30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm gonna be a week behind everyone, but I'm starting 30DS today...every other day for as long as it takes!

    Welcome and good luck!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Good morning!
    Welcome aboard to our new shredders!
    Can you believe how far we've all come in 5/6/7 days?? Losing pounds and inches (way to go Dannie and Paramedic!!!) and having the exercises get easier!! I am for sure looking forward to level 2 (with a little hestitation since I'm starting to get comfortable with level 1).

    Andrea - what a great motivator. My friend and I met the New Kids on the Block last week (hold the laughing, all, it was a totally awesome experience) and that was a huge motivation to me. Plus, I"m going to Boston for the 4th of July and I want to feel and
    look good.

    Dannie - Those jeans used to be your enemy - weren't they?!?! What a huge NSV!

    Keda - No nachos??? You are my hero. I do NOT have that self control. Pizza, nachos, beer and Chinese get me everytime! You go! What kind of HRM did you get?

    Nat - I have a Timex HRM and I like it. I think you should plan to pay at least $50 for a standard HRM. Make sure you read the directions too because that may have an effect on the numbers. I burn anywhere from 280 to 400 cals during each shred.

    So - my electricity has been out since last night - crazy Chicago weather. Makes me happy I did the workout twice yesterday since I couldn't do it this morning.

    Shred away you lovely people!!!

    I am so jealous you met NKOTB! I LOVED them in high school! I just heard one of their newer songs and it remided me of your post!
    I hope your power is back on by now!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    ok, im on day seven, did level one this morning and found it ok, i'l not say easy as was still sweating, but not hurting after and havent for a few days now, so husband came home from and my options were do 30 day shred again L1 with him as he's a few days behinde me, go for a run, callenetics or L2. we went for L2, and i loved it!! it is harder but not that much harder, quite impressed with myself!

    Yay for you! Level 2 success? That's fantastic! I watched a bit of it the other day and had my face screwed up like "Jillian, are you KIDDING ME? You want me to do WHAT?!?!?" Yeah, I'm a bit nervous about level 2, but I must admit, I'm getting a bit bored with the first level. It'll be nice to switch it up a bit. Still have 3 or so more days of Level 1 to go, so I need to psych myself up for it.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Day 5 done! Can't tell if its getting easier or tougher! lol haha. Some of the moves I am doing more reps and feeling stronger, others are still kicking my butt. Looking forward to trying L2 in 5 more days. Been doing 30DS in the evenings directly after completing 30-60 minutes of cardio (either running or elliptical) and its been going well.
  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11
    I'm shocked with myself. I woke up early and did day 9 of the shred. I barely wake up on time most days, never early! Woo hoo!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I love logging on in the morning and seeing all of your posts and inspirational success stories!!!

    You guys got me thinking - so here's some questions....

    How are you feeling about going to level 2 in a few days? Will you watch it to get a preview like Keda? (I think I might. I'm a planner and hate surprises!!!)

    What weights are you currently using, if at all? I'm using 10lbs for the chest fly (on the floor) and arm rows (back work in interval 2) and 5lbs for the rest).

    What is your motivation for going on? Do you have an event like Andrea? Are you going on a trip like me? Do you keep looking at that swimsuit like 48?

    When do you complete the workout? 27- Go you!!! 30DS right after cardio!!!! I think I'd be crying! I've done cardio after the 30DS and that was ok.

    One last thing....a NVS - I'm swimming in some of my dress pants. Had to go into my closet and find pants that I used to wear. One pair is actually too big already too. YES!!!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I love logging on in the morning and seeing all of your posts and inspirational success stories!!!

    You guys got me thinking - so here's some questions....

    How are you feeling about going to level 2 in a few days? Will you watch it to get a preview like Keda? (I think I might. I'm a planner and hate surprises!!!)

    What weights are you currently using, if at all? I'm using 10lbs for the chest fly (on the floor) and arm rows (back work in interval 2) and 5lbs for the rest).

    What is your motivation for going on? Do you have an event like Andrea? Are you going on a trip like me? Do you keep looking at that swimsuit like 48?

    When do you complete the workout? 27- Go you!!! 30DS right after cardio!!!! I think I'd be crying! I've done cardio after the 30DS and that was ok.

    One last thing....a NVS - I'm swimming in some of my dress pants. Had to go into my closet and find pants that I used to wear. One pair is actually too big already too. YES!!!!

    To answer a few of the questions:

    We are excited to move on to L2 to see what it brings, though L1 is still a tough workout. We have seen improvements in capability, strength, coordination in doing the exercises. We sweat buckets!

    The wife and I are interchanging weights some. She uses 2lb on some stuff and 5lb on some stuff. I use the 5lb on the stuff she is using the 2lb on and I am using the 10lb on the stuff she is using 5lb on. The hardest weight exercise seems to be the squats with weight lifts.

