200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Christina- Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate (.....and now I just realized what a horrible metaphor that is for someone trying to lose weight lol). But yes.....you should listen to your dr and find a little time for yourself. Maybe you can help train your kids in whatever sport they are participating in and inadvertently get your heart rate up yourself? Is there any kind of "family sport" that everyone can try together? Even playing on a Wii or the Xbox kinect for an hour is better than sitting on the couch. Is there any way you can put off those extra 1.5-2 hours of work at home to Saturday so you can have exercise time during the week?

    Just some ideas... :smile:
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    I know 20 pounds in six weeks is going to be hard, but i think I can do it. I picked up Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones today. Wish me luck :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Christina!!! You do have a lot going on. I highly suggest a book called "the 4 hour work week". It sounds like you need it. I loved some of the ideas. I listened to it on audio while jogging and driving from client to client. Check out audible.com

    Sarah - good luck and we'll support you in any way we can to reach that 20 pound goal.

    Amy - pepermint oil to be rubbed on to temple area. I got mine at an herb store. The cashier was very helpful on info. Suggestion made to mix 4 part oil to 1 part peppermint so it lasts longer. I just rubbed some on my calves and they felt better. Good luck.
  • I would love to work less hours, but unfortunately it's just part of the job. The markets close at 3PM here and the marketers are entering their deals into the system from 3 to 4 PM. I have to tie out their positions between the marketing system and the inventory system every night. Then after pricing files are sent to us after close of business, I have to pull pricing reports and sent out positions and volumes that need to be bought or sold the next day so the marketers have reports when they first get in. Like I said, it's demanding, but it's a high profile job and I love it.

    I really think the cut on the commute into work will help. I'm going to just have to bite the bullet and get up and exercise before the kids get up until we move into town. I'm really excited about the 24 hour fitness center as well. I hate to have to pay additional gym fees, but all the kids sports programs are sponsored by the Y in our town and you get a discount for being a member on those programs.

    I'm definitely going to have to check out the book. Thanks for the referral!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Thank you all for welcoming me to this group! I weighed in at 266.8 this morning, up 6.3 pounds since I last weighed before the holidays. My goal weight for this challenge is 255 and my other goals include:
    -Start logging my food again and stay under calories
    -Exercise a minimum of 3 times a day
    -Drink lots of water!

    I started off right this morning by skipping the cinnamon rolls and having oatmeal instead!

    Have a great day!

    I meant 3 times a week! :blushing: I haven't exercised in quite a while, so that is a starting goal.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Got up, ate, went to the gym which Gracie ended up loving. Then oil changed in the car, apparently I need a new serpentine belt, the bank, vet and home! Lunch, 6 bags of stuff from G's closet for goodwill, vacuum, shower and resting on the bed watching Dino Dan. This day makes me want to be a stay at home mom. If they were all perfect like today anyways!! Lol
    Alas, tomorrow I head back to work. I turned off my crack berry and I am sure people at work a re freaking cuz I'm not answering emails but it sure is nice!!!
    My work out was only 41 minutes and that kindof sucks but that's ok.

    So day 78... 41 minute work out. 1644 to go for the challenge. So far on track for cals.

    Christina geezzz...I have a hard time with one kid, can't imagine doing all that with three! YOu definitely have to make exercise part of your life, you will begin to love it once you start. It makes you feel so good!!

    Karen three days exercise per week is a great starting point!! Id only work out three days per week if I could keep my eating down...but I eat more than I'd like and have to burn it off to create that deficit!

    Amy I can second peppermint oil. In fact if vie got a bad headache I will even rub my homeopathic version of vicks vapor rub on my temples, and across my cheek bones under my eyes...and even in my nose lol. Yah it burns tiny bit but it opens it up and really does help.

    Victoria I need to listen to that book too!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Karen - I call those mistakes "my blond moments" and I make them often... 3 days is a great start. It's taken me a year to work up to daily workouts. My favorite motto is that not every exercise session has to be a sweat fest. My favorite lighter workouts are the walking videos by Leslie Sansone...

    I got my workout in - 30 min walking with Bob Harper... Tomorrow is a run plus a workout with mom... Eating so so again as mom brought me a Jimmy John's Vege Sandwich as a bribe for treating my brother. Delish... I may hula for 5 to 10 min later. I have been sneaking in some extra exercise with my clients. Holding the theraband while they ex does take core and upper extremity strength.

