AZackery Member


  • You don't need an outside gym, create your own inside gym (dumbbells, exercise ball, jump rope, etc.). I have my own gym at home, for when I can't make it to the gym. I just joined a gym last year, well, I've joined the exercise room last year. I've been a member of the gym - free indoor walking. I haven't been to the gym…
  • Take one day at a time. You can do it. Believe in yourself. Take baby steps. The finish line will always be there. You got this!
  • Welcome Jorinya. God Is Good.
  • A lot of people look at overweight people and think they aren't healthy and that's not always the case. A lot of overweight people are healthy and not only that, but fit. Just because someone is skinny it doesn't mean they are healthy or fit. A lot of skinny people eat a lot of junk food and would rather have the junk food…
  • Good job Melissan84. I'm 5ft 1" tall as well.
  • What part of your body are you trying to lose inches? How many spots on your body do you measure? I measure three areas (chest, waist and thighs), but that doesn't mean that I'm not losing inches on other parts of my body. You may not notice quick results in the areas you are focusing on, but that doesn't mean you aren't…
  • Keep up the good job everyone.
  • If you have an Academy in your area, try them. That's where I get mines from. I've found them to be cheaper than Walmart.
  • Be careful and if you ever do Tae Bo again, make sure you are doing the moves right. Billy shows how to do the moves right. If you are doing the moves and it doesn't feel right, you aren't doing them right. Get back to Tae Bo when you can. It's okay, if you never do Tae Bo again. We are still here for you.
    in Taebo? Comment by AZackery November 2012
  • I know about flair ups. Strengthening the core will help with the back pain.
  • Pilates and core workouts using a stability ball.
  • I own a lot of workout videos. Tae Bo is my number one workout. You can check your library to see what kind of workouts they carry. You can go to and view some workouts. You don't have to know the names of the workouts, just type keywords, such as kickboxing and you will see all the kickboxing workouts…
  • Supreme 90 Day is a good program. The workouts are all under an hour. This was the first program that i have done. I will not do it as a program again, but will incorporate the workouts into my other workouts. I have been MIA on the Supreme 90 Day Facebook page and Supreme 90 Day support forum. Although, I'm finished with…
  • Hi Tas3980, I'm sorry to hear what you have experienced with that man. He was immature and had self hatred. Don't give him your power or anyone else your power. If someone think you are fat, so be. I have been told by a family member that I was fat and I told that person that yes, I'm fat. I'm not going to let words get to…
  • And which one is right?
  • Some people like to say that a body fat scale and the Omron Handheld Body Fat monitor are inaccurate, but why are they inaccurate? If a person's weight on their own scale is 1 to 2 pounds less or more than the pounds on their doctor's scale, which scale is right? My home scale has shown a different weight than my doctor's…
  • If you can afford to spend $30.00, then buy yourself an Omron Handheld Body Fat Monitor. You can get it from or Academy. GNC sells the machine as well, but it costs more there.
  • I don't remember how many sites the trainer tested on the woman, but I know her body fat percentage wasn't 14%. I know my body fat percentage, because I use a body fat scale and my Omron Handheld body fat monitor.
  • Caliper testing can be wrong. I've seen a youtube video where a trainer tested a woman's body fat percentage with a caliper and came out with 14% and there's no way that woman's body fat percentage was 14%. The woman was bottom heavy. I would trust a body fat scale, before I trust a caliper, after all, a scale shows my…
  • I only own the Strength and Endurance workout and I like it.
  • I own this package. I already owned Dance Off The Inches Sizzling Salsa, but wanted to get this set at Walmart, because I thought the other workouts were going to be good.I have done Dance off The Inches Sizzling Salsa before buying this workout and it's better than Dances Off The Inches Red Hot Cardio Party. I don't know…
  • What formula does the YMCA uses for body fat percentage? I know that online body fat calculators can have a person's body fat percentage lower than what it really is.
  • The price is not right for me right now, but I might own it in the near future.
    in tapout x t Comment by AZackery June 2012
  • I own a body fat scale and Omron Handheld Body fat monitor and I trust both of them. I don't go to the gym. I have my own personal gym at home. I do know that some gyms uses the Omron Handheld Body Fat monitor to test people body fat percentage. A lot of people think that the dunk test or even Bod Pod are more accurate,…
  • I'm not looking for you to agree with me.
  • Billy Blanks has shown example of how his moves can help a person protect themselves from an attacker. I own self defense videos. I have never taken a class, but I would not say that I can't learn a thing or two from the videos or even from Billy Blanks.
  • You can do this Danielle. Believe in yourself and don't give up. Baby steps and patient is the key.
  • You don't have to be a certain size to do planks. Some people can't do planks, because their core is not strong enough. That's the reason a lot of people can't do full pushups, even some bodybuilders who lift weights can't do full pushups. I own a lot of Leslie Sansone walking workouts. You can find some of her workouts at…