Lady at work is NOT helping my diet

So this new lady at work sits right in front of me. She apparantly has no desire to be healthy in any aspect of her life and all she eats is McDonald's, Pizza Hut, pop corn, hashbrowns, etc.... And she eats it all at her desk and munches all day long. I really don't care what she eats but it's more that now all I smell is all this fatty foods I WANT to eat but can't, and all I hear is her munching on her food all day. It's making it SO hard not to run to the cafeteria and order up a big juicy cheeseburger and some fries! Lol


  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i am sure when she see's you with your healthy food and veggies, she will start to feel bad about what she eats. just try to wave it around her more if you can.. i know when i used to eat bd, seeing ladies eat so well and be so thin i'd be like omg.. i need to stop eating this..
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    just look up the calorie in what ever she is eating , i have found in the past it is enough to put me off!
  • sweetmeka238
    LMAO Dont do it! Too bad you sit so close to her. Do you have your own healthy snacks? Maybe if you have a snack and some water it'll satisfy the urge to join her and/or beat her lol!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Maybe try asking her to lunch. Sometimes when you start working at a new place you just go with what you know. For example there are a lot of great independent restaurants with great healthier food near where I work. I didn't know about them when I first started so I would go with the old standby's where I knew I could get something to eat that I would like.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    just look up the calorie in what ever she is eating , i have found in the past it is enough to put me off!
    I am curious is the lady overweight??? It would help if she is!! :tongue:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    morgan that's a great suggestion! seeing how many calories and fat it is, would be sure to turn you off!
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    Look up the calories in the food she eats and email her the nutritional info. For ever single thing she eats. Lol.

    I wouldn't really do that because it's mean spirited, but I bet if she knew half of what she was putting into her body, she'd take a moment to reconsider.

    I smell bacon at work a lot which drives me crazy. I counter by keeping some low fat single serving popcorn at my desk. I have it as a snack in the afternoon sometimes and it feels good to have that smell wafting through the office and know that it's all mine. :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Ask if you can move to another desk.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Say that you have a sensitive stomach and that you do not like smelling food all day long.

    Or let her know it's not healthy to eat at your desk (studies show that employees that eat away from their desks are actually more productive in the afternoon).

    Either way, it's going to spell trouble because she will get offended and it's not a good way to start out with a new employee. I myself could not bear to smell food all day at work. It's not a restaurant. It's an office.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Eww...and the fat/grease she is consuming. Maybe she is trying to make "The Biggest Loser"? LOL. Really though, I remember eating that way, and I wasn't that happy. Mentally wish her in a better place and continue to see yourself in a happy, healthy body!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    or.. look at an area of your body that you aren't happy with that you want to improve, and think of a slice of pizza there.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I felt the same way but since I've been doing this for a while now I think I'm more turned off at the fact that my cube mate is just doing a disservice to her body. All the junk will just make you crash and leave you with no energy to do the best job you can do!

    My cube mate daily snacks consist of mountain dew, doritos, pop tarts. While I'm eating my bran, yogurt, and blueberries which will give me energy throughout the day. Stay strong and know that your food is fuel!
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    Maybe try asking her to lunch. Sometimes when you start working at a new place you just go with what you know. For example there are a lot of great independent restaurants with great healthier food near where I work. I didn't know about them when I first started so I would go with the old standby's where I knew I could get something to eat that I would like.

    This is a good idea! She might just be shy and not know what's in the area. My friends at work have no clue what's around the office and they've worked here 4 years longer than I have!! I have introduced them to some healthy options which they love. They just didn't know existed. They still eat junk a lot, but I still eat healthy despite it and we coexist peacefully for the most part. Lol
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    just look up the calorie in what ever she is eating , i have found in the past it is enough to put me off!
    This. I LOVED McDonalds hashbrowns, until I had to stare at it in my food diary. Not worth it. I lost interest.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are probably not going to change her, only she can do that. I suggest, just think how nasty it sounds - her munching and glomming, let it gross you out! Think of all the nasty fat she's ingesting and what it's doing to her. I find that I can sort of get myself grossed out over that nasty fat food...BLECH!
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    Yes she is overweight. She doesn't seem like the friendliest lady either, she's worked here almost 2 weeks and every time somebody tries to talk to her she walks away. So asking her to lunch probably would be more torture than smelling the food! Oh this morning she broke out some movie theater popcorn so I broke out my golden delicious apple lol. But I don't know, maybe it's just me, but when I hear people eat all of a sudden I'm hungry, and she eats allllllllllllllllllllllllll day
  • googagene
    googagene Posts: 32
    This is going to sound sick, but use it as a motivator. Instead of thinking "Oh man I want a cheeseburger" think in terms of how bad it is for her and be happy you no longer eat like that. Each time she snacks on something else terrible you're taking a step away from that nasty lifestyle. I still amazed when my coworkers bring in lunch, to see someone eating that double quarter pounder with supersized fries and a coke I feel shocked I used to eat fast food twice a day and look at what I've accomplished.... Not to say I don't still enjoy the food. Oh, god PIZZA!! I just know I have to limit myself to 1-2 slices instead of the whole pie. Be proud of yourself for the steps your taking to a healthy more enjoyable life.
  • Kirsty36
    Kirsty36 Posts: 6 Member
    THAT SUCKS ! It definitely puts ones inner personal strength to the test when you smell / see food like that all day long. You just have to stay strong!!! Buy this book called Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, read it yourself and then drop it off on her desk one day when shes not there....
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I agree with looking up the calories and fat to remind yourself why you don't need it. One important thing that dieticians will always tell you is not to restrict yourself too much. If you feel like you are being denied what you really want you'll set yourself up for a binge. Instead, as you're eating your salad, think about how you're going to go home and make a pizza that is going to be much healthier and much tastier than the greasy slop that she's eating.

    When I was in my old group, everyone used to bring in tons of food to share. They'd put it on a long table which was just on the other side of my desk. Girls from the other side of the area would get up from their desks, walk all the way over to where the cookies, fudge, cake, snacks were and then complain "Oh my gosh, it's so tempting to have this here. It's just not fair. Eating all of this is ruining my diet" I'd just sit there and sort of look at them blankly. It was 20+ feet from their desk and inches from mine and I wasn't getting up all the time and eating it. It's all in your mindset. After a while I'm sure her unhealthy eating will seem disgusting to you. Hang in there.
  • poledancing_ninja
    Report her for making your office smell like greasy take-away food. I'm sure everyone else will feel the same. Surely you have somewhere in your building designated for that purpose?