Lady at work is NOT helping my diet



  • sweetmeka238
    Uughhh that did it for me! Lol
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    OMG i thought i was alone!! i totally have a girl who does that to me but even worse she BUYS me food and gets mad if i dont eat it!!! But stay strong dont give in!! hopefully she will get the hint and try to start eating better..

    Oohh maybe you should be like wow ever since i started eating healthy i have so much energy and go on and on about the benefits and maybe she will trade her bad food for good stuff :)
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    So this new lady at work sits right in front of me. She apparantly has no desire to be healthy in any aspect of her life and all she eats is McDonald's, Pizza Hut, pop corn, hashbrowns, etc.... And she eats it all at her desk and munches all day long. I really don't care what she eats but it's more that now all I smell is all this fatty foods I WANT to eat but can't, and all I hear is her munching on her food all day. It's making it SO hard not to run to the cafeteria and order up a big juicy cheeseburger and some fries! Lol

    Wow! I used to sit next to a lady JUST LIKE THIS! I found her nauseating. I could smell her nasty food, hear her chewing, and then listen to her tell me that she never eats out and was healthy! HA! She is a fat toad! :)

    I finally couldn't take it anymore, and asked my boss if I could relocate to a new cube. She was really understanding and I moved within a week. I'm now near other 'healthy' people, and LOVE it!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    This is going to sound sick, but use it as a motivator.

    Exactly what I was thinking. I think I would be secretly smug, eating my apples and wholeweat bread, thinking to myself how cool it is that I'm eating this and not that crap.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    LOL I love the suggestion to drop the 'Skinny B" book on her desk!!! Calculating the calories is also a great idea.

    I work right next to the cafetaria, so I get a daily dose of burger-and-fries aroma wafting into my office. When it makes me start to crave junk, I look up yummy, healthy recipes and get stoked about cooking something new for dinner. That way I'm deferring that craving to something that won't wreck my body, rather than trying to ignore it.

    Or, when she brings the food in, you can say loudly to another co-worker, "UGH, what is that smell?? Sick!"
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Eww...and the fat/grease she is consuming. Maybe she is trying to make "The Biggest Loser"? LOL. Really though, I remember eating that way, and I wasn't that happy. Mentally wish her in a better place and continue to see yourself in a happy, healthy body!

    I like this answer. I see people like this all the time and I think back to when I did it and what people thought of me. She probably does not have very high self esteem if she is putting rubbish into her body. Think of what you have instead of that fatty food, health, happiness and the knowledge that you can do it! You should feel proud of yourself
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    is it bad that now i want a hashbrown from mcdonalds?? eekkkk no bueno! :noway:
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    is it bad that now i want a hashbrown from mcdonalds?? eekkkk no bueno! :noway:

    Lol they are delicious but so are fresh strawberries, yummmmm
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    get some air freshner... a nice flowery scent..... everytime she brings in the stuff that you think is good based off the smell... spray some... that way you can no longer smell her food and eventually she may even get the hint
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Does your office have a policy about eating at your desk? Our office does. We are not allowed to eat at our desks, so there is no fear of spillage on the computer keyboards, paperwork, etc. Also, it prevents people from answering the phone while chewing like a cow - not a good impression! And any drinks at our desks must be covered and in somewhat leak-proof containers.

    Maybe if you do not have a policy like this, you should start one. :wink:
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Lol, my office is right down the hall from the break room, so I smell food being made ALL day. Sometimes it makes me hungry, and others it doesn't because I hate the smell of seafood, especially when it's brought as left overs for lunch. So some of the time it's a turn off for me and makes me feel sick.
    When it makes me hungry I just start thinking about how hard I have worked, and how far I have come.
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    is it bad that now i want a hashbrown from mcdonalds?? eekkkk no bueno! :noway:

