misslyssa319 Member


  • nice going gang! i'm thinking for my birthday i'll complete my set and get 10s and 12s. i know some of the upper body floor moves i could do with heavier weights. i don't know all the names because i mute the tv and listen to music instead but my fave is where you have arms and legs out straight while holding weights then…
  • i'm a caffeine junkie but not a coffee drinker. but i could throw back pepsi likes there's no tomorrow! :drinker:
  • nice job! i pulled my back before the challange started then got the flu during week 2. i decided i was going to finish then move on to round 2. i'm on my last week of the first cycle and if i add a few workouts together i'll be caught up and finish on time! let's do this!
  • welcome sweetie! this group will keep going as long as everyone wants it too. :flowerforyou:
  • yay! i'll be a week behind but plan on catching up. it's so much work but so much fun! and the fb group is awesome! :bigsmile:
  • :heart: laughing cow cheese saved me from my cheese addiction. little rounds and creamy wedges. :heart:
  • it does feel awsome doesn't it? do you plan on doing it for another 28 days?
  • my twins are ddd (or maybe dd now since all my bras are too big) so i wouldn't know perky if it gave me two black eyes! :laugh:
  • :blushing:
  • awesome job! the only way I'm getting up at 5am is if my house is on fire!
  • good job upping the weights! i have to do both lowers today because i stwitched for upper the other day. needless to say i will be splitting them!
  • so i did the yoga while listening to a yoga station on pandora and i kept getting distracted by the animal and water sounds! hahaha! but i did it and my legs are all stretched out and ready for tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • i do kickboxing with 2lb hand weights. i picked up the habit doing tae bo and stuck with it. i don't think i could do the gloves 'cus i like the option of putting the weights down if i want and not having to stop to do it.
  • since my knee was bothering me today i decided to do upper body instead of lower. and good thing because even the little bit of lower included was killing me! and even though i did abs yesterday, i did my own routine today. good thing tomorrow is yoga 'cus the only thing NOT sore are my hands and feet! :sad:
  • wow! the fb group is hard to keep up with. looks like everyone is trying to get a personal message from chris. it's not all about getting a pat on the head and being first on class. and it's definitely not a competition. she can't answer everyones posts!
  • self.com has a good burn calculator. I also use wedmd. most give pretty much the same numbers and I usually lowball the number. plus it depends on your body and how much effort you put out. some days I will use extra weights and others i'm just trying to get through it! when I log I always make my own so I know it's…
  • but you did it! remember, your muscles should ache not hurt. if you hurt, stop, drink some water and stretch or rest! chris keeps saying a calorie burned at 6am is the same as a calorie burned at 6pm. if you need to split a workout up you'll still get the same benefit! :wink:
  • fingers crossed pic shows! ok, so first thing i did was save the pic to photobucket. for whatever reason you can't use pics straight from your computer or mfp. :mad: then use this--->
  • welcome evelyn! we're actually following a workout program called 10lb slimdown xtreme. i bought my dvds from qvc but someone said you can watch online at hulu but they show ads.
  • i thought i saved the instructions on my blog page but can't find it. i will try and find the tutorial...
  • no worries sweetie! i just got back to my normal workout routine after respraining my lumbar a few weeks ago. light stretching felt like i might as well be sitting on my behind. we'll be here whenever you're ready!
  • nice job! you do get 1 rest day a week so you get 4 total over the 28 days. and you are going to need it! i did this back when it was on exercisetv after finishing 30 day shred. 3 days in and i was more sore than all of the 30 days of 30ds! i think working different areas everyday worked much better than the same workout…
  • after almost a month of newbie watching i've noticed these few things: 1. they love to wear their shiny new workout clothes. they will be niked out from scrunchie to their socks and shoes. 2. they either want to be front right row center or hiding in the back of any class. front row center are usually the niked out…
  • i did. for $39 + s/h the complete package comes with six extreme 40-minute workouts, five recovery 20-minute workouts, two bonus 10-minute workouts, better eating guide, workout plan, and measuring tape. heres the link: http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.tpl.csweb.cm_scid.cswb.item.F09527
  • that's how i feel. yes we all have an equal right to USE the equipment but if it's where you put your bag (even though there are lockers everywhere!) while you use the machine next to it that is out of line. and i see non-newbies doing this.
  • i missed that post! gonna set my reminder too, have my tv on, phones ready and computer on. i'm NOT going to miss out on this. wonder if i can buy extras and sell them on ebay? :devil:
  • i love her! 1 week into 30ds and my knees were killing me but i still completed all three levels. then i started the 10lb slimdown 30 day program and loved it. working different areas each day kept me from straining anything and getting bored. and i saw results faster than 30ds. kickboxing and upper body are my faves. i…
  • i do prefer the free wights and kettleball but also like the machines because i know my form and range of motion are correct. and i only use the upper body machines. yes, i always have my hair in a ponytail but it is a loose one and pretty much about to fall out any minute. my hubby thinks it might be tension headaches...
  • jus checking in and hoping everyone had a good week!
  • you can also find it on exercisetv if you have on-demand with your cable provider. that way you can try before you buy. it usually has levels 1 and 2 always available. good luck!