200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm watching BL right now. Not doing the challenge you guys put together thought it is a fantastic idea!
    I'm on track today for cals so am happy with that. Day 77 complete and intact!
    Tomorrow I'm back to the gym and eating right. I weighed myself this morning and yowsa. I know I am retaining water weight from the heavy exercise so am trying not too pay too much attention to it. And will stay away from the scale till Monday morning. My cheeks are thinner and I can see my collar bone so I know I'm headed in the right direction even if the scale doesn't say so!

    Dixie so glad to see you back. The important thing I'd that you are here!! And ready to get going again!

    Kristina and Kendal, the early dark and the cold sure can suck the want to work out right out of you.

    I can't see any kore of the posts on this ipad, but will make it a point to reply to more people tomorrow. I too am majorly appreciating the fact that we've got so many new faces in this thread and that we've added like 3 pages in two days!!! Yeaaaay!!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    How wonderful to see so many posts.. and i have no comment at this time.. because if forgot who said what :laugh:

    hope everyone is having a wonderful start of the week..
    Has anyone ever tried the flat belly diet.. i posted something on the forums to see what people thought about it.. id really like to get this excess preggo belly fat off :glasses: well im pretty sleep catch you all later
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    what is the Biggest loser challenge?

    i didnt make it back to the gym, but at least i got a walk in earlier. i stayed under my calories as well. tomorrow i wil make even healthier choices than i did today. i will even get up in the morning to workout. well everyone good lucj with your days tomorrow and goodnight
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    There are so many posts to respond to!!! It’s nice to see all the new people!:happy:

    Dixie: The BL Challenge was doing some form of exercise (squats, pushups, lunges, whatever you like) during the commercial breaks in the BL. I live in Germany and cannot watch the BL live so I didn’t participate but I like the idea and will incorporate it into my TV watching (probably won’t be a big life-changer for me though as I only watch TV once every few weeks or so). Also, Welcome back (I’m not sure if I was here the last time you were but I figured I’d say welcome anyways!). I think Kristina’s questions about why you went “off the wagon” are good ones that we all need to ask ourselves when we find ourselves slipping. Why am I doing this? Was there extra stress, boredom, a lack of weight loss, etc and if we have those answers then maybe we can reign it in before we fall completely off. I know that I have a hard time staying motivated to do what I should when the weight loss slows down to fractions of a pound per week. So I’ve decided that when that happens this time around (and it WILL as it ALWAYS does), I will focus on celebrating my fitness abilities because as long as I’m exercising I ALWAYS get fitter (can run longer, faster, can do more pushups, etc). So that’s how I plan to combat falling off the wagon again – sorry for being soooo long winded!

    Bethany: I’ve never tried the flat belly diet but I have done the Abs diet – I wonder if they’re similar? I don’t really follow a diet now, I just try to eliminate the processed food, up the veggies and fruit and protein and fiber and limit the nutritionally devoid junk.

    Lacey: I think that since your client sent you a nose hair trimmer then all bets are off and you can send back any weird thing you like….like a thigh master or some aquaglobes.

    Kristina: Thank you for the BL Spoiler alert. Of course, I read your post anyways! I will probably watch the episode later on in the week when I find it on the Internet but I like getting your take on things. I hope you get your run in! The weather and the dark really make early morning outdoorsy stuff suck!

    Karen: Good job doing your challenge!

    Victoria: Do you use a weighted hula hoop? How do you like it? I used to fall into fast food traps when my kitchen wasn’t stocked but it isn’t as easy to do that now that we’re in Germany. It takes planning to eat fast food here…first of all…I need to have Euros as most fast food places don’t take credit cards (and I almost never have cash!), next I have to drive 10K to the nearest Burger King and finally, I have to order my food in German (it’s hard to have a language barrier through a drive-thru speaker). It just isn’t worth the effort for me. So I make sure I have my kitchen stocked all the time!

    Cheryl: Hi there. Welcome to the group. I use old photos of me when I was in the Air Force to motivate me to get back to what I KNOW I can look like.

    Kendal: If your P90X has shipped, you might have it before the end of the week and can get started on Monday!!! Yippee!!!!

