile but had to work my tush off to loose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.

    Amy - have tried essence of peppermint oil for the headaches?

    Lacey - have fun at the gym.

    Kristina - Hope things go well at work. That sucks that you forget your clothes.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: What do you do with the peppermint oil? Do you breathe it in, put it on the skin, or something else? I suffer from chronic headaches and migraines and was on all kinds of medications for most of my adult life but I went pretty anti-medication after all the medications a doc had me on nearly killed me with blood clots. So, I mostly only take Excedrin and I only do that when the pain is REALLY bad. I'd love to look into your peppermint oil idea but I don't know what to do with it. :)
  • Good almost noon! I was wondering if you would be willing to accept another participant. I've been a member off and on but just haven't gotten with it.

    About me:
    I am a mid-30s working mom to three kids: two boys - one grade school age and one preschool age and one girl-older toddler. My commute into my demanding corporate job is 1 hour 20 minutes one way but will decrease to about 50 minutes when we move next month. I usually put in 8 to 9 hours in the office and then another 1.5 to 2 hours at home at night. I know it's crazy hours, but I love my job. I work in the energy industry as an analyst for oil marketers.

    My husband also works full-time as a social worker and is a contract adjunct for a local university. If he is under contract, he teaches 3 nights a week for a full-month.

    My eldest son plays football, baseball and wrestles. The youngest is just now old enough to start participating in activites; he will be playing soccer this spring (eldest brother has to watch the younger one for a change). I will probably put my baby girl in gymnastics or dance when we get back into town for her to have something to keep her active because she's upset that her brothers get to do stuff and she can't.

    We are members of the YMCA but it's only open 5AM - 9PM. It works out well for my husband, but with my schedule it's impossible for me to make it there. My Christmas present from him was a membership to a 24 hour fitness center and I have an acquaintance who has been going there who looks amazing. I've told her than when we move back from the sticks (we live 30 minutes out into the country), I would love to try and make it to workout with her.

    Anyway, my weight has been stable for the last three years; I haven't gained but I haven't lost either. My doctor keeps telling me I have to find time to exercise and I need to do more for me. I know it's true....it's just very hard. I also have tons of DVDs at home but I don't use them due to interruptions, waking the kids with them, etc.

    I'm trying to not go gungho on everything and then crash and burn. They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, so my goal for the first 21 days is no soda....limit myself to 2 cups of coffee....drink all my water....and log my calories daily.

    Thanks for listening!
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