To those with significant others/best friends...

.. that don't eat healthy, how do you cope? I find it hard to be at my boyfriends place because he doesn't have healthy options, for the most part it's junk. He's also hungry every hour (I have never seen someone eat so much.) He also eats meat and I only eat fish.. so it's a completely different thing. I find he doesn't really support me with trying to lose weight and stuff either. I generally do speak up and say yeah I'm not eating that but then I'm considered as "hard to get along with" because of my decision.... I've thought about bringing meals a long with me and stuff

I also have a lot of friends that are into the whole 'partying' scene which I'm not really into. I do like going out now and then.. and I do like going out for supper with them, but most of the time it's chinese (which I love - so sometimes I don't say no) but then I end up feeling guilty after and feeling like I won't lose weight. I know I need to live a little, because sometimes I don't really feel like I have a social life. But it's like I have to be in a certain "mood" to eat a crappy/cheat meal.. and I don't like feeling pressured when people ask me to do things and I don't want to do them, you know? I'm not a very good person at saying "no" to going out with my friends or boyfriend :frown: Any opinions on this, or anyone going through the same thing?


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I take my own food to my boyfriends or we do a grocery shop together and I get what I want.

    There are better options at places like Chinese restaurants, decide before you go what you're going to eat and stick to it and plan your day around it.

    It's a lifestyle change not a diet I hear on here so often but it's true, you have to make it work with your life if you want to succeed.
  • lightheartedangel
    lightheartedangel Posts: 20 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from on this. My family is the same way. Every time I go to visit them there is nothing but junk, soda, white bread and chips in their house. The best thing to do is try to roll with the punches. My family is constantly offering me things they know I can't and shouldn't have. The only thing I can really suggest is politely say no and try to find alternatives and/or smaller portions. This past weekend I went to visit my parents and they were eating hot dogs, chips and mac and cheese. I only had 1 all beef hot dog and a 1/2 cup of mac n cheese. I know it's not the healthiest thing I could have had, but I was able to at least have something without coming off as rude. Anyway, hope that helps. :)
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    If one of my housemates goes to the trouble to prepare me food, I'll generally eat it-- even if it's not something I'd prefer. If it's unhealthy I'll eat just a little bit. So I'm careful about telling certain people if I'm having a tough day, because sometimes I'll get home and there will be Chinese food, or cheesy eggs covered with bacon... "so you don't have to cook!" I say thank you and eat it. Once in awhile won't kill me.


    If you want to change your eating habits, and it's tough going, you have to practice being firm WITH YOURSELF. You don't have to change other people. It's you that has the responsibility and the power to change. You can't rely on your friends to help you-- it sucks I know. So you can do a few things.

    1) look for new friends and new activites. I'm not saying ditch all your old friends, but maybe you already know some people who would be interested. "Hey I'm gonna cook a pot of soup this weekend, wanna help?" "Wanna help me grill some veggies? I've never tried it and things might catch on fire... Could be exciting..."

    2) be firm with your friends if they are getting pushy. You know what they're going to say to convince you-- make a list of responses you can have ready.

    "This is not a big deal, I just don't want to eat that. Thank you anyways."

    "I didn't realize I am supposed to eat everything you eat. When did I agree to that?" <--careful of your tone on that one hehe

    Or just sit there with your carrot sticks and start being pushy back. "Come on, just have one! it's not going to kill you! EAT A CARROT STICK. Come on." Every time they push food on you, don't even do "no thanks", just push back. I think they will get it pretty quick lol

    "Want some Taco bell?"

    Wanna carrot?

    "How about Burger King?"

    How bout an apple with peanut butter?

    "GOD, fine."

    Then you high five yourself.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Well I am married to my SO/best friend, and I do the shopping. If I didn't live with him, and he ate only junk, I would probably just take my own snacks.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    ...or cheesy eggs covered with bacon...

    That sounds like a wonderful, protein-packed meal to me. :love:
  • fuelingit
    I should've mentioned that by chinese I meant chinese BUFFET which makes everything worse, LOL! If there's one thing I don't have complete control over when it comes to my eating, it's this place. I do try and pick healthier options first to fill myself up but sometimes I can't resist a veggie eggroll or a slice of cake!

    Thank you everyone for the tips!! I'll be bookmarking the page for future reference!

    EDIT: lol, my significant other does not even like fruit or vegetables. He refers to my choices as "dirty" or "gross"...... this is someting I find annoying and irritating.