Learning not to trust the scale...Its an evil box!



  • vickilowell
    vickilowell Posts: 37 Member
    This one of the most inspiring posts I have ever seen. Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to post the pics and your journey. You look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks about this post...Ive been hearing a lot of people telling me I'm looking good and slimmer but the scale ain't moving no where.
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I'm trying to convince myself the scale is not the all important measure of progress. Currently I weigh 195 pounds and am 5'7" tall, but am starting to fit back into my size 10s I wore when I was in the 170s last time. I'm in that between sizes point where my 12s are getting lose and I need a belt but the 10s aren't completely a perfect fit.

    Anyway this is a huge difference in weight from the last time I was at this size and I still can't see it in myself unless I look at photos. Then I start to see the difference. People tell me I look great and look smaller but I have the hardest time seeing it in myself.

    I originally wanted to get down to 155 but have come to the decision that this may not be an obtainable goal if I don't want to be too skinny. It's difficult to look back and decide you're going to be heavier than you'd ideally like.
  • Wow thanks so much for your post it is truly inspiring and a wake up call for those of us that judge our progress with the numbers on the scale. Of which I am guilty of.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    Thank you for sharing. I really needed to read this today. My gym partner (guy) had asked if I was losing weight because he thinks I eat "rabbit food" and he knows I training really hard. I had lost a couple pounds. But my "skinny" clothes are loser. He did not see that as a "success".

    I think it is time to dump the gym partner.

    Thanks again.
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    Awesome! Thanks for sharing - it's true! The scale does not tell the whole story. :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Thank you for posting this, and all the great before/after photos. You're right, I need to worry less about the number. My problem is I look in the mirror and even though I wear a size 2 or a 4 now, I still see me as a size 12. How does one get past that????

    I think it takes time.

    For months people have been coming up to me telling me they can see changes. I don't see it most of the time. It seems like my eyes are drawn to my worst flaws. I decided the handful of people ( some regulars at the gym, but not people I usually talk to...) who have approached me have no reason to lie to me, so there MUST be something they see :D

    Last week I had a really interesting dream, and it was along this line. I don't remember ALL of it, but the parts I remember really stuck with me. I dreamed that I was at the gym and I was standing at the mirror. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a lady in a sports bra, she had a little definition in her abs, and I thought " wow. I would love to have abs like that!"...then I turned to get a better look, only to realise that it was MY stomach I was looking at!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Good job Melissan84. I'm 5ft 1" tall as well.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    Your post is the most compelling argument for why we should not base our results solely on the scale. You deserve a prize- not only for your tremendous success and focus, but also for compiling everything so succinctly to make your point. Great job! Thanks!
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    You are so correct! I have been busting booty for 18 months, and *only* lost 34lbs of the 85-90lbs that I have to lose.

    here is a good pic. I'm wearing the same shirt in both pics
    gray top pics by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    Looking great., keep up the great work! ;)
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    Thank you for posting this, and all the great before/after photos. You're right, I need to worry less about the number. My problem is I look in the mirror and even though I wear a size 2 or a 4 now, I still see me as a size 12. How does one get past that????

    I think it takes time.

    For months people have been coming up to me telling me they can see changes. I don't see it most of the time. It seems like my eyes are drawn to my worst flaws. I decided the handful of people ( some regulars at the gym, but not people I usually talk to...) who have approached me have no reason to lie to me, so there MUST be something they see :D

    Last week I had a really interesting dream, and it was along this line. I don't remember ALL of it, but the parts I remember really stuck with me. I dreamed that I was at the gym and I was standing at the mirror. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a lady in a sports bra, she had a little definition in her abs, and I thought " wow. I would love to have abs like that!"...then I turned to get a better look, only to realise that it was MY stomach I was looking at!

    ^What she says, it definitely takes time. Seriously I still see my fat self when I look in the mirror but when I compare pictures, I know I am different. Plus I have went from a size 16 to a size 7. There is no greater feeling in the world then to try on clothes and they are too big. ;) I absolutely love shopping now and my husband not so much. lmao
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your praises and good words. It means alot to me.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    I really need to break up with the evil box. You look incredible!!! :D
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    Great job! Very Inspiring
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Amazing work. You just got narrower all over in the past year and you look GREAT!
  • mrspolee
    mrspolee Posts: 2
    I'm new to this site. I want to say , first of all that your post is very inspiring. I am 5'5, and currently at 194. Like you use to do, I still do weigh myself once a day in the morning. It does get discouraging because you are expecting to see a smaller number and when you don't see it you feel like "What's the use."

    When I look back at my high school pictures I was as thin as a pole. I have to stop looking at my prom picture because it discourages me, but I have to remember that was a different stage of my life.

    With my last pregnancy, twins, I started at 188, because I didn't lose the baby fat from my first child. I ended up being 203 by the time the twins were born. Since I had to stay in the hospital for a month before the twins were born I was able to get down to 176 after their birth just from the hospital portioned meals.

    Since then I've been battling to get to my 160 goal. Mind you, I love food and sweets, so it's been very hard. Because of your story and my lack of energy I am more determined to stick to a routine and reach my goal.

    So congrats and wish me luck.

    Nina Polee
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    I'm new to this site. I want to say , first of all that your post is very inspiring. I am 5'5, and currently at 194. Like you use to do, I still do weigh myself once a day in the morning. It does get discouraging because you are expecting to see a smaller number and when you don't see it you feel like "What's the use."

    When I look back at my high school pictures I was as thin as a pole. I have to stop looking at my prom picture because it discourages me, but I have to remember that was a different stage of my life.

    With my last pregnancy, twins, I started at 188, because I didn't lose the baby fat from my first child. I ended up being 203 by the time the twins were born. Since I had to stay in the hospital for a month before the twins were born I was able to get down to 176 after their birth just from the hospital portioned meals.

    Since then I've been battling to get to my 160 goal. Mind you, I love food and sweets, so it's been very hard. Because of your story and my lack of energy I am more determined to stick to a routine and reach my goal.

    So congrats and wish me luck.

    Nina Polee

    You CAN do it. And I still talk myself out of sweets and bad food. So its do able to have self control! ;)

    Thanks to everyone!!!!
  • Frankietb
    Frankietb Posts: 69 Member
    Well done! Congratulations on all your hard work! :smile:
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story, it is inspirational! Congratulations on your success, you look great.
  • Khushi22
    Khushi22 Posts: 47 Member
    Nice comparisons with Pictures & Clothes...!!!

    You look great.. and may I say, even younger than before pics... thanks for sharing.
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