    Lol they are delicious but so are fresh strawberries, yummmmm

    oh so true!! yummy strawberries and blueberries!! :)
  • Happy_endings
    I luckily work in the lab which we arent allowed food/drinks in work area. But we have food in the lounge and I had a coworker who was thin that would bring in chips n dip, pies,cookies, candy ALL the time!! She was getting kinda old too so she would forget what she would bring from the previous day and bring in another bag of chips and dip the next day. Around thanksgiving she brought in a pumpkin pie almost every other day....I of course munched on all the stuff she would bring in! I love the lady and she is a dear friend but Im really really glad she got another job!! Its much easier to stay under the 400 calories I allow myself to eat during work.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Talk to HR, see if there are nutrition groups, a biggest loser contest, walk across america teams, adopt a womens shelter and donate healthy nutrition fund raiser, get sponsers to dnate prizes for being healthy,perhaps positive peer pressure where it is safe for her she get on board, if she is new could be food is friend and she is nervous eating, coming off rejecting before she is rejected.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    Maybe you could make a comment like "gosh...that smells so good. I didn't realize just how much of a trigger it would be smelling it. I use to eat that kind of stuff but now I eat healthier. I found a fantastic website called my fitness pal. It's changed my life". This might result in a couple of things. If she is at all concerned about being thoughtful of others she might try to avoid eating this stuff around you. Maybe not all the time but maybe sometimes. Second, you never know if someone has tried in the past and has thrown in the towel and given in. Or if she is even slightly interested in getting healthy but doesn't know how. Of course I do not know the personality or character of this person. So a lot would depend on that. IDK...just a thought.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    OMG i thought i was alone!! i totally have a girl who does that to me but even worse she BUYS me food and gets mad if i dont eat it!!! But stay strong dont give in!! hopefully she will get the hint and try to start eating better..

    Oohh maybe you should be like wow ever since i started eating healthy i have so much energy and go on and on about the benefits and maybe she will trade her bad food for good stuff :)

    There's someone at my work that does that - thankfully i've turned down their offers for lunch enough times they don't bring me lunch anymore. I was even called a "Nazi" for not trying a cupcake, wth?! It was around christmas time and I was avoiding all the goodies that everyone brings in. Sheesh!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Bottom line this is about your choices, not your co-workers. Agreed that I find it rude and quite unappealing to have someone eating fast/junk food I can smell in my general location. Not to mention there is prob a policy speaking to no food at your work station. The calorie count look up is an excellent idea!
    What got me off McDonalds, burger King and other fast food places?? *****Sensative stomachs stop reading NOW********
    Walk up to the fast food places dumpsters...........take a deep breath........smells exacally like their FOOD!!!
    How scary is that??? Another thing you could do is Google 3 yr old cheeseburger & fries!!! EEEEK!!!! Youwont want this ever again!

    PS-I have had McDonalds (used to be an addict 3-5x week!) ONCE in the past two years. DD brought me through the drive through after a night of Tequila...I thought I was invincible!!! LOL
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    This is how I got where I am today (as in fat). I had no idea how many calories a day I was consuming - and I didn't care, because I had no clue as to how many calories I really needed. So I ate what I wanted, whenever I wanted - and then wondered why my waist kept getting bigger and bigger.

    It comes on slowly - just a pound a month or so, over a decade - can be major.

    Now, I look at EVERYTHING I eat; and I make concessions. Skip chips with my Subway sandwich; and I can have a WHOLE bag of Orville Redenbacher's CARMEL popcorn tonight with my movie and Dt. Coke. Sure, I can have pretty much whatever I want, it just means that I have to compensate later on that day.

    Being armed with the information is all the help I need.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I am in charge of our monthly safety meetings at the office. The first meeting we had after I joined MFP, I bought a huge fruit tray for the meeting and was kind of surprised at the *****ing and moaning. The next month I compromised and brought in a fruit tray and croissants. More *****ing and complaining. Finally on the third month I said screw it and brought in a huge tray of fat laden, sugar crusted pastries. And I brought me an apple and some yogurt. When someone asked me why I wasn't having a pastry I simply said I looked up how much fat and sugar and other garbage in is there and I'll stick to my apple. Half the room stopped mid-bite and pushed their plates away. Haven't had a compaint about the fruit trays again.