

  • Hahaha funny but true. Thanks for the sex jokes guys.. ha
  • I did insanity, but I definitely didn't follow the meal plan to a T ( Iwasn't eating meat then). Some suggestions for proteins would be cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs, egg whites, protein powders, milk, cheese strings, textured vegetable protein (google recipes with this in it), meat substitutions if you're comfortable…
  • thanks so much for your input. i agree with you on the psychological part now that i think about it. and yes, digestive issues was my concern! KFC does not appeal to me at all haha! definitely will take it slow if i decide to eat it again. :)
  • you definitely understood my post, sorry if it came off confusing! (when i read it it does seem that way now lol) i basically have the same problems as you when it comes to lentils/beans.. and i generally don't like eating dairy. ugh, yes, anything that has skin and bones/veins definitely grosses me out. from peoples posts…
  • this comes off as very rude to me? first of all i don't need someone to "guide" me. i'm an adult, not a two year old. also, you're coming off as one of those people that give vegetarians, vegans, etc a bad name. i think you're very arrogant and i don't believe the last sentence at all. please take your rudeness elsewhere,…
  • yeah i definitely don't like how they're brought up, and skin/bones definitely gross me out lol.. i'd have to have boneless and skinless!
  • thanks everyone for their help!! i appreciate it a lot
  • i know how to cook meat. i've prepared it a billion times for my family and boyfriend. i just personally do not eat it. i want to hear from people who were vegetarians then started eating meat again, and how their body reacted etc - since i am thinking about reintroducing poultry back into my diet.
  • yeah that's my main problem. i love carbs. but for some reason with chicken breast and ground natural chicken breast, i can see myself consuming it for snacks and meals more often.. especially since i DREAD eating greek yogurt, protein powder and so on. i love eggs mixed with egg whites too, but i don't want that for more…
  • tea tea tea! :) neocitrin if it gets really bad!
  • thank you ALL!! so helpful, i appreciate it!
  • this is the sweetest thing ive ever read! gosh, sign me up for a hubby like this in the future! lol congrats to you both!! amazing jobs on both ends!! love hearing about couples losing weight
  • i like my oats both ways. however there's ONE overnight oats recipe i tried that had cottage cheese in it... the cottage cheese produced this stringy-like texture when i was eating it. it completely grossed me out so i haven't had oats cold in awhile! for combos/toppings i would try banana and natural peanut butter.…
  • i absolutely love insanity. it may be tough at first, but just try your best to keep up with it! it's really not that bad! and there's always 4-6 minutes of stretching after the "warmup" so that's something to look forward to. i'm on month 2 and i love it haha! if you can't do a pushup, do a modified one from your knees :)
  • hi, i would definitely increase your protein. 45 seems awfully low. if you're exercising, 1200 calories is also way too low. 1200 is a bare minimum in which you need in order for your body to perform all it's bodily functions.. to increase your calories and protein, i would suggest adding greek yogurt, lean proteins (tuna,…
  • thanks for your input :) i'm not exact on my body fat, i haven't had that tested in almost a year now. 5'9, 149lb. i've taken a break from lifting though because i'm home for the summer (i'm a student) and the gym here is not worth $60 a month... broken lat pull down machine, leg extension machine, amongst other things..…
  • tie between nicole richie or kim kardashian!
  • i love them. what i do is i cut it length wise, poke some holes in it with a fork, and microwave it for 20 minutes. put some spaghetti sauce and parm on top and you're golden!
  • i wonder the same thing! i can relate to this the OP - because i mean.. if it were a perfect world, NO ONE would eat junk around me lol! but there's always going to be obstacles like this. overcoming them is the main thing!! of course - i also believe in moderation. if you really want a doughnut or a chocolate bar, HAVE…
  • I should've mentioned that by chinese I meant chinese BUFFET which makes everything worse, LOL! If there's one thing I don't have complete control over when it comes to my eating, it's this place. I do try and pick healthier options first to fill myself up but sometimes I can't resist a veggie eggroll or a slice of cake!…
  • i feel the exact same way. i rarely track my vegetables (i just started doing this now..blegh), and i NEVER track my water intake lol. it is a pain sometimes, but if i'm ever bored during the day i go on my phone and track my food i know ill be eating for the next day. saving/remembering meals is also helpful!
  • i drink about 6-8 591mL bottles of water a day. i've never bothered to track it because i know i drink enough everyday lol. the scale budged finally, so somethings working. thanks for the help guys
  • how do i open up that option?? i was interested in doing that!! but i'm still a newbie to this site it seems lol. and yeah, carbs are my complete and total weakness :( i'll try and lower them and replace with more protein
  • yeah i've been trying to get some more in lately. i really love vegetables but i don't prepare them very often.. especially since i'm living with my parents during my summer off university. and if there's one thing i hate - it's adding salads in to my intake.. it just seems pointless to add 2 cups of lettuce that's not…
  • i will try eating more and if that doesn't work i'll do the week you suggested. thanks!
  • done, thanks. i track every morsel of food that goes in my mouth lately, especially since it's "that time" of the month i've been a bit of track with treats here and there. but either way it all gets tracked.
  • I don't think it has anything to do with the foods I am eating. also, don't even know how to make my diary public to everyone.
  • @yarwell - I think I do have the eating down right lol.... and I'm well aware about that. I've been into fitness and health since the age of 14 when I was actually overweight - I'm 21 now. I was just giving my background story to see if anyone had opinions because I don't fully understand why I'm not losing weight at this…