Exercises for The Obese (To Start Off With)



  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    Really appreciate the OP asking this question and all the responses....
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I also had to remove all the food junk from my home and start buying health food.
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    have you tried the low plank position just out of curiosity? I started out at 305 pounds and I couldn't do the high plank at all...and I still have a hard time with it. I can do low plank and hold it for about 30 seconds...you could start with it...even if you can hold if 5 seconds, it makes a difference...and then gradually increase your time as you become more fit. Btw...low plank is on your forearms and elbows...I didn't know that for a while :-p.

    Also, swimming and walking are awesome. even if you walk at a slow pace for an extended amount of time, you would be surprised what you can burn. swimming burns a good bit of calories as well and is not stressful on your body.

    I like the Leslie videos as well, and the whole dancing around the house thing that other people have talked about. the dancing thing led to me eventually becoming a Zumba Instructor (and I am at 204 pounds) right now.

    Hope this helps! good luck on your journey! :)
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    You can also do the Biggest Loser Power Walk video.....that is a great workout.
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    Just keep moving! Doing any kind of movement will help for sure! I do wall push up rather than real push up! Same thing...feet shoulder with apart about an arms length away from a wall, palms of the hands on the wall at shoulder with...bend elbow and then push yourself back up! Even it you can only do ONE it is better than NONE! So just start of slow and do one every hour or so! it all adds up! Praying you find what is going to work for you! Blessings!! <><
  • kaymarie78
    kaymarie78 Posts: 104
    I'm 296, and I do Jillian Michaels dvds! I just modify them if I can't do a particular exercise. Like with plank position, I do it on my knees...they're probably not called planks then, but I can still feel the burn lol! And I think Jillian Michaels does a good job in showing/telling what you can do instead of particularly hard exercise. I think Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism is an awesome workout for bigger people because there are so many modifications that can be made and still get a great workout. I did all 7 circuits today with some modifications, and I loved it!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    I will second the Leslie Sansone DVD's. I started out with them. I still do them from time to time. The one I have is the 4 mile one where it comes with the firm band and she incorporates some strength training into the last mile with the band.

    I am going to amazon.com to find some of her dvds ;) I have not used a resistance band but maybe once, for my arms, and i can really feel the burn a lot lol

    she has lots of different dvd's. there's basic. one w/ bands. one w/ beginners pilates. one w/ kick boxing. a couple with light weights. best thing about them is that anyone can do them. even if you can't do some of the moves yet, you just walk in pace w/ the music, or even slow down if you need to. she'll tell you again & again: it doesn't matter as long as you're moving. i've been doing them for years, and now that i'm more fit, i just add intensity to keep them effective. excellent program!!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    There are a couple of adaptations you can do for plank. 1) support your upper body on your elbows/forearms instead of your hands. 2) support your upper body on your hands and lower your knees to the floor. Either way, the most important thing is to hold that straight line - butts down! :)

    Also, if you've tried doing push-ups but have a hard time holding your weight, you probably know about going to your knees as this is a standard "girl" pushup. Another alternative is to start at an angle so that your upper body is elevated - hands on a counter or when you get better and can go a bit lower, on a step - with that straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.

    As far as what you can do for cardio, it doesn't really matter what, as long as you're moving. Start walking and every couple of weeks challenge yourself to go farther and/or faster and eventually you can even try running.

    You can start with wall pushups. And then work your way down to the counter...the chair...the floor....
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You don't have to be a certain size to do planks. Some people can't do planks, because their core is not strong enough. That's the reason a lot of people can't do full pushups, even some bodybuilders who lift weights can't do full pushups.

    I own a lot of Leslie Sansone walking workouts. You can find some of her workouts at Walmart. They are good workouts. I own George Foreman walking workouts and Chris Freytag walking workouts as well. They are good walking workouts as well. You can find them on Amazon. The stores don't sell them.

    George Foreman's walking workout. Walk It Off With George. Here's a youtube clip: I like his walking workouts.


    Chris Freytag walking workout: Walking Cardio ShapeUp Max


    You should be able to do any exercise, even if you have to modify the workout.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Walk, walk some more, then walk again.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Take the stairs wherever you go. If you have stairs at work, walk DOWN the stairs if going up is too difficult at first.

    Also, if you're walking and have only 5 minutes, then try to walk very briskly for part or all of that time, let's say from your car to the entrance of a store or your work.

    I've been doing this for a while and I can feel the difference.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Do you have a public pool that run's an aqua fit program. Swimming and running in the water is an excellent way to lose weight and build core strength. Low impact on your joints as well. Good luck with your goals. :smile:
  • paxpixpux
    paxpixpux Posts: 12
    Leslie Sansone DVD is really GREAT!
  • Carissamr
    Carissamr Posts: 35 Member
    I have been dieting and exercising for two months now and I have lost 40 lbs...I started out at 314 and am now 274...my exercise consist of bike rides, walks, Wii games, and gardening...I have logged in cleaning a couple times but only when I was heavy duty cleaning and I still only logged it as light cleaning...When I go for walks I aim for a minimum of one mile but prefer to go farther...Bike rides can last anywhere from 2 miles to 8 miles...I am slow and it was rough at first but I am getting used to it and now starting to enjoy it...I play Wii dance and Wii sports like boxing too...when the water warms up a bit more I'm gonna start swimming
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Another vote for Leslie Sansone here! Her videos are great if you're feeling tired, because you start off just walking on the spot and you feel "I can manage that!". They're very easy to follow. The ones I've tried take up very little room. There are parts where she has you walking backwards and forwards but she says that you don't need to do those if you don't have the space. The big plus for me is that the walking is low impact.

    I've recently taken up cycling and the good thing about that is that your weight is supported. On the flat, that is. Hills are a killer! You also need access to a bike, obviously. It feels very different to using a stationary bike and I get a much bigger sense of achievement. It hurts, though!

    I've also started doing bigger weights and I don't feel that my weight causes a problem with those.

    Forgot to mention: yoga as well.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    Also ride a push bike, I started off walking then lost a little then started riding, no strain on anything, just go say 1klm at first do that for a week then up it to 2klm and so on, that way it doesn't feel unacheivable, I'm now riding up to 38 klms in one go where as a year ago I had never ridden....
  • Bump
  • evilgirlie
    evilgirlie Posts: 26 Member
    bump for later
  • m2kh
    m2kh Posts: 17
    I had the best success with a stationary bike. I did low resistance and tried to ride it for 45 minutes. I could watch TV and listen to music at the gym while doing it and it made the time go faster. After a bit, I started adding in the elliptical. I really struggled to get in 10 min. but every week or so tried to up it by another 2 minutes. I still did the bike and but as I did more elliptical I decreased the time on the bike but did up my resistance. That really built my stamina and helped the weight drop off.
  • CuteMonkeyGal
    CuteMonkeyGal Posts: 138 Member
    I was once at 300 pounds. Just getting up and walking, moving, skipping, jogging SHORT distances to get the heart rate up. I then would use the elliptical or swimming a bit. Treadmill. Bike riding. Mowing the lawn (I live with my friend and we have a LOT of lawn to mow). Anything that you find fun (I love basketball and bike riding but HATE to run/jog) and gets you moving!!!

    Best of luck!