

  • thats the problem i have hardly if any fat on my arms lol
  • welcome to MFP you made the first step and that was joined the site, congrats anytime you have a question send a message
  • welcome to MFP Lois,
  • whati did to fight my nighttime food cravings i drink a protein shake after i workout in the evening, i drink the optimum nutrition 100% whey, it gives you 24g of protein in one serving also only 110 calories :)
    in Hi Comment by tg025880 August 2011
  • i agree with hphm420, when you log what you eat it helps with your accountablity with all the things that go in your body sometimes its a good thing sometimes its a bad thing, you just gotta keep moving is the best exercise i can give you
    in Hi Comment by tg025880 August 2011
  • welcmome to MFP this is a good tool to use in your weight loss and your body transformation but you actualy have to do the work keep that in mind, its hard sometimes when you dont feel like doing it but you have to keep yourself motivated, what workout plan are you starting ??
    in Hi Comment by tg025880 August 2011
  • welcome this website is amazing, just wait you will see, it wil help you either maintain your currewnt weight or help you lose weight, you made a great choice by joining
    in Hello! Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • i had the orange kind, it was ok, i just figured this would do better but i havent really seen anything just yet, i just dont wanna waste anymore money on thi kind of stuff if it dont work
  • im with you jenjenlv i am barely doing the first p90x
  • thanks everyone for the feedback, i am drinking 1-2 pepsi max coke zero type drinks a day , i do not drink anything not diet soda wise, i have friends who drink mt dew sometimes 6 cans or 12 oz bottles a day, thats what i was saying earlier
  • what about the flacored water packets, how unhealthy are those things ??
  • well i redid my profile and it says because i am doing p90x, i am allowed 1780 calories a day, so i think that should be better then thanks everyone for the advice
  • does anyone know where i can get a cheap heart monitor those things are expensive
    in P90X Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • hey thanks now i have 1,720 calories, ok now if i do p90x its gonna give me more calories, now im wondering am i not eating enough lol surely thats not the case
    in P90X Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • ok i have another question as far as doing p90x someone said it burns around 600 calories on each workout, i can see that as much as you sweat and as wore out as you are, now i am eating maybe 1400 calories a day or a little bit more, thats my limit a day, if i continue to eat that amt and do p90x everyday burning all…
    in P90X Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • ahh now i see leave it to the MFP friends to help me with any questions i have, i have to say this site is awesome im glad me and my wife are doing it , i think this will help us stay away from the bad foods because of the accountability factor
    in NSV Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • i have p90x and am doing it right now, i fell off the wagon this past weekend because of my and my wifes anniversary weekend but im starting to get back onto it again, i know rome was not built in a day
  • like what kind of restricted foods ??
  • thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, thats why i really like this site real people helping you thru this thing we call life lol
  • thats what everyone keeps telling me its all either 500-600 calories, i didnt know you burned that many calories lifting weights now i know you do doing cardio and core exercises, thanks for the info guys i appreciate it
    in p90X Comment by tg025880 June 2011
  • i figured it out lol finally yay yea the lean cuisine meals are the easiest cheapest ways to get by
  • yea we have decided to completely cut fast food out and hit up a sit down restraunt on the weekends , you have to allow yourself some fun time sometime lol
  • i use the optimun nutrition whey protein the dark chocolate i think is what its called they sell it at GNC
  • i dont know how long you have to work out but i reccomend the P90-X workout series, if you have a way of getting it i highly reccomend it, i want to warn you though, its hard and its not gonna be easy but once you get thru the 90 days you will feel and look much better
  • welcome Bev goofd luck in your journey
    in Hello Comment by tg025880 June 2011