    As for me: It’s Wednesday morning here and I’m waiting for the sun to come up a bit higher before bundling up and heading out for a walk with the kid & dog. Gabe started basketball last night and the practice goes from 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm so by the time we get back and go through the bedtime routine, it’s time for me to go to bed too! But I really like Gabe’s coach this year (he played last year but the coach was TERRIBLE), this coach explained a lot of things to the kids who hadn’t played before and had them running drills and everything. Yay! I’ve got P90X back & legs and I also want to get a run in on the treadmill (ambitious, I know but I NEED to get my running fitness level back up). Have a great day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    There's no way I can remember everyone's post to respond individually. But here's something weird for you ladies.....I weighed myself first thing this morning.......I peed and weighed again...... I weighed myself 3 times in a row and it showed a 2.4lb loss from my before-peeing weight. WEIRD lol (its a digital scale that shows my weight and the difference from the last time I weighed, so its not an error in math on my part)

    I was fully expecting to stay at or see an increase in weight since I had japanese for dinner last night.

    I don't know if I told you guys this, but the day before yesterday, one of the sluts who Joey was having an affair with friend requested me on facebook. (this really is how my emotions went....)
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :angry: :angry::angry::angry: :mad: :mad: :mad::mad: :mad: :mad: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:
    I responded with a short, mean little message. ("Excuse me itch?? You and I are not, and will never be, friends. Why the eff are you stalking me on facebook?" obviously I didn't edit the cussing though) She lives in Missouri; we have NO mutual friends. She completely stalked me but my profile is incredibly limited unless you are my friend. Basically all she can see is my profile picture where I look absolutely FABULOUS in my black and red dress and you can tell I'm standing next to "Mr. Hottie" as my sister calls him. The slut responded back with some stupid message....said that I wish she had the time to stalk me (umm....you do, obviously, cause here we are with you friend requesting me), said she was trying to help me out (there's not a damn thing in the world that I need or want from her), and said "it takes one to know one" (I guess cause I called her a B). I could SOOOOO go off on that, tear her apart and insult her intelligence but I decided to leave it at that....for now. She's a moron for thinking for a second that it was a good idea to friend request me. But if she's stupid enough to say anything else, then I'm not holding back. I will let her know that since I already have an attorney, I might as well get my money's worth and that in NC, I can sue her personally for Alienation of Affection for "stealing" Joey's affection from me. I will also let her know that I will have all her texts and phone records with Joey subpoenaed for court records. I almost WANT her to say something else so I can really let her have it, but I'm going to be the better person and keep quiet for now. She and Joey are still friends on fb so she could just be trying to feed information to him.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- don't know why the scale did that, but take it! As for the facebook drama, wtf, yo? You don't have time for that crap in your life. Geez!

    Amy: good luck on p90x today. If you run as well, I know someone who's the group superstar for the day. *GOLD STAR*

    Bethany: I haven't tried the flat belly diet, but I have heard of it.

    Amber: nice job on walking yesterday. At least you got out and moving. Hopefully you were able to do the same today as well.

    Lacey: that's great that you're seeing changes in your body. that can be extremely motivating when the scale isn't cooperating. It isn't always the best measure of how you're doing.

    Well, I set my alarm this morning to run before work and, no surprise, I didn't go. I had 2 problems. 1) I looked out my window and saw it was flurrying 2)opened the weather app on my iPhone and saw that it was 12 degreese. Yeah. No. I will either go to the gym or attempt a run after work today. So far my eating plan for the day should be good.

    Hope everyone is having a good hump day!
  • Laceylala – I honestly wouldn’t know how to respond to that type of gift. I would seriously have to bite my tongue as to not say anything that would be offensive. I do like your being able to use it on those pesky guys. LOL! And congrats on the collarbones. That is awesome!

    Victoria – Well at least you redeemed the McD’s with a trip to the store! WTG on the challenge! You go girl!

    Amber – WTG on getting back on the wagon!!!

    Cheryl – Welcome!

    Kristina – I understand about that getting home late. I made it home about 7:30 last night.  In regards to BL, that is completely true about the competition aspect of this season. I see a lot of fierce competitors and I loved the aspect about those that had lost so much at home alone. I can certainly understand the not going to run this morning. YUCK on the nasty weather!

    Karen – WTG….no problems with the modifying. At least you were moving and that’s what counts!

    Amy – If you get the PX90 and the running in today, you are my hero!!! Please be sure to let the coach know that you think a lot of him. As a coach’s wife, I know how depleting coaching can be. It seems like all you ever hear are the complaints…I know my husband loves to hear the positives as well.

    Kendal – First, who needs that crap! Good grief…you’d think once we got out of school we’d be done with all the high school drama but some people really never grow the heck up do they. She’s definitely fishing for something….anything….don’t fall into the trap! If she sends you anything else, just state something like, “I’m sorry but with the current situation I’m sure you can understand why I am politely declining your request. Cheerio!”

    Well I went over on calories last night by 167 and I got home late so I was mid way through BL. I did the challenge during the remaining parts however but I didn’t log that as exercise. I did get all 8 glasses of water in and logged all my calories for the day, so I’m happy about that. I’m not too upset about going over because it was still less calories than I would typically take in and I didn’t give in to the ice cream craving I was having last night. I knew I was over for the day and I didn’t have it. Score one for me.

    The next two days are going to be very stressful for me. It’s yearend closing here and everyone is working on getting the books closed. There are also snacks still hanging around from all the baskets received during the holiday and the chocolate will surely be put out after lunch today. UGH! I’m so a stress/boredom eater! I have just vowed to completely avoid that area of the floor if possible the next few days.
    Well, I’d best get back to it; I have a lot to get accomplished today and several afternoon meetings too. I’ll check back in later today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Gang!!! I agree it's so nice to see so many posts. I finished the challenge last night - yeah!!! I slept in this morning so no pre-work exercise. Eating us going well today. I plan to avoid the town with mcDonalds... On a positive note, 2 people have asked if I'm losing weight - it must be from the exercise. Although I was down to 187.75 this morning. I hope it holds until Friday.

    Yes my hula hoop is weighted and I love it.

    Christina - stay away from the chocolate.

    ((((((((((big hug)))))))) Kendal - you don't need any more crap.

    Time to my salad and get back to work. Have a happy hump day.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Yay for finishing the challenge! Bigger Yay for people noticing your weight loss!!!! My German neighbor was gone for quite some time in South Africa and came by to "check on me" the other day (this is a seriously small town and the neighbors are WAY nosy) and she stood in my doorway with her mouth agape and said I've lost a lot of weight and was I ill. After I told her I wasn't ill, she was really happy for my weight loss and suggested we go walking together (which probably won't happen as I'm out there walking at 8 am and she doesn't even get out of bed until after that). It was nice to have that reaction to the weight loss though!

    Christina: When I worked in an investment firm, we were always getting cookie baskets and treats through the entire holiday season. I hated it because there were only 3 of us in the main office and the president of the firm was constantly pushing that junk at us. Stay away from the chocolate!!! Good job keeping your calories down and doing your BL challenge. Oh, and I will thank the coach for his good coaching. I'm sure he mostly hears whining and complaining and would love something a little different.

    Kristina: I DID my P90X back & legs and Ab Ripper X, walked my dog for 45 minutes AND did a 30 minute interval training run on the treadmill. I am exhausted and I will happily take that gold star!

    Kendal: Wow! :noway: Serious balls on that chick. I agree with Victoria - you don't need that crap.

    Is it me or is this week WAAAAAYYYYY too long?!?!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi everyone. well i didn't get to the gym this morning due to the fact i was suffering a severe migraine that i just couldnt get rid of. but i will go when i get off from work tonight. my legs are a little sore from my walk yesterday but over all i feel pretty good.

    kristina & amy~ as for the reason i fell of the wagon, there were many factors but the main reasons are stress and weight loss failure. my dad started to get really sick again which made it hard to take care of myself as well as him (and at the time he came first) and the harder i tried to lose weight it just wouldnt budge past the 1st 10 pounds. i even gaind half of it back before i eneded up stopping all together and now i have gained a few extra along the way. i weighed my self this morning and it said 244 buit im not sure how accurate it was since i had forgotten that i had already had breaskfast.

    well so far today i have made healthier choices for breakfast and lunch even though lunch was a sanwich from subway. it was much better than a burger or something. well back to work see you guys later
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Day 76. On point for food. Planning to do a hardcore high heart rate "how many calories can I burn in 55 minutes" work out tonight at the gym. I'm not very sore today so it must be time to push it again right?

