30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16

So, it's the middle of the month. Were you like me and tried the 30 Day Shred with Jilian Michaels early in June and just found it too hard to stick with? Who says you have to start a 30 day anything at the beginning of the month? Imagine how you'll feel on July 1 - being 1/2 way done with the shred.
You must start today or tomorrow!!! Don't forget to take your measurements (and pics, if you want). If you want to post your measurements on here, great. If not, that's ok too - just make sure you have them before you start.
Who's in? Let's motivate each other and let Jilian transform us. We've seen others do it, let's become a 30DS success story.


  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    OK well thats fab cos for some strange reason i decided to start it again today and just saw your post in my "whats been happening" section, so Im in there! If there are other people about i will be motivated not to drop off it!!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Count me in! I have been trying to decide on a new dvd and the responses and results on here have made up my mind on 30DS. I will be picking mine up tonight and hopefully get day one in as well!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Awesome, girls!!
    I have yogalities tonight - so depending on how twisted and tight I am from that, I might do the shred first thing tomorrow. I'm aiming to do it today though!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    How many days per week are you all planning on doing the Shred? How many days per week does she recommend doing it?

    I have the Shred, but I want to try her Ripped in 30 and plan to start with level 1 next week and do it, Mon, Wed & Friday only. Jillian's workouts are effective, but I am not a fan of her personality, so I'm thinking 3 x week is all I can take. I plan to do pure cardio like Turbo Fire and some of Ellen's workouts the other 3 days per week. I have to lose 25 lbs. I'm starting over again!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    I'm definitely in! I took my pics this morning, and had my hubby help me measure myself. I dunno how many of you have tried it before, but it gets SOOO old listening to the same DVD over and over again, so I made myself an awesome workout playlist and just blast that during the 20 minutes. It helped a ton today. Also, I treated myself to new workout clothes this morning. Sometimes looking good helps boost your morale!

    I am also doing C25K. I will be starting Week 4 Day 1 today. I'm trying to speed that up a bit b/c I'm aiming for a 5k next month in my hometown. I am planning on doing 30DS every day, and C25K every other day. Good luck everyone!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I don't have the DVD with me right now, so I'm sorry if I'm giving the wrong info. I think it said to do it 6 times a week. That's what I'm aiming to do. Yes, she can get very annoying (she's not my fav on Biggest Loser), but I think if you put on some headphones as you get familiar with the moves, it might help to drown her out and you'll still be able to get the workout in.

    I think at this point, I'd like to see where I'm at on July 15/16. If my body is in pain (like real pain), I won't work out. But if my muscles are sore and I just don't want to do it, that won't fly. I'll still do it! If that means I did the workout 30 times or 15 times or 20 times, so be it.
  • aubry87
    aubry87 Posts: 34 Member
    I should be getting mine in the mail today, So I'll start today or tomorrow. I am also going to Hot Power Yoga about 3-5 times a week.
    I will try to get my measurments & before pics.

    How can I keep track of this thread?
  • OneHotMama1217
    OneHotMama1217 Posts: 7 Member
    I need to start this again. I am in! Hoping I can stick with it. I think I just get bored like so many others listening to the same thing over and over. Maybe the headphone thing will work for me to
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Day one completed last night - and I survived! I struggled a bit with the push-ups (not a big surprise) but the rest was manageable. Now I am just waiting for the pain to set in. :happy: I will be hitting it again tonight. I love that I am done in less than 30 minutes too.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    So, I did my first workout this morning - I was sweating buckets. I seriously don't sweat that much when I run or am on the elliptical.
    Honestly, I wanted to quit as the first interval was coming to an end, but I didn't. Something told me to keep going - and I'm glad that little voice encouraged me!

    I was looking into the program and many people suggest you do each level for 10 days then move up. Others have gotten bored with the same level over and over again and they do level 1 one day, 2 the next day and so on. For me, I think I would have to get through level 1 a few times before I feel comfortable moving up. Whatever works for you is the right way!

    So what are you guys doing in addition to DS?
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I'm on my 3rd day for level 1.. I'm doing it for 10 days then level 2 for 10 days and so on. Yeah its kicking my butt too
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Great job you two! I was surprised how pooped I was after just that short time. I thinkI am going to give level 1 at least a week and then maybe try level 2 to see how bad it is!

    I was running up until early May. I ran/walked (mostly walked) a half marathon on May 8th, but I haven't gotten back into running since then. I may jump into the later weeks if the C25K program to get myself going again and build my endurance. I don't see anymore half marathons in my future, but I am going to try and get in a few 5K's anyway.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in! I started yesterday and will be working out on my off days during my sons nap time. I'll have to work out in the evenings on the days I work. I'm a little worried about getting in my workout when I work 2 days back to back. I work 12hr shifts and I'm usually wiped out when I get home so I'll have to see how that goes this weekend. Looking forward to see how we all do!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Day 2 finished! And boy am I sweating a TON! I can't believe it. I hate the push-ups, but I find that once I make it through circuit 1, it's all downhill from there. I am pretty exhausted, but I want to keep going with my C25K. I'm totally afraid I am going to burn out. Are you ladies doing 30DS at a different time than your other workouts, or are you lumping them all together?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Unfortunately, because of time I am going to have to split my workouts up. I am going to focus mainly on 30DS the first month though. I may change it up after the first month depending on the results I get.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I did! I started June1 and then went on a spontaneous mountain vaca for the weekend and got off track- until yesterday!
    I may be going on another mini vaca this weekend to the shore but that'll be a lot of walking so I won't be too far off :)

    At the end I will post my before and after measurements and maaaybe pictures... we'll see how well it goes :) haha
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Day 2 finished! And boy am I sweating a TON! I can't believe it. I hate the push-ups, but I find that once I make it through circuit 1, it's all downhill from there. I am pretty exhausted, but I want to keep going with my C25K. I'm totally afraid I am going to burn out. Are you ladies doing 30DS at a different time than your other workouts, or are you lumping them all together?

    So far, I've only been doing the 30DS but today I'm grouping it with Self magazines Slim and Sleek Fast
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome to all who just posted about joining today!

    This morning I was up at 4:30. I'm usually up by 5:30, so it's not a huge difference. I did the 30DS at about 5 and then got ready to go to workout at the gym at work (I seriously have no excuses to not workout when the gym is at work - plus, it's so early that no one is there). I was surprised that I could do 50 min on the elliptical after Jillian kicked my butt. I think I'll stick to that routine. Is it just my DVD player, or do you all have to watch the intro each time you exercise? I'm not loving that part.

    I'm also doing C25K - I'm on W5D2 and loving it. I now prefer to run outside but the goofy Chicago weather has not allowed me to do that. I do yogalities once a week and get on the elliptical once a week. HATE weights, but I know they're good for me, so I try to do them once a week too.

    Make the time - you made the time to get unhealthy, make the time to shred! :happy:
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Day 2 down! Sweating a ton, but I like it!! Those side lunges are a killer - my thighs are on fire :)
  • cheerleader07
    Im in ! :) Day one ish here with me :) had a few heptic days so not been able to do much. but it officially starts today ! :) i would love to loose at least 5lbs a week!
    Motivation and friends on here are much needed.