30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    O ladies, I just did my Day 2 even though I was having trouble even walking after Day 1! and I wouldn't have even tried if not for your encouragement here on these boards! Thank you thank you thank you!

  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I'm so disappointed in myself -- this cold is kicking my butt :( I have a sinus infection, my throat feels like it's on fire, and now my chest is congested. With having to work I don't have any energy left to get my workouts in. I really feel like my body is letting me down. I was doing so well with my exercising & enjoying it. Ok, I guess I'm having a pity party for myself. I just have to look ahead to getting back on track as soon as I feel well enough to.

    Mosneakers - you are doing fantastic with all your workouts. A true inspiration for me to get back on track.

    Butter - I agree with the others -- keep pushing through as the soreness does improve by day 4 or 5. I had such trouble sitting and walking during the 1st week, but i google some thigh stretches and did them. That really helped me as I think the stretches JM does at the end of the shred workouts just weren't enough for me.

    Rakeda - you are doing so well also! I'm looking to you for inspiration also :)

    Even though I've missed working out for 3 days now I am down another pound this week. I just really miss how good I feel after my workouts.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Butter!!! YAY!!!! Keep up that great work. By day 5 you may want to punch Jillian in the face (ok, maybe day 3), but the woman works it. Always remember, she may be the one instructing you, but YOU are the one doing the work and getting the results!! So glad you found this thread to keep you going!

    Poor Paramedic - I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. I'm sure that you'll be able to jump right back in once you're 90%. I'd say 100%, but we know how we are - the minute we think we have the strength to do the workout, we're going to try it.

    I'm missing you guys who haven't posted! :cry: I hope you are all doing all you can to complete the shred in the time frame you set for yourself.

    So, I'm leaving for Boston on Sunday. I'm bringing my running shoes, but I think I would be pushing it if I brought my lap top to do the 30DS. We're staying in a bed and breakfast, so I doubt that there's any accommodations for that. I'll be back on Wednesday but I'm a little worried about not doing the workout for a few days. It's going to HURT when I get back at it!!

    Any of you going on a summer vacation? If so, what's your game plan?
    We're going to be doing A LOT of walking and I plan on having one bad meal a day. And, I'm going to run in Boston Commons in the morning.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Level 2 is kicking my BUTT, man! Maybe I'm not as coordinated as I thought. I'm glad only my kids are here when I do it...anyone else would have a good chuckle at my expense! HAHA!

    Anyway, Paramedic, I wish you a speedy recovery. And I bet it's not going to be as hard to get back to it as you think. You'll be fine, and you know we're here rooting for you!

    Mo, have fun on vacation! Even though you're not bringing 30DS with you, you still plan on putting some work in, so that's great. As long as you eat well, you'll be fine (but you already know that). It's all about the mindset.

    I just love you ladies! It's great to have people to journey with. Happy shredding!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning! Well, I started off the day with a two mile walk. I tried to run the track a little but only can run about a quarter of the track as of now. So now I have some new goals. :)

    Para, I hope you feel better soon! Please don't be too hard on yourself while you're sick. Being healthy is more than about exercising and such, so if you're under the weather maybe you had better listen to your body and rest and not feel bad about it. Speedy Recovery!

    Mo, have a great trip to Boston. I had a trip to Boston and got derailed by it for a few weeks as I did not do the exercising and such I had promised myself I would. Then I had a hard time getting back on track when I returned. You seem very motivated and I know you'll go for your morning runs - what a nice way to see the city!

    OK, ladies, have a blessed day. I have a date with Jillian, who yes, Mo, I DO want to punch in the face. I think she hates me, anyway, or she wouldn't put me in this much pain...
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Ok, I am going to try and catch up with you all since it has been a few days. I have been slacking off BIG TIME on 30DS. Between work, school, and some other stress I have not been finding time for the workout. So, needless to say I am behind. I have a couple of more days to complete on level 1 but I am hoping to hit level 2 before Monday. I did jump back into C25K last night. I was running/walking fairly consistently up until early May and I have slacked off since. I have a 5K coming up on July 9 that has me back in training. Plus, the running really helps my stress levels.

    Mo - you are doing so well! I am amazed at you dedication and hard work. You are motivating so many of us!

    Paramedic - Feel better soon! It stinks when you are starting to enjoy working out and you have to stop for a bit. But you must be doing something right, you are dropping pounds!

    Butter - stick with it! After I completed day 2 of level 1 I asked the question about taking a break because of soreness. I was encouraged to keep going and after day 3 the soreness was almost gone! Your body will adapt so keep with it.

    Rakeda - I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the window one night and thought "Oh my! I'm glad no one is watching!" But hey - it's working so who cares what we look like!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Missed you, Andrea. Welcome back. That's so great that you're doing C25K. I'm about to finish up week 7 and am wondering if I should do that program again and build speed or move on to C210K. Thanks for your comment about me motivating you guys. Honestly, it was a rough day and I was exhausted when I got home. The last thing I wanted to do was 30DS but I remembered your post. I didn't want to let you all (and myself) down.