    I'm sorry I don't have time to get on here and reply to everyone but again it is awesome to see all of us so active on this thread supporting one another!

    And...you guys make me want to buy P90X even though I've never done anything at home before. How long are the videos each session?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - most of the videos take an hour. Yoga is 90 min and Ab Ripper X is 16 min. It's a big time commitment. But so worth the results. I just missed running too much. It's hard to do anything else when doing a full P90X routine. I'm hoping to do so of the videos on my non running days.

    Exercise done - 30 min low impact aerobics. Water - check plus with 9 glasses. Food pretty good - I needed a snack and the Nutella plus peanut butter on homemade wheat bread may have upped the numbers a bit. Otherwise, eating was on point.

    Tonight we're watching 21 in prepping for our Vegas trip... Lacey - you're inspiring me to put a countdown to my trip... 31 days to go!!!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone, but it sounds like you all are on your way to meeting your goals. I made it to seven glasses of water today, did 20 min of cardio, and finished day three of the 30 day shred. I made yummy open faced sandwiches tonight! Garlic humus, grilled chicken onion and bell peppers, topped with some extra sharp cheddar and toasted. It was 391 calories because I went a little crazy with the cheese, but I was still under my calorie goal for the day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    great job Sarah! you are doing great!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Day 76, 1584 minutes of exercise to go in this challenge that lasts till the middle of february. I did 60 mins at the gym today and booked it, for a 611 cal burn! Woohoo!

    With the P90x I worry about spending the money and sticking with it. I've never ever been able to do anything like that at home and make it consistent which is why knave the gym membership. Plus I really like the gym, going, my time, etc. There is a personal trainer in town that is doing a hard core boot camp style class that us girls at work talked about checking out today...so that might be more reasonable for me. If I lose enough weight by summer that I'm really looking for that extra push to get the fat off I will keep P90 in mind I guess. You have to be realistic I suppose.

    Sarah that sandwich sounds awesome!! Good job sticking to your goals girl!

    Victoria woohooq for Vegas!! We decided we are definitely definitely doing the zip line canyon tour when we go!! It looks awesome! I just have to find a way to get through that tradeshow at the beginning of the week not killing my feet again. The last time I went to this show my feet were literally covered in blisters so bad that I still walk wrong from having to walk weird to avoid them. I mean i must have had twenty on each foot. It was miserable. I need to find a pair of shoes that is going to be good for all the miles of walking I'm going to be ding in the heat!

    Amy ite good that Gabe has a good coach this year. I need to get G into something soon....dance, gymnastics, whatever.

    Kendal put your irritation with your ex situation into your work outs!!!

    Amber life sure does make it hard to keep the weight off and to keep losing doesn't it!? At least you know what triggers wanting to stop trying so that the next time these issues arise you will have a better control on it. I think it speaks volumes that you are back and moving forward.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Great job at the gym! I also have trouble sticking with DVD workouts at home (I got sick of the mere sight of Shaun T and Insanity after 2 months) but we only have one car here and the gym is 30 minutes away on the nearest military installation and the gyms here are kinda pathetic anyway (I DID try a couple of them out before giving up for home workouts). I am keeping myself motivated by adding in things that don't involve the TV (like hiking, rowing and running) on the more "weight lifting" days of P90X. Tony Horton is a bit of a goob and I'm sure I will hate his face after 30 days but I'm sticking with it because my body is sore EVERYWHERE!

    Sarah: your sandwich sounds awesome! Good job meeting your goals!

    Victoria: It IS hard to do anything else with P90X! I am lucky that we home school and I don't have a job because me being home all day is the only way I can fit in P90X and running. I didn't even get a shower until 3 pm yesterday because of the AM walk, then school, then run, then lunch, then prep dinner, then P90X. I was about ready to pass out by the time my day "started" at 3 pm.

