new to the site

Hi everyone. I am 41 and have 4 sweet kids age 8 -19 months that I homeschool. Ever since I gave birth I just kept gaining weight and now I have close to 100 lbs to lose. I have been struggling so I am excited to find this site. I really just want to get down to my pre-children weight so I can keep up with my very fast 4 yr old boy and chase after my sweet little girl instead of my 2 older girls doing it for me. Looking forward to the journey!


  • sawalter68
    sawalter68 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome aboard! You have found a great site to join. I have only been on for about a month but love checking on the community tab to see what everyone else is going through. It helps when you know there are others out there with the same struggles and goals. I am also trying to lose the last of my babe weight gain. It has taken 6 years. I am down to my last 10 and super excited even though it has taken so long. I feel tons better and I can keep up with my kids! It is a great feeling being a role model for them. You will do a great job - just check in everyday - I think that is the key. Good Luck!
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome!!! -- THis site is so inspirational - feel free to add me I have the same amount to lose so I'll be there right along side you!!
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Hi hun I am new to this site too and so far have found it very supportive and am loving the way it tells me how many calories to eat and logging it all into the food diary makes it easy for me to see exactly where I am in my goals every's a great site and I look forward to watching you shrink :happy: