30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I'm back from a weekend trip to Saint Louis to visit friends & family. I got up early Friday morning before my flight and knocked out day 9 of level 1 - woohoo! Didn't get to work out at all on Saturday, but it's Sunday, I'm back and hopefully I'll complete day 10 this evening. Now, there was a lot of eating out over the weekend, but while everyone else was having wings, I had a grilled chicken wrap. Then we went to a cupcake shop (smelled soooooo good). I bought two cupcakes, but managed to save them for my kiddos back at home. I had a little bite this afternoon when I gave it to them. Not bad, me. Not bad.

    So, back to the grind and on to level 2 tomorrow...oh boy. Happy shredding, ladies.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    10 days of level one finished. So far i have lost 10 pounds and for my measurements

    arm- 1 inch
    neck- 1/2 inch
    chest- 1 inch
    abs- 3 inches
    waist- 5 inches
    hips- 6 inches
    thigh- 2 1/2 inches

    Now on to level 2 :wink:

    Awesome job! I moved up to level 2 today. Wasn't as hard as I had anticipated - did work up a big sweat though. One problem I did have was with the "forward/backward" lunges. I had to really slow them down as I couldn't do them properly & keep up with them. I don't think I'm coordinated enough yet. Hopefully I'll get better at them as I go on.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Had a great day with my family and was so glad I worked out this morning. I wanted a turkey burger when we went to lunch and they were out. I dealt with it and figured that a half of a cheeseburger was better than starving (and I had already had calories in the bank). I think it's good that things like this happen (kiddies, family, being out of town, work, etc) that take priority over our fitness. But, we all deal with it. Keda saved the cupcakes for the kiddies (great willpower - I would have had half!), Andrea planned what she is going to do to make up for her exercise that was lost) and paramedic has a funky schedule that she must work around. I think this all just shows us how life will always get in the way. If we could drop all of our responsibilities and be on the Biggest Loser Ranch, would we? Could we? It's not an option for us at this point, so we just have to deal with it!! Bravo to all of you that have!

    I wasn't going to measure myself but I was so inspired by Laz's numbers that I thought it would be a good idea. Seriously???? 3 inches in my big ol belly in 10 days!!!! YES!!!

    From 6/15 to 6/26 - Level 1 of 30DS
    Weight - down 4.4lbs
    Chest - no change
    Biceps - down .5inches in both arms
    Waist - down 3inches
    Hips - down .5inches
    Thighs - Right down .5inches, no change in left (ummmm, kinda weird)

    So how are you all feeling about this program now that you're 7,8,9,10 days in? Do you want to throw in the towel? Do you want to punch Jillian in the face when doing the punches in the 2nd interval of Level 1? Are you inspired by Laz to take some measurements see what you've done in the past 10 days?

    Keep up the great work, all! I'm going to go take some "Level 1 completed pics."
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Went to the store today to get some heavier weights so when i do start level 2 today i can make even better improvement! Ona fun note I walked past the full length mirrors and actually stopped and took a look (I don't have one at home)..my very large butt actually looke d smaller to me. That NEVER hapens. I was so excited I even lifted up my shirt to get a better look at my tush!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Had to work 12hrs today - 6:30am to 7pm. Started feeling a cold coming on at work (down side of working in an ER) and by the time I got home, my throat was killing me and my sinuses are feeling full YUCK! Head hurts, body hurts. As much as I wanted to work out I just don't have it in me. I'm exhausted and just headed for the couch when I got home. Now snuggling in bed getting ready to just go to sleep and call it a day. Hoping I will feel better in the am to work the shred. I'm so excited to hear about the great results others have had. I may check in the morning to see how I'm doing weight and measurements wise, but I don't feel like I have lost anything this past week. Keeping my fingers crossed that there was a difference.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Nice job, Laz!!! I know how brutal those mirrors can be! Good for you! Maybe it's time to invest in a full length mirror to see the incredibly shrinking you!

    Poor paramedic - I'm sorry you're not feeling good. It's best to take some time off. You don't want to get worse and then be out for longer. I can only imagine the colds, etc you catch from working in the ER. Thanks for all the work you do to help those in need!

    To all the others - UHHHHH, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? Have you all fallen off the face of the earth or the face of the 30DS's earth!?!?! Not good, people! Let us know how you're doing! If you're on Level 2, please tell me that it's kicking your butt as much as it's kicking mine! I seriously hate circuit #2 and what's with all the plank work all of a sudden?!?! And, really, ab work in the plank position? Wow!! If you're not posting, I hope you're still shredding!
  • natp23
    natp23 Posts: 11
    Well, I've been pretty bad. Missed Sun and Mon of 30DS. I wasn't well, and stayed in bed. But, I'm going to try Day 1 of level 2 today! Gotta get back in it!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I'm still here...just missed yesterday - which was supposed to be my first day of level 2. Kicked myself mentally for that one, but what are you gonna do? Life happens. In addition to my 4 kids, I have my sister's daughter for 5 weeks - this is only day 2. Getting adjusted, I guess. But it will be done today. I refuse to take two days off in a row.

