30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11
    I missed Sunday and Monday :frown: I was travelling all day on Sunday, and I was just too exhausted yesterday. I did get in a half hour workout yesterday with my lunchtime workout group. My office offers workouts together on MWF, pretty similar to 30DS, but less cardio and more strength training. I started last Tuesday, so I guess I should consider myself to still be on day 6? I've talked a few co-workers into doing my video today at lunchtime. That way, I'll have enough energy later to do zumba tonight.
    I'm hoping to keep it up!:bigsmile:
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Done my 30DS for the day. My thighs felt a lot better today thank goodness. I want to tone up my arms and shoulders more so I found a free workout on Fios to hit those areas. Did that one also! YAY me! LOL!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Well, even though I wasn't feeling great, I still got my workout in. I actually did 30DS twice with minimal problem and great burns. I don't think I'll do that again, but I wanted to try it after it was suggested.
    I was also able to do all of the side lunges with front raises for both workouts. How awesome!
    I've completed the workout six times now and feel stronger - I'm even starting to see some definition in my arms and can feel my abs when I do each ab exercise.
    How was everyone else's day? Work it, people!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    I fit in the workout! I was visiting with my girlfriends from home and they wanted to get breakfast at 8am this morning, and that threw off my whole workout schedule. I finally brought myself to do L1D7 at 9:30pm, and it was tough. I finished it, but I didn't feel very strong doing it. I'm going to try to get back into my morning routine.
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Oh, and NSV: My jeans that just came out of the wash fit me nicely! Normally I have to work into them (especially after just being washed), but they buttoned with no problem! Yes!
  • artist444
    artist444 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey everyone!! I started 30 day shred on 6/12! I rested a few days in the process so I just completed day 8, level 1!!! I have seen a major improvement since day one! My biggest challenge have been the jumping jacks and push ups! I can now do all the jumping jacks and more pushups than before. Even though I love the endurance I have gained in 8 days I'm starting to get a little bored w/ the same workout so I like the idea of listening to music. I get to start level 2 friday!! I'm excited to do the new workout ,but a little scared too...lol. I have been using my heart rate monitor during my 30 d.s. workouts and have been burning anywhere from 200-225 cal. even though I feel like I've burned even more b/c of all the sweat! Anyone else using a hrm?? If so how many cal. have you been burning??
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I hope its okay if I join. I am on L1D2. I've actually been doing it on and off since the beginning of May, but I had a half marathon to train for and it was too much. I was suffering with knee and hip injuries. So I recouped and now I'm back. I find the strength portions so hard. My HR climbs to its max during those portions. This is the only workout I've ever done that makes me sweat buckets!!! I love it.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Well, even though I wasn't feeling great, I still got my workout in. I actually did 30DS twice with minimal problem and great burns. I don't think I'll do that again, but I wanted to try it after it was suggested.
    I was also able to do all of the side lunges with front raises for both workouts. How awesome!
    I've completed the workout six times now and feel stronger - I'm even starting to see some definition in my arms and can feel my abs when I do each ab exercise.
    How was everyone else's day? Work it, people!

    Hey, great work getting through the workout when feeling crappy! I can't believe you did it twice - don't think I would try that LOL!

    I think I'm starting to see a change in my body also. I feel like my abs are tighter - even hours after doing the workout - like when I'm driving I feel like my stomach seems tighter. Not sure I'm explaining it correctly, but I'm noticing something :)
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey everyone!! I started 30 day shred on 6/12! I rested a few days in the process so I just completed day 8, level 1!!! I have seen a major improvement since day one! My biggest challenge have been the jumping jacks and push ups! I can now do all the jumping jacks and more pushups than before. Even though I love the endurance I have gained in 8 days I'm starting to get a little bored w/ the same workout so I like the idea of listening to music. I get to start level 2 friday!! I'm excited to do the new workout ,but a little scared too...lol. I have been using my heart rate monitor during my 30 d.s. workouts and have been burning anywhere from 200-225 cal. even though I feel like I've burned even more b/c of all the sweat! Anyone else using a hrm?? If so how many cal. have you been burning??

    Great job on getting through all the jumping jacks and pushups! Those jumping jacks are a killer for me - I get through them, but I really hate them & I'm not sure why.

    I don't have a HRM yet, but I'm contemplating buying one.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    mosneakers - Great job on getting your workouts in when you really don't feel well. And like you said, what a great feeling to be able to know what your body needs and can handle..

    shvrngrl and artist444 - Welcome to you both! This is such a great workout. After the first couple of days I began to wonder if I would make it through, but I kept going and I really think I am feeling stronger - even after only doing the workout for a week!

    Dannie - Awesome NSV!!! It's so great to be able to fit into our clothes better, ESPECIALLY after they come out of the wash!

    I got a notification on Facebook last night that my 20 year (ugh!) high school reunion is starting to be planned for 2012. Now I have some serious motivation. I am already in better shape than I was in high school, but I really want to feel good when I see all of these people again! Maybe a little selfishness in there I will admit, but I have changed in so many other ways since high school and I want the body to go with it!