    I am burning calories in the mid to upper 200's from the workout, I don't remember what the HRM said for the wife when she wore it the other night. Doing it after cardio/running has proved tougher as my legs are really burning but it fits my schedule best to do it in this order.

    Great job mosneakers on your current success with 30DS and keeping tabs, fueling discussion for the forum group!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I had a terrible day eating and no exercise yesterday so I am ready to get back on track today.

    I am very excited to go to level 2. I am ready for the next challenge. I actually thought about jumping up a few days early just to change it up, but I decided to stick out level 1 for the full 10 days.

    I am using 2.5 lb and 5 lb weights. I use the 2.5 lbs on the squat with shoulder press and the side lunge with front raise. I use 5 lbs for the rest. I actually feel like I could go more than 5 on most of those too.

    I started 30DS because I needed a quick workout that would give me results. Something to kickstart my weight loss again. A few days after I started I got a notice of my 20 year high school reunion, so that is what is keeping the fire going.

    I have been doing 30DS in the evening, usually around 7 or 8 pm. I tried to get up at 4:30 this morning to get it in before work. That didn't work so well. I couldn't get myself moving. I may try again on that one though. I would like ot get it out of the way in the morning so that I can get work on a running program in the evening.

    mosneakers - awesome NSV! Loose pants is a great feeling!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I love logging on in the morning and seeing all of your posts and inspirational success stories!!!

    You guys got me thinking - so here's some questions....

    How are you feeling about going to level 2 in a few days? Will you watch it to get a preview like Keda? (I think I might. I'm a planner and hate surprises!!!)

    What weights are you currently using, if at all? I'm using 10lbs for the chest fly (on the floor) and arm rows (back work in interval 2) and 5lbs for the rest).

    What is your motivation for going on? Do you have an event like Andrea? Are you going on a trip like me? Do you keep looking at that swimsuit like 48?

    When do you complete the workout? 27- Go you!!! 30DS right after cardio!!!! I think I'd be crying! I've done cardio after the 30DS and that was ok.

    One last thing....a NVS - I'm swimming in some of my dress pants. Had to go into my closet and find pants that I used to wear. One pair is actually too big already too. YES!!!!

    The inspirational stories keep me going also!

    My thoughts on level 2 - I'm looking forward to trying some new moves, but a little worried I won't be able to keep up. I'll keep checking in here to keep me motivated. I think I will preview it so I have an idea of what I'm in for.

    Weights - I started with 3lbs for all the moves, but moved up to 5lbs for everything except the side lunges.

    Motiviation - I made a mini goal of losing 10lbs by July 19th because we go on vacation with my parents at that time to the beach. I was at that weight last year and felt OK in my swimwear. Not as low as I wanted to be, but still felt comfortable wearing it. In Janurary of this year a very close friend of my was killed while fighting a fire here in Maryland and being the emotional eater I am I ate to comfort myself. I want to change my ways and use exercise to get rid of my stresses instead of eating. Also, at the end of August a number of my girlfriends from work are going to Ocean City for a bachelorette weekend since one of them is getting married. I don't want to be the "fat" girl in the pictures. Not that any of them see me that way - just myself always comparing me to others.

    Completing the workout - should be right around July 17th for me. Right before I leave for the vacation week with my parents.

    Your NSV - Totally awesome about your pants! What a great feeling you must have, CONGRATS!
  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11
    You guys are so motivating!

    To be honest, I'm a little nervous about L2! I hope I can handle it! I don't think I'll watch L2 in advance. I don't want to psyche myself out!

    I just graduated to a set of 5 lb weights this week. They feel good so far. I'll probably get some 10 lbs in the next week or so for some of the easier exercises.

    I do the program at various times of the day. We have a fitness challenge at work, so there are group workouts on MWF. On T and R, I bring in my video to do with a few of my team mates. Otherwise, I do it at night, before going to the gym. Today I did it in the am, and have been feeling really good about it. I'm thinking that I will try to switch it to always doing the video in the morning, to free up my nights. Those epsom salt baths are really helping!!

    And congrats on the NSV!!! :happy:

    I'm not working towards a specific goal, per se. But I had my first child 10 months ago. Recently I realized that I haven't been happy with the way I look in about 4 or 5 years now. I would hate for my daughter to grow up with a mother that isn't happy with herself. I want to be a strong role model for my daughter. So, that's what keeps me going. Daddy might have to do bathtime twice a week, but I think I'll be a better Mommy for it.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, guys!
    Know what I love? That we're all different ages, weights, etc etc etc but we're all doing this program together and getting different yet awesome results.
    I am certainly a morning workout person, but today I mixed it up. I let Jillian make me sweat buckets this morning and tonight I'm going to FINALLY be done with W6D2 of the Couch 2 5 K run. I couldn't get past that day for the life of me. Well, it's happening today.
    It's good to see that we're all prepping for level 2. By this time next week, we'll be saying how easy those moves are getting.
    Thanks to all for the compliments on my NSV - care to share some of yours?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Can I get a semi-NSV? :smile:

