

  • Omg, I'm so happy someone posted this. I was just thinking pretty much the same thing last night as I sat sipping on a bottle of water while my boyfriend ate a slice of deluxe pizza in my face. In my opinion: Boyfriends (not all of them) = Complacency aka Less "me" time aka Weight gain My boyfriend keeps telling me he…
  • It's funny, a friend and I were just talking about this. I am more outgoing, confident and willing to speak my mind when I feel better about myself. Feeling better can be smaller, having a really cute outfit on, nice hair style.. But for me smaller definitely equals more confidence and a bolder me.
  • I'll send you a request. I need to lose a LOT too, but I'm motivated and willing to help in any way I can.
  • I just began today and have only had 2 meals so far. The Smore bar was Great, very filling. However the cinnamon pretzel stix are not my favorite to say the least. Anyone whose also doing 5&1 please feel free to add me so we can celebrate our accomplishments together!
  • WOW!!! Congrats!
  • Woohoo! Keep going!
  • LMAO now that's what I'm talking about!
  • I am very shy too. I would "go elementary" and write him a note saying "DO YOU LIKE ME?" Check Yes, No, I want to get to know you better. He will laugh which will break the ice and before he can start looking for a pen to check YES OF COURSE, you can muster up the nerve to say something like "I kind of developed a little…
  • Ooh Mango lol! Bkft: Peanut butter on wheat toast, coffee w/1 splenda and 1 tsp creamer Lunch: Tuna, tomato, onions on wheat toast and watermelon Dinner: IDK yet, you made me want something with salsa, maybe tilapia w/brown rice and salsa??? Oh and 2 cups of water w/each meal!
  • Thank you ALL for your advise, wishes and MOTIVATION! Although I have a headache I am definitely going to class tonight, I'm actually thinking about doing 2 classes now ;-).
  • Keep your friends, keep your sanity lol. Realistically we all need a break from our significant other from time to time or just some form of outside activity. Although you are ex. "Steve's wife", you still have an identity. Dont lose site of who you were before you got married. I had cut all of my friends back…
  • Uughhh that did it for me! Lol
  • LMAO Dont do it! Too bad you sit so close to her. Do you have your own healthy snacks? Maybe if you have a snack and some water it'll satisfy the urge to join her and/or beat her lol!
  • HBP also runs in my family and my pressure runs high from time to time. I am 28 and mines is controlled by meds (which I hate taking meds..I'm too young for this). With the assistance of the meds of course, I have kept mine in the normal range by cutting back on fast food, stopped cooking/seasoning my food with salt, using…
  • Good question! I'm new here to, about a week in as well. I have used some of the extra calories a couple times, but I try not to eat anything extra unless I'm really hungry to keep my calories consumed low. Idk, I'll keep reading for clarity.