I'm Danielle. Just looking for some help with motivation!!

I'm Danielle.
My long term goal is to lose 60 pounds.
I just started this and I don't really know how to work it.
Any help is appreciated!! =)


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You can do this Danielle. Believe in yourself and don't give up. Baby steps and patient is the key.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Hi Danielle,

    I'd be happy to be your MFP friends. Feel free to ask me questions you'd like!
  • hi danielle you can add me if you need help im here for yah
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Make sure to always add your calories throughout the day.. The longer you do it the better you will get.. It is so much fun to have this site so you can compare what you are going through with everyone else.... Set a shorter goal like 5 pounds and reach it, then 5 more... It will feel better to see you reach the goals and before you know it you will reach your 60:) Good Luck!!!
  • bwiggans
    bwiggans Posts: 3
    i see you have lost 2 pounds so far that is awesome, make sure you log in every day and keep track of what you are eating and doin and exercising as you can.
    i am 43 with sciatica, foot drop, 5 bulging disc, degenerative disc disease, ptsd, 2 bad knees and 2 bad shoulders with nerve damage in both arms from the elbow down. and i am determined to get into smaller clothes.
    i wish you the best of luck and hope you get to your goal. just remember to not get up set if you dont see any change every week.
  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    Log on every day. Track your food and do some sort of exercise daily and results will follow. Feel free to add me
  • mscrholder
    mscrholder Posts: 38 Member
    You will wear that bikini Danielle!! Keep going! Let's be friends.
  • bakerh518
    bakerh518 Posts: 18 Member
    im new too and am looking to lose a similar amount of weight! We can do it!! Ive found taking each day as it comes, not punishing yourself for yesterday and just looking ahead leads to motivation! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Snoopy7878
    Snoopy7878 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome tp mfp. You have the same goal I started with. I am about half way here. Feel free to add me.
  • Canuckjen
    Canuckjen Posts: 7
    Today is day 1 for me!!
    Sent you a Friend Request.... I'm looking for more friends too!!