    My husband wanted to get takeout from a local pub for dinner and all I could think was "Oh great, bar food." I had such a bad day of eating yesterday I didn't want to blow it again. So I opted for the blackened cod salad. I open it up and what do I find? Two big pieces of FRIED cod! I was so disappointed. I though for sure it would be a grilled piece of fish. So, on to my NSV (kind of). I will admit, I did eat one piece of the fish. But I quit after that. The fish tasted good, and any other time I would thrown in the towel and eaten the whole thing. But you know what? I am sitting here quite satisfied. If I would have eaten that whole salad including both pieces of the fish, I would be sitting here miserable!

    It's the little things that will get us to our goals!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Awesome NSV mom2nate08!

    I'll add mine -- one for yesterday. We had a work picnic and everyone had to bring a dessert, side dish, ect. Hamburger and hotdogs were provided. I normally would have had to "sample" everything that was brought. But I stuck to eating one cheeseburger and some of a pasta tuna salad I brought. I did have a small brownie also, but normally I would have way over eaten and sampled alittle of ALL the desserts brought. So I was happy with what I ended up indulging in.

    And a NSV for today -- this seems kind of silly, but today I had to scrub my kitchen floor, hallway, and foyer - the kind of scrubbing you get down on your hands and knees with a scrub brush. Well, usually after I finish my arms, hands, and back are so sore as well as my thighs from all the getting up and down. Well today I have to say I'm not sore in the least! LOL! All of following Jillian's workout must really be paying off :)
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Wow paramedic52 - 2 awesome NSV's! I know that potlucks and picnics are so hard. I am like you and want to sample everything. Great job on that and the pain free scrubing. =)
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Self control is an awesome NSV!!!! Way to go, both of you.

    And yeah, I hate Jillian sometimes, but she's done wonders to my legs!!! My bf is so so so so tall (I guess anyone is standing next to 5'4" me), and can walk faster than I run (don't think that doesn't drive me crazy). When I go to my office downtown, I ride the train with him and we walk the .8 miles to his office and then I walk the extra .5 miles to my office. He did not slow down for me today!!!!! Yes, my legs are burning now, but I did it! It's those little things that make huge differences to us!

    As for the fish, the SAME thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I ordered a veggie burger and it was fried!!! I sat there at lunch and kept repeating "seriously, why would you fry a veggie burger?" I ate half of it and gave the other half to a homeless person that was near my office. It shows great self control to not say "screw it, I already ate half, I've already blown my calories, why stop?" I admit, I am sometimes the same way. I try but I have to finish the crust of my deep dish pizza. :happy:

    So here we go with another weekend. Any mini goals? I like to do my C25K workout by the beach/lake over the weekend - I hope to shave about 30 seconds off my time for the 5K course that I do.

    Movin on up to Level 2 on Monday!!!! Where are you all at?
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA the last couple days. I've been traveling for job interviews and it's been quite impossible working out. But I am back and just finished day 8! NSV: My suit looked awesome at my interview instead of too snug around the hips. :)
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Finished my workout today & added in the tank top arms workout I'm doing also. Today seemed to be much easier to get through. Good thing though as I move up to level 2 this weekend. I'm working tomorrow 12hrs so I'm going tostick to level 1 when I get home tomorrow night & move up to level 2 on Sunday. When does everyone else move up? I think we are all around this weekend.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hello all and welcome back Dannie!!
    Day 9 at level 1 was today. It's getting easier and I'm getting board. I'm eager to do day 10 tomorrow and welcome the challenge of level 2 on Monday.
    Who's moving up with me?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! From the lack of posting yesterday, you all must have been as busy as I was! We spent most of the day looking for a bike for my 3 year old. I am excited to get him outside on it today. My husband and I love bike riding so we hope little Nate catches the fever too.

    Unfortunately I did not get to 30DS again yesterday. :sad: So it looks like it will be Wednesday before I move up to level 2. That is disappointing! I was so exciteed to move up this weekend, but this is what I get for not making that 20 minute workout a priority. But the good news is, I peeked at the scale this morning and if I can control myself today, I may be down a couple more pounds in the morning. If nothing else, I am dropping pounds with this challenge. That is much needed since I have been stuck at the same weight for months now!

    I am going to be sure I get my workout in today along with C25K - NO EXCUSES today!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    10 days of level one finished. So far i have lost 10 pounds and for my measurements

    arm- 1 inch
    neck- 1/2 inch
    chest- 1 inch
    abs- 3 inches
    waist- 5 inches
    hips- 6 inches
    thigh- 2 1/2 inches

    Now on to level 2 :wink: