paramedic52 Member


  • Just wanted to add a big Thank You! I love this and will make tracking much easier!!
  • Got it, thanks I think I clicked on every link except that one LOL
  • Ok, I'm computer illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff. I can't seem to get the file to download. Can anyone walk me through it please?
  • Great job! Definitely see a difference, especially in the side view pictures. I love JM dvd's also - she works you!
  • Hey ladies! You all are doing so well!!! Sorry I haven't been posting much. We have been doing some home remodeling and I've been spending most of my days painting and redecorating. Now for the bad part - our air condition pooped out, so we've been without air conditioning for the past 3 days and won't have it completely…
  • Hi guys, I'm back! We had a wonderful time on vacation, but unfortunately the internet service we were suppose to have was not working! :( So, we just got in this evening - we were gone for a little over a week. It was a nice vacation, but the kids kept me very busy. I did get some exercise time in & need to check my…
  • What a great feeling you must have from surpassing your original goal! Keep up the great work.
  • Wow, huge difference. Keep up the great work.
  • Looking great! That's a huge difference.
  • Way to go. I can definitly tell the difference :)
  • You look absolutely fantastic! Thanks for posting the pics - seeing b&a's keep me inspired.
  • Mo & Laz - I'd be all for starting a JM support thread - or whatever we want to call it. And we wouldn't necessarily have to do the same workout - just let each of us know that we got our workout in. I just really like having you all to report to. Keeps me on my game and makes me push through it if I know I have to let…
  • Ok, got my shred in for the day. I'm feeling really tired today - not sure why. Still feel like i put in a good workout though. I have to get packing for vacation so my day is really full. Work 12hrs tomorrow and then off to the ocean! I'm up for whatever DVD or plan anyone wants to try once the 30DS is complete. I like…
  • Mo - so glad to hear your grandpa is going to be released from the hospital! That's great news :) As for trying out other JM DVD's, I found this workout routine on here that some are trying (the 30 day slimdown) and I already purchased the DVD's when I bought the 30DS. I think once I'm finished with the 30DS I'm going to…
  • Awesome work!! You look fabulous.
  • Hey Mo, just noticed your post. So sorry to hear about your grandpa. Is he close enough that you can go visit him? Sometimes just visiting the person and talking to them can help alleviate some stress. You really need to eat something though. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to worry yourself sick. Even if it's small little…
  • Did the shred for today. I bumped it up to level 3. I should have stayed at level 2 for 2 more days, but I wanted to add the intensity in before I head off for vacation this Saturday. Did WATP 3mile express right after it. Used my hand weights along with it also. Great workout today
  • Andrea - way to get your head back into it. It is really hard to keep at it with all of life's distractions. Congrats on finishing your classes. I'm sure that's a relief to have them behind you! Keda - awesome finding the inner strength to get moving again. I agree with trying to modify the exercises as much as you can for…
  • You look great!
  • You look fantastic! You should be proud of your weight loss at this point. Keep up the great work.
  • Ok, shredded it for today and came upstairs to refill my water - to my surprise the dvds I ordered from Amazon just yesterday were sitting on my kitchen table. Talk about super fast FREE shipping! Ripped open the package and took the WATP express dvd that Lazatin is doing back downstairs and did that too! WOO HOO! I…
  • Great progress! Thanks for sharing.
  • Mo - superb attitude! The days where things weigh us down do seem to be the hardest. I'm trying hard to resist my urge to eat something sweet when I'm feeling down. I love your attitude now though & will try to incorporate it into my rough days :) Laz - I'll let you know what I think of the WATP express. Heck if I can…
  • Mo - I'm sorry to hear you are having such a horrible day :( But a big kudos to you for not emotionally eating. That's my downfall big too. I'm trying to turn to exercising instead of eating when I feel stressed. Here's hoping the sun shines your way soon. I'm still not 100% - that dang rattle in my chest and sinus…
  • I am an ER RN and if you have the flu you should not be exercising. Your body needs the time and energy to just fight the illness and get well. A good rule of thumb the doctors I work with always say is if the symptoms are above the chest - meaning you have a head cold (no fever involved) then it's ok to go about your…
  • I'm still in progress on 30DS, but I am looking ahead to what to do after this. Is this a program you came up with for some variety? Looks interesting - I may have to start this one when I'm done my 30 days.
  • Great job! You look fantastic :) Thanks for sharing your story.
  • I see the difference! Way to go!!
  • Ok, I'm back on track - did my shred for the day. And you know what - despite me missing this past week due to bronchitis and sinus infection, I was still able to keep up with Natalie during the entire shred - no breaks! Yay! I was so worried I would need to build my endurance back up, but I picked up where I left off.…
  • Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been posting. I had a horrible chest/sinus cold that laid me up for the entire week :( I've finally been fever free for the past 2 days, but had to work and I'm still pretty low on energy. I did do a lot of walking over the weekend to get some exercise in. I'll be back at the shred tomorrow &…