
So I've never dieted or regularly exercised before, but after 2 kids and becoming a stay at home mom I've gained 80 pounds!! I need to get healthy, because I am planning a Disney vacation in December and don't want to be out of breath the whole time. Any support or advice is more than welcome as this is all so new. I can no longer say this is baby weight because my youngest is a year old.


  • tg025880
    tg025880 Posts: 42
    welcmome to MFP this is a good tool to use in your weight loss and your body transformation but you actualy have to do the work keep that in mind, its hard sometimes when you dont feel like doing it but you have to keep yourself motivated, what workout plan are you starting ??
  • hphm420
    hphm420 Posts: 34 Member
    My advice is to log everything...everything that you eat, no matter what it is. Has a way of keeping you on track :-)
  • puddintot
    puddintot Posts: 41 Member
    welcmome to MFP this is a good tool to use in your weight loss and your body transformation but you actualy have to do the work keep that in mind, its hard sometimes when you dont feel like doing it but you have to keep yourself motivated, what workout plan are you starting ??

    I'm starting small with daily 10 minute walks, 30 -60 minutes on Wii Fit, and my biggest hurdle is watching my food intake. Especially butter and bread! I also have trouble NOT eating late at night when I put the kids to bed. I've cut out these night time snacks, but it's the one I fight most with myself on.
  • tg025880
    tg025880 Posts: 42
    i agree with hphm420, when you log what you eat it helps with your accountablity with all the things that go in your body sometimes its a good thing sometimes its a bad thing, you just gotta keep moving is the best exercise i can give you
  • tg025880
    tg025880 Posts: 42
    whati did to fight my nighttime food cravings i drink a protein shake after i workout in the evening, i drink the optimum nutrition 100% whey, it gives you 24g of protein in one serving also only 110 calories :)
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hello and welcome, :flowerforyou:
    I can relate somewhat, I smoked for 25 years and
    after quitting I had gained 56 lbs. and it has been really rough
    but I had become borderline diabetic along the way and did not
    want to become diabetic so I took matters into my hands and
    began this journey in june..this site is wonderful for support and
    motivation and by logging everything it really keeps you accountable!

    I wish you great success on this journey, it is sometimes difficult but
    that's when you turn to all of your MFP'S and they will encourage and
    motivate you along!

    Feel free to add me for support :smile:
  • fishgirlnola
    fishgirlnola Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome. This website will help you take a good long look at how many calories you are consuming. Enter everything and do what you can for exercise. Log all that too. Reach out to the other moms on this board they might have some good pointers. You'll be amazed, and a little addicted, at what this site helps you do. Congratulations for beginning this adventure in becoming healthy.

    Do what you can for exercise, make it a habit. Move EVERDAY in some way. You'll find that what you do and want to do everyday will increase in due time. When I first started working out after a couple of lazy years I started out slow and now I look at my fitness report for the last couple months and I am doing twice what I was. I hadn't even realized that. Within weeks you will feel like a million bucks.