sawalter68 Member


  • Cottage cheese (protein), raw almonds or walnuts (healthy fat), Tuna pouch, Hard boiled eggs. Maybe you should look at your profile again. Your calorie limit may have changed. Are you losing weight or maintaining?
  • I love the sprouted bread - whole grain. They also carry an amazing guacamole. My kids love the chicken hot dogs. Have fun shopping.
  • For the late night snacking (after dinner) I do a couple of things. One - I go to bed early. Two - drink a glass of hot water with fresh lemon juice. Nothing tastes good with this. The other trick I use sometimes is to put the teeth whitening strips on. No food with those puppies on your teeth. love and admire that you are…
  • Another trick for the bloat is warm/hot water with fresh lemon juice. I started this about 2 months ago and no bloat - even during TOM.
  • Don't get discouraged - 40 pounds is a huge difference. did you think to measure yourself before you started losing weight? If not do it now - you will start to see a big difference in your inches. do your chest, stomach, arms, and thighs. I agree - might be time for some new clothes.
  • Cottage cheese is a good choice. Tuna pouches, Low cal yogurt with protein powder, love the hummus idea, greek yogurt mixed with dry ranch dressing and veggies. Smoothies are a great choice. You can add protein powder or flax seed.
  • I agree - where is the instructor. I teach a resistance class and even though I repeat myself and show proper form there are still those that are ALWAYS going to do their own thing. I try not to single out people unless they are doing something that could lead to an injury. If there isn't time to show it in class I pull…
  • Wish you were a midwestern girl. You find a lot of support on this site - even though we can't work out with you we can chat about our ups and downs. You are so not alone in the healthy lifestyle. I think we need more support groups - along with the gyms.
  • Great suggestions. Don't be afraid to have a healthy salad before going out. You can order things the healthy way - all sauces on the side, lemon juice, no butter or oil. If it comes out covered send it back. You are a paying customer. The bread is so hard - especially when others are eating it. Chew Gum! A strong…
  • wow - you look great. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished! Keep up the good work.
  • Welcome aboard! You have found a great site to join. I have only been on for about a month but love checking on the community tab to see what everyone else is going through. It helps when you know there are others out there with the same struggles and goals. I am also trying to lose the last of my babe weight gain. It has…
  • I would love to help you out and keep you motivated. And I will do it for free! I have only been using this site for a few weeks. I love how easy it is and how many supporters you have. I can't promise to send messages every day - life doesn't always let me have time on the computer. I am sure your inbox will be full of…
  • I do strength on M-W-F. On Monday I target upper body, Wednesday is leg day, and Friday is core. On T-Th-S i try to do cardio. This seems to work. It is very important that women do strength training for bone health. You can always pick up some magazines that give you some circuits to do.
  • I love the Eat Clean Diet and have had success with the program. It is hard to give up some of those favorite foods so at times I fall off the wagon. But according to the book you should not deny yourself a treat every once in awhile - that is the key. I print recipes off the website. They are easy to make and taste great…
  • Welcome! I recently joined this site and love all of the support from the community. Adding foods is easy and I love the ticker. You will do great just don't give the scale all the power. Do your measurements - and remember to set your goals in small increments.
  • I like Go Lean (you get 1 cup which is a lot) with vanilla ice cream whey protein powder and chopped walnuts. Keeps me full all morning. I also eat 1 egg scrambled with 2-3 egg whites. I eat this on Trader Joe's multi-grain sprouted bread.
  • I second the last reply that mentioned staying away from the low fat items. Do you eat protein at every small meal? If you are just filling up on veggies you will never hit your calorie goal. The starvation thing is true - I caoch people at my gym and the ones that are successful hit their calorie goal pretty much every…
  • Hi New and Determined!! Welcome aboard. I am somewhat of a newbie myself. I used a different site to log meals for awhile and did really well. I like this one because I can use the app on my phone to track my food. I started the weight loss wagon for pretty much the same reason - to be a good role model for my girls. It…
  • Can I still get in on this? I am going to be traveling a lot in the next month and away from the gym. This might be the trick I need to stay motivated to work out.
  • You look great - sometimes we give that scale too much power. I have a feeling you have dropped quite a few inches and even pant sizes. Keeping track of those victories can be very rewarding goals. Don't get down on yourself just because life got in the way a little bit.
  • I have found that kickboxing has helped with my inherited pear shape. The kicks are great for the legs. A trainer once had me put a post it note about 3 feet up on a wall (the goal was to keep moving it up). I had to do crescent kicks up and over the post it. Start facing the wall and do a circular motion the leg going…
  • If you want to cook without the grill - I saute garlic and onion in EVOO. Add some red wine vinegar, diced tomatoes, red pepper flakes, shrimp (tails off), and lobster. Depending on how many calories you have left - I serve it on whole wheat pasta.
  • It sounds like you have low blood sugar. Do you typically eat a protein and carb together every 3 hours? I find that when I do this I keep my blood sugar pretty level through the day.