    One last thought regarding HRM's. What kind do you recommend? I have been thinking about one as well so I would love to know what everyone else likes/dislikes about the ones on the market.

    Have a great day all!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I just bought the Polar ft4 HRM a couple days ago and I LOVE it! At first I was thinking there's no way I'm buying one with a chest strap - sounds uncomfortable, and what if it slips off...etc. But after researching it, those are the best ones to give you an accurate reading. Plus it's not uncomfortable at all. I hardly notice I have it on. I also found that it motivates me to work a little harder because I can watch the calories that I'm burning.

    Missed my second day of 30DS yesterday, so bummed. I did a bit of Michael Jackson, the Experience on the Wii with my daughter for a bit of cardio, but I really hate that I missed another day. NSV, though - the kids had basketball games/cheerleading and I (wait for it) STAYED AWAY FROM THE CONCESSION STAND!!! Yay, me! Chili dogs & Nachos, Chips and Soda were all screaming for me to consume them, but I didn't. Phew. I just snuggled up to my water bottle. heehee.

    I'm about to hop on this 30DS right now (even though it's TOM - yuck) so I don't miss yet another day. Happy working out, ladies!
  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11
    I'm interested in a HRM too, but I don't want to have to pay a monthly subscription fee. I think you have to pay a fee for Body Bugg?

    Are they all like that? I saw a New Balance one at Target last night that was not too expensive, and I was thinking of trying it out. My pedometer is NB and I like it. I'm interested to hear everyone's opinions on this!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    My workout is complete for the day. I did my weigh in and was down! Just for fun I decided to check my waist & hip measurements and to my happy surprise they are down also. Definitely gave me the inspiration to get through todays workout :)
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning!
    Welcome aboard to our new shredders!
    Can you believe how far we've all come in 5/6/7 days?? Losing pounds and inches (way to go Dannie and Paramedic!!!) and having the exercises get easier!! I am for sure looking forward to level 2 (with a little hestitation since I'm starting to get comfortable with level 1).

    Andrea - what a great motivator. My friend and I met the New Kids on the Block last week (hold the laughing, all, it was a totally awesome experience) and that was a huge motivation to me. Plus, I"m going to Boston for the 4th of July and I want to feel and
    look good.

    Dannie - Those jeans used to be your enemy - weren't they?!?! What a huge NSV!

    Keda - No nachos??? You are my hero. I do NOT have that self control. Pizza, nachos, beer and Chinese get me everytime! You go! What kind of HRM did you get?

    Nat - I have a Timex HRM and I like it. I think you should plan to pay at least $50 for a standard HRM. Make sure you read the directions too because that may have an effect on the numbers. I burn anywhere from 280 to 400 cals during each shred.

    So - my electricity has been out since last night - crazy Chicago weather. Makes me happy I did the workout twice yesterday since I couldn't do it this morning.

    Shred away you lovely people!!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm interested in a HRM too, but I don't want to have to pay a monthly subscription fee. I think you have to pay a fee for Body Bugg?

    Are they all like that? I saw a New Balance one at Target last night that was not too expensive, and I was thinking of trying it out. My pedometer is NB and I like it. I'm interested to hear everyone's opinions on this!

    I'm pretty sure that the BodyBugg does not include an HRM. I have one and I am trying to remember (I dropped the subscription months ago). The BodyBugg will give you calories burned for the duration that you wear it, but I don't remember a heart rate function.
  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11

    I'm pretty sure that the BodyBugg does not include an HRM. I have one and I am trying to remember (I dropped the subscription months ago). The BodyBugg will give you calories burned for the duration that you wear it, but I don't remember a heart rate function.

    Thanks for the info! Looks like I had my devices confused. Off to do more research...:smile:
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    I'm gonna be a week behind everyone, but I'm starting 30DS today...every other day for as long as it takes!
  • Emsj27
    Emsj27 Posts: 7
    ok, im on day seven, did level one this morning and found it ok, i'l not say easy as was still sweating, but not hurting after and havent for a few days now, so husband came home from and my options were do 30 day shred again L1 with him as he's a few days behinde me, go for a run, callenetics or L2. we went for L2, and i loved it!! it is harder but not that much harder, quite impressed with myself!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Did Day 5 today! I thought I was further than that but forgot i couldnt do it over the weekend!!
    Im doing 10 at each of the levels.
    When the 30 days are done, im gonna up the weights and start again!!
    I got getta fit for the beach holiday lol!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member

    I'm pretty sure that the BodyBugg does not include an HRM. I have one and I am trying to remember (I dropped the subscription months ago). The BodyBugg will give you calories burned for the duration that you wear it, but I don't remember a heart rate function.

    Thanks for the info! Looks like I had my devices confused. Off to do more research...:smile:
    No problem! I liked using the BodyBugg except for the food database. I had to manually enter a LOT of food. Personally, I think that investing in a HRM and using MFP are much better! Good luck! =)