    Dixie: It is hard for women to take care of ourselves when we are taking care of other people we care about too. I'm glad you're back here and working towards your goals.

    And it's another day! How many hours of sleep are you all getting? I am (mostly) getting about 8 hours (it takes me a while to fall asleep and I wake up a zillion times - but I tend to stay in bed for 8 hours). When I get up in the morning, I'm tired and achy though.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi everybody!!! to update about my day, work went OK and i made good choices for food today. i had multi-grain cereal for breakfast with low-fat milk, a subway sandwich for lunch, and a half salad from Wendy's with a grilled chicken wrap. the only bad choice i made was i had a soda with dinner because i still had that migraine from this morning. it actually got rid of the pain so i am going to have to come off the caffeine slowly apparently. but all in all i stayed under my calories today. Also since i got my headache to go away i actually managed to make it to the gym after work. i did a 16 min cardio work out. i also did some strength training.

    thanks everybody for welcoming be back so warmly. it let me know i have a great support system here.

    as for my goals for this challenge i just want to get in at least 4 days of exercise and lose 5 pounds by valentines day (isnt that about when this challenge ends?)

    have a great night all!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I should get up and run everyday - I love the feeling when I'm done. I keep thinking about buying an elliptical - so that I can cross train. But then I have the P90X videos and step aerobics for cross training.

    I have a full day of clients and a new one in a far away town :( Plus an appt to have my car worked on this afternoon. I wont be home until late. And I may pop into Wally World for some bulk supplies... I'm going to be driving by it and normally it's an hour drive. So that will put me home later. The bad news - this town has all the good fast food restaurants. I need emotional support and to go pack myself lunch and dinner. I've been craving fast food. At least I've only broken down once to actually eat it (that's if you ignore the Jimmy Johns vege wrap mom brought home last week)...

    Amber - great job getting back at it.

    Keep up the great work Sarah!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amber- great job! We will always be here to support you!

    Victoria- when you are tempted by those fast food places, think of what a waste of money it is....its incredibly expensive once you think of how little nutritional value there are in those meals. Its like saying "here, take my $7 and make me feel horrible, bloated and gross."

    Amy- I typically go to bed after the 11pm news (so 11:30) and get up around 6:30-7. I get around 7-7.5 hours of sleep.

    I think when my motivation is depleting with P90X, there will be 2 things that will keep me going. 1) I spent a CRAP-TON of money on it and 2) if Denise can do it, so can I. She's the girl at work who lost over 100 pounds in like, 6 months last year and when she started, she was bigger than I am. She's now a size 6. I still need to get some resistance bands though.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: You do NOT want to eat that fast food. It is way high in calories and fat and isn't worth it. Pack your lunch and dinner and feel good about treating your body well. :flowerforyou:

    Gabe was watching Giada on TV ans she made this yummy looking ginger/Tea/Lemonade stuff that we just had to try. Of course, I hate to drink my calories so I replaced Giada's simple syrup sweetener with stevia and it turned out really tasty. If you're interested, here's the recipe:
    Boil 2 cups of water and then add 3 black tea bags (she recommends English Breakfast tea & that's what I used). Steep the tea for 20 minutes.
    Heat 1 cup of water over medium heat on the stove and add a 2 inch piece of fresh ginger which has been peeled & chopped (if you were doing the sugar version, you would add 1 cup of sugar here and make a simple syrup). Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes (I added my stevia later but I guess you could add it here - stevia won't thicken up like sugar will so I think it's a moot point, we're just going for the ginger flavor here)
    After 20 minutes, remove your tea bags from the tea & discard. Add the Ginger Non-Syrup (or syrup, if u went that route), 2/3 cup of fresh lemon juice, 2 cups of sparkling water and I added 4 packets of stevia (add as much or as little as you like). Mix in 2 cups of ice cubes and enjoy your pretty-much-no-calorie beverage. It's sweet and tart and I really liked it (so did Gabe!). Maybe next time, I'll try it with green tea to get the added green tea benefits.
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