    Christina - I moved to a rural area to avoid those long commutes. My husband is a computer programmer and he has shocked the people he works with on how he has automated so many tasks - esp compiling reports. The book talks about how much time is wasted on menial tasks such such as checking e-mail and paying bills. I now only check e-mail once a day and pay bills twice a month. Deb who hasn't checked in few weeks used to talk about walking for exercise while her kid practiced sports.

    Kristina - did you make it to the gym?

    Lacey - you'll look at life differently after you read the book!!!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Afternoon ladies. I finally did it I started p90x today. it was damn hard but I did finish it...well most of it. I could not do most of ab ripper so I will have to find a substitute until I am strong enough to do at least one of everything he is asking. Once I can do one I can build on it. I feel pretty good about the back and chest for today. I did some modified versions of push ups and pull ups but I think that with time I will be able to do them without modification. If anyone has any ideas for a substitute ab routine that would be great.

    Kendal: Awesome that you just ordered p90x! I look forward to seeing your results.

    Kristina: Awesome starting up again, you will forget you ever took a break in no time. It feels good to get back into it again, although a lil tough.

    Christina: nice to meet you I was "taking a break" ok, no i wasn't I was slacking off for a bit, nice to meet you. 3 kids can be a challenge, I have 3 myself.

    Karen: 3 times a week is an excellent start, when I started the first 3 months I did no exercise.

    Welcome everyone who is new to our group. I can't wait to see all your successes.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - hope your talk with your man went well...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Wow--- this thread is moving! Hard to keep up with everyone. Promise I'll read all the posts. Just wanted to check in briefly before I collapse for the evening.

    Did make it to the gym. It was crowded, but I was able to get a bike I wanted, so success. I tell you though, I was not feeling good on it. My body felt so sluggish, and my legs burned way more than they have. I canNOT go that long (is it weird when now just over a week without working out is too long?) because my body hates me when I start up again. I powered through the hour, doing just over 14 miles. I didn't even get the after-work out pep-- I was exhausted, but I felt very proud of myself for getting up and going. Success!

    Food was good today. Am treating myself to a WW ice cream bar, as I have calories left over (yes!). My lentil/barley soup was yummy. A little bland, so I pepped it up with some more cayenne and a pinch of salt and it was perfect. Fiber like whoa! Tomorrow, as long as my body isn't completely protesting I want to go for a run (especially if the weather permits)-- I get home a bit later on Tuesdays, and it gets dark, but I want to at least attempt, or go to the gym and try the dreadmill. It's going to be ugly.

    Am curious as to how the scale progresses this week. Glad to see so much enthusiasm with the group this week. *twirls*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kim - I think sticking with ABX would be good. I modified the moves as needed and took many breaks (umm - rests) during the video. You will see your progress as you get stronger. Tell me which specific ex you cant do and I may be able to give you modifications. PM me if you'd prefer... Congrats on getting started!!!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    I didn't get all of my water in today :( but I did stay under my calories and exercised.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay the exercise thing is going well. My HRM said I'd burned 2042 cals last week which awesome...but the food thing Is harder going. And for that, tomorrow I will be happy to go back to work. Even though I'd like another couple days off truth be told!

    Tomorrow is day 77 and I'm determined to bring both the eating and the work outs together in a big way. I did an easier work out today so I am expecting myself to really push it at the gym after work and hit it hard.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies! The board has been busy while I've been sleeping!

    Lacey: Your calorie burn last week was freaking fantastic!

    Sarah: It's hard for me to get the water in too so I make sure that I only drink water until my water minimum is met and then I allow myself a diet soda or coffee or whatever. WTG, meeting your exercise and calorie goals!

    Victoria: I'm getting some peppermint oil! But I'm using Lacey's Vicks Vapo rub idea to tide me over! Thanks!!!

    Kristina: Yay for calories left over for a treat!!! I found a pumpkin dip recipe that I am itching to try - it mixes pumpkin, pumpkin pie spices, greek yogurt and cool whip free for a light and airy apple dip...nom...nom...nom.