    Hey Keda, I used my whole *kitten* in my workout tonight. Level 2 gets a LITTLE easier at day 4. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to tell that you're not doing the program right is if you're not dripping with sweat. Seriously, I've never sweated so much!

    @Butter - congrats again with showing your mind and body that you're in charge. I truly have a love/hate relationship with Jillian. I haaaaaate her for 28minutes but love her the remaining 23hrs and 32mins of the day!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Missed you, Andrea. Welcome back. That's so great that you're doing C25K. I'm about to finish up week 7 and am wondering if I should do that program again and build speed or move on to C210K. Thanks for your comment about me motivating you guys. Honestly, it was a rough day and I was exhausted when I got home. The last thing I wanted to do was 30DS but I remembered your post. I didn't want to let you all (and myself) down.

    Hey Keda, I used my whole *kitten* in my workout tonight. Level 2 gets a LITTLE easier at day 4. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to tell that you're not doing the program right is if you're not dripping with sweat. Seriously, I've never sweated so much!

    @Butter - congrats again with showing your mind and body that you're in charge. I truly have a love/hate relationship with Jillian. I haaaaaate her for 28minutes but love her the remaining 23hrs and 32mins of the day!

    You are HILARIOUS! Way to go, using your whole *kitten* today! Hahaha! I did a teeny bit better today, but I still didn't feel like I was giving it 100%, but not on purpose, you know? I'm going to get those darn plank moves, I tell ya. And if sweat is the indicator, then I must be doing something right. Talk to you ladies later...
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning all.
    Well, I was defeated this morning. I usually do the 30DS in the morning and I just couldn't today. Friday is my weigh in day and the scale did not move. I went on the scale like 5 or 6 times because I didn't believe it. I've been working so hard and I can't lose any weight? What's going to happen when I'm on vacation and not on my usual workout schedule? NOT a good thing.

    So, basically, I think I psyched myself out this morning. "You're fat, why bother, that scale is telling you that you're a loser." I just could not complete the workout. Turned it off after 10 minutes. Wow, I was really mean to myself this morning. It especially sucks since I was so proud that my tummy is getting flatter and I could see that yesterday. Yep, that all went out the window.

    I'm not looking for anyone to join this mini pity party that I better snap out of this morning, but I'd like you all to know that this is a journey. It's not over in a few weeks, it's a lifestyle change for a lifetime. This morning was horrible, but I'll over come it. I plan on going home after my gym workout and completing the workout. OF COURSE, today is day 15 and I normally quit things way before the halfway point. I swear that things happen for a reason. Maybe my scale's non-movement and today being day 15 is the exercise god's way of trying to push me. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Mo - I love the way you think things through. That scale is a bugger and as long as you see changes, you know you're on the right track. Congrats on reaching day 15. You have us to give you a gentle nudge if and when you need it. Keep on pushin', Mama.

    I have a question for you all. What in the world am I doing wrong? When I do lunges or anything requiring one foot to be stretched back and the other in front, my arches KILL! I've never had that problem before, but the last couple days of level 1 and my first two days of level two were hell on my feet! I've tried doing the moves both with and without shoes and can't seem to figure it out. Any suggestions?
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hello all,
    Just wanted to drop a line as I get ready for my trip tomorrow.
    Didn't shred yesterday and won't today. I'm going to do it tomorrow morning before my flight. That will put me at day15. I hope you are all at Level 2 (or ooooooh sooooooo close) when I get back on Wednesday. I know it's tough, but the clothes I bought today tell the story of the results!! I'm going to wear two summer dresses and some sleeveless stuff when I'm in Boston. Before, I would have opted to sweat sweat sweat in long jeans and a tshirt. I'm so much more confident and am ready to be the bf's arm candy when we are in Boston!

    Keda, I wonder if you're landing weird. Are you landing on your toes or heals? Whatever you're doing, try the opposite. It might work. I haven't experienced what you are feeling, but I have had to regain my balance a few times when in the squats. I feel like I'm going to topple over - so I decreased my weights on those exercises. Once I feel better and am more smooth in my moves, I'll up the weights again.

    Remember guys, we're all in this together. Keep shredding and know that I'll expect a full report from all of you when I get back. Have a wonderful 4th of July!

    Lots of love and faith in my shredders,
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Sorry haven't been on in a while having a little pity party the last couple of days. Imagine I have not ben getting in enough calories and gained back a pound...dang it....but I have been shredding every day. I'm on Level 2 day 8 and I HATE the plank pose and I cannot do the first or last move so I modify both of those. Whoever came up with that plank position seriously should have there head examined! So I have two days and will start level 3...I also started the 3 mile walk of Walk Away The Pounds Express...I had been doing two miles in June and told my daughter in July I would do three and I seriously sweated more doing that than 30DS...but both are good and I feel like I am cheating if I don't do WATP Express...plus I really love the strechie band becuase my chicken fat arms can use the tightening....So keep up the good work and hopefully in 2 days i will have more good news about inches and pounds! Now off to eat a bowl of strawberries so I can get enough calories...CRAZY.....that's just CRAZY!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Okay...so I've slacked off on the 30DS for two days! CRAP! My 8-yr-old daughter has been saying "Mama, we haven't done our workout today!" So let me make a declaration. Today shall not end without me shredding it! So let it be written. heehee.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been posting. I had a horrible chest/sinus cold that laid me up for the entire week :( I've finally been fever free for the past 2 days, but had to work and I'm still pretty low on energy. I did do a lot of walking over the weekend to get some exercise in. I'll be back at the shred tomorrow & I hope I will have the endurance to pick up where I had to stop on level 2.

    Mo - I hope you are having a great time on your vacation!

    Keda - I'm not sure what's going on with your arches as I haven't experienced that. I hope it goes away - maybe it's just certain moves causes you to put more strain on them. Is there a way you could get arch supports for your shoes for when you work out?

    Lazatin - way to go with keeping up with the shred. I'm so disappointed I'm now days behind you guys but I will finish. I'll look to you guys for motivation :)
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Para~ i gave Jillian the day off...had a bad start to the morning and didn't want to do anything. My husband gave me a little motivation.....did a WATP 3 mile, walked to the park and back and went for a 25 minute bike ride...I'm back in the groove but needed to read your guys posts to keep me going, and let me know it was OK to miss a day:) So I still have two days left of 30DS before moving to level 3.
    Mo~ i so wanted to catch you in calorie burn so it motivated me to take a bike ride cuz that burns oddles(SP?) of calories. I'm so close but happy to be over the 1000 mark...now i just need to eat something! Hang tough my friends!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, I'm back on track - did my shred for the day. And you know what - despite me missing this past week due to bronchitis and sinus infection, I was still able to keep up with Natalie during the entire shred - no breaks! Yay! I was so worried I would need to build my endurance back up, but I picked up where I left off.

    And, I felt like I could do a little more. So, I moved up to level 3 and did half the workout. I would have kept going but my sons kept bugging me to get them something to eat LOL! So, I'm thinking I might try doing both level 2 & 3 on the days I don't work - I'll just stick w/level 2 on the days I work 12hrs. I will follow Natalie's moves on level 2 and stick with Anita on level 3 until I finish 10 days. After I finish 10 days of doing both, I'll try to follow Natalie's moves on level 3.

    laztin - don't worry about missing a day as it sounds like you still got in exercise! Way to go.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Ok..I'm back on track. I weighed myself this moring and I'm down two pounds. I also bought a HRM and I see that I was logging in my clories as too low...No wonder my body rebelled. So now to lose at least another pound by Friday my weigh in day. One day of Level 2 left and then I can post results...not as good as level 1 but changes anyway. Stick with it girls..also Mo we miss you get back on here!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning you lovely ladies!
    I'm so glad to see that you are all on track and are working it!
    Paramedic - poor you!! The last few weeks have been horrible for you! Glad to see you're on the mend.

    I am in a very unhappy place right now (a lot happened on vacation and right when I got home) and am being the total opposite of what I would have been in the past. In the past, I would have wanted to eat (and eat and eat and eat). Now, I have no appetite. I was supposed to shred this morning and it just didn't happen after having only 2 hours of sleep. I couldn't bring myself to shred before work. I'm really feeling the stress and anxiety on my body right now and am hoping for a speedy recovery. I brought my gym bag with me to work in hopes that I'll do a workout after work, but, with the way I'm feeling now, it's not really likely to happen.

    Laz - seriously?!?! Level 3? Awesome.
    Keda - keep it up. I'm sure your daughter is a great motivator!

    Where is everyone else at with the shred?
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Mo~ I hope you feel better...you have been such and inspiration and movitator to keep with the shred...I hope you feel better and am proud of you for not emotionally eating...I have that problem too..Keep your chin up:)
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Mo - I'm sorry to hear you are having such a horrible day :( But a big kudos to you for not emotionally eating. That's my downfall big too. I'm trying to turn to exercising instead of eating when I feel stressed. Here's hoping the sun shines your way soon.

    I'm still not 100% - that dang rattle in my chest and sinus congestion is hanging around. I did get my shred in today but didn't feel the energy I did Tuesday, so I only did an extra 20 minutes of other workouts. That's ok, I'll get there again. I weighed myself today and no change. I was a bit bummed about it, but knowing how much time I missed exercising I should be thankful I didn't gain.

    I ordered the Walk Away the Pounds Extra that Lazatin is doing. Should be here by Saturday and I'll start it first thing Monday since this upcoming weekend is my weekend to work two twelves back to back. I'm excited to try it out.