

  • My all time favorites and the ones i've seen the most results from are Insanity and ChaLEAN Xtreme. Love them!!!!
  • we just got pictures back from vacation and every picture i am in, i'm on my phone (i.e. MFP). I think my husband is jealous! :)
  • I was just saying that to myself earlier today! My husband said, "you're always on your phone playing with something"... I realized that 90% of my time is on MFP (and I am lowballing). I've completely lost all interest in facebookb it just seems so unproductive. All of the topics are boring and have no insight to offer...…
  • Personally, I love facial hair (on men). It gives that rustic mountain man look that I love.but i'mm also a huge fan of a goatee! I'd have a talk w/ work and see if they're willing to budge on policy!
  • WifemomDVM said it! That's what the Recipe portion of MFP is for!
  • Just think of it this way... "muscle burns fat". The more muscle you have in your body the more you burn. You are increasing your metabolism and forcing your body to burn that fat for fuel instead of eating away at the muscle you've already built. That being said, nothing beats cardio. It does things to your body that…
  • I've also been doing it for the last month and oooohhh wow. It really is difficult but that is NOT a bad thing! It is a workout for those with athe good fitness base. It sounds to me that you're ready. I wouldn't judge your capabilities on the scale. You may not be able to jump as high or do as many reps as you'd like but…
  • Turbo jam is awesome too. Its nowhere near as intense but I lost all 40you lbs of baby weight doing those workouts.
  • There really isn't a way to accurately know how many calorie you have burned unless you use a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar and it rocks! I use it for Insanity and it is very accurate. Anything you see online is very general. Just something to think about!!
  • Do it... it's awesome!! What is your current fitness level?
  • I just read back my post to myself and i think it sounded kind of rude. I hope you didn't take it that way :\
  • You can do cardio with ANY exercise for ANY body part. Its always good to throw in cardio at some point every day. Just do your cardio before you do your exercises for your specific body parts. Not only does it warm up your muscles but it actually makes the work a lot easier.
  • I decided to do insanity for many of the same reasons as you are. I am on day 38 right now and everyday is just as tough as the first. It is the only workout that i have ever done... EVER... where your body doesn't adjust, making the workout less effective. Every workout, you are pushing yourself to your absolute max so…
  • Same here! I've never been one for the online forums but i feel like its time for me to reach out to some people. I am starting to lose focus in my journey to reach my fitness goals (i hate the word "dieting"). Quick... someone help me to get back on track. Why does being bad have to taste sooo good??!?!!!!