    Kim: I can't do all of the Ab Ripper X video but I do 15 reps of each exercise (some day I'll gt up to ALL 25 reps but I'm just not there yet). It's a great ab workout though, I'd recommend you doing what you can - do your best and forget the rest!

    This morning we had a beautiful sunrise that Gabe & Sofie & I enjoyed while out hiking. Now I am on to do my YogaX and I hope to get some rowing in before we have to take Gabe to his first basketball practice of the new season. Have a great day everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sarah - I do the same thing that Amy does with my water. It's hard to get it all in, so I allow myself a tea or coffee in the morning, but then it's only water until i hit at least 8 glasses, then I allow myself a diet soda (usually only a 2-3 times/week). I used to have the crystal light it in order to get all the water in, but I kept on diluting it more and more, and now it's just straight water. Always keep a bottle with you.

    Amy- I have sort of a similar recipe I got from WW way back when... pumpkin pie spice, canned pumpkin, ff cool whip, and sf vanilla pudding mix (I might be missing something). makes a pumpkin "fluff" that is super yummy, and I remember it only being one point per serving (calories though? *shrug*). I'm a pumpkin *kitten*, so it was totally my thing. I need to make it again. I like the greek yogurt idea though-- ups the protein, which I always can us.

    Off to work in a bit. Good eating planned ahead, and as I mentioned last night, want to go for a run outside, weather permitting of 2-3 miles. Slow start... just need to move.

    ETA: 181.8 this morning... on the right track again! (yesterday was 182.4)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning gals!!! I'm up on a runner's high - 2 miles on Mr Tready even if my pace 15 min miles. Exercise done - check. Food not so good but this falafel sandwich is delish. I did manage to hula for 10 min last night. I still have my evening workout planned with mom. And, I'll probably have to do some shoveling tonight. With the thirst after my jog, glasses water down and it's only 9am.

    Last night I used my air popper for the first time. Why is popcorn so good?

    Enjoy your Tuesday. At least BL is on tonight!!! I just can't get enough of that show.
  • Would like t get into this group. Starting over from this summer where I lost 23lbs withhelp of MFP. I was side-smacked by what I now know is depression- I didnt realize it truly a medical condition and not just an emotional one so I really couldnt control when it kicked in. 6 months later, 25 lbs put on I am medicated and ready to do it all over again and then some. I am looking to lose about 80 lbs.
  • Well, I met my goals for yesterday. I only had 2 cups of coffee (that's a huge reduction for me) and I had one glass of decaf tea. I got all my water in yesterday and I came in under my calorie allotment for the day. YIPPEE!

    I'm higher than where I want to be with breakfast this morning. I'll just have to adjust my calories throughout the rest of the day. The good news is BL is on tonight. Yippee!

    In regards to airpopped popcorn, for those that don't have a popper....this one comes from Jillian Michaels. Take a brown paper lunch sack and put 1/2 cup popcorn kernals into it. Fold the top of the bag over and pop in the microwave just like regular popcorn.

    Well, I was just alerted to a "fire drill" here at work, so I'd better hop off. I'll check back at lunch.

    Is anyone up for a challenge tonight during BL commercials?
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Christina- What kind of challenge are you talking about?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    welcome sunshine! Sorry to hear about the depression but glad that you finally recognized it for what it was and got help for it. So tell us a little more about yourself.....where are you from? whats your family/kids/pets situation? what kind of exercise do you like? any fav foods or recipes to share?

    As for me, myself and I, the gym didn't happen last night. Also didn't talk to Taylor about the food thing....we each did our own thing for dinner so there wasn't a reason to bring it up. I am really dreading going to the gym....I'm sure its packed with all the people who are trying to lose weight for their new year's resolution. Can I just wait to exercise till P90X gets here (and I'll start on the Monday after that)? I could be Wii-ing but it feels like such a worthless workout most times. I wish I could get outside and jog. I miss that feeling. I need the sunshine and warm air and feeling of driving with the top down to the park. I love the cold, but I'm ready for more daylight hours and warmer temperatures. Well, mentally I am ready for it....I need a couple months of SERIOUS exercise before I'll be physically ready. P90X should be great to do in the winter when I don't want to leave the house but still want serious results.

    anyways....I'm rambling and need to get to work....
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