    On another note, I can actually tell that I'm slimming down! My "mama gut" is becoming a bit less noticeable. I think it's partly because I've begun subconsciously holding my abs in a tightened position all.the.time! Not even on purpose. Thanks, Jillian. Sometimes, I'm like "my abs are a bit sore" and then I realize, they've been in a virtual crunch for a long time! I have to purposely let them loose to give myself some relief. Am I crazy? Or has this happened to anyone else?

    I'll let you guys know how my first day of level 2 went as soon as I finish it. Happy shredding!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I wasn't feeling well enough to get my workout on today :( Makes me very sad as I was doing really good. Oh well, I'll have to add 2 days to this level. I agreed a few weeks ago to pick up an extra shift & work tomorrow 830a-7p -- now wishing I hadn't done that. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed i feel well enough to come home and work out.

    I enjoy hearing about everyone's experience with the shred so far. It does keep me motivated to keep on trudging along.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44

    That's all I have to say about that.
  • rure13
    rure13 Posts: 86
    I just completed level 2 day 1 and I don't think I can do this :( some of the exercises I can do but the others I feel like I wasn't doing them correctly. ugh hopefully I'll get it as I go on otherwise I think I'll be stuck in level 2 for a while
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I just completed level 2 day 1 and I don't think I can do this :( some of the exercises I can do but the others I feel like I wasn't doing them correctly. ugh hopefully I'll get it as I go on otherwise I think I'll be stuck in level 2 for a while

    You're not alone in this one. I must admit, I half-assed a lot of those moves. Those dang plank jacks and whatever that thing was where you start in the plank position then bring your feet close to your hands?!? My feet were slipping all over the place - I tried with shoes on and shoes off, and just couldn't get it together! I figure it's the same thing as with level two...I had to work my way up to being able to do every move properly. Time will tell. Just know you're not in that boat alone.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning, Shredders.

    Day 3 of Level 2 and I'm really feeling it!! I'm still getting used to the moves and feel that I'm halfassing it, even though my heart rate is up there and I'm burning consistent calories. Even though I'm halfassing it as I learn the routine, I am finishing the whole DVD - I'm not turning it off halfway through like I used to do. Plus, after 30DS this morning, I completed W7D2 of my C25K program with no problem - I feel that's a sign that I'm getting stronger, which is great!! Anyone else noticing improvements in other exercises after X number of days on the 30DS?

    Did I mention how I selfish I am when it comes to you guys? I need your posts to get me through this program! Whether you're on Day 1, Level 1, Day 15 or on your 15th day of Level 2, we're all in this together. Much love and respect to those who keep going at it - you can do it!!!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I just did the Shred yesterday (day 1!) and today I seriously can't move. I can barely walk up and down the stairs let alone do that video again today. i want to keep at it and I hear it gets easier but I don't know how I can do it today since I am having trouble getting up and down from a chair.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Hey Butter,
    The soreness and not being able to sit will be there until about Thursday or Friday. You're using muscles that you haven't used in a while (or ever) and your body just needs a chance to get used to it. You really have to push through the first three days of working out with this program. If you need today off, take today off, but try again tomorrow. It does get easier!! The best advice I can give you is to start slowly, get comfortable with the moves. By day 5, I was doing all the jumping jacks and was wanting to use heavier weights with the strength work.
    Mind over matter - your body is saying no, but your head should be saying "shut up, stupid body!" :laugh:
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, thanks, I think I will try this evening if I feel a little better. If not, I'll do it tomorrow no matter if it still hurts. I guess I could try every other day until I get more used to using those muscles, then up it to every day.
    Glad it's working for you! :happy:
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Butter, I agree with Mo on this one. Push through it! It's so worth it. Just that sense of accomplishment that you got through something tough will help to build your mental muscles to be able to complete the whole thing. For me, if I take off one day, it gets easier to take off two. I HAVE to keep going. I refuse to fail at this thing. Plus, now that I'm seeing results...that's even more motivation to keep at it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • aubry87
    aubry87 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, thanks, I think I will try this evening if I feel a little better. If not, I'll do it tomorrow no matter if it still hurts. I guess I could try every other day until I get more used to using those muscles, then up it to every day.
    Glad it's working for you! :happy:

    Hi Butter,

    I also started yesterday! I am sore, but the best thing for sore muscles is stretching & exercise as it releases the lactic acid thats built up. Try to do it today for as long as you can. Even if its only 5 minutes!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    O I just saw this after I posted on your page. I'll try.
    Lactic acid? Wha? lol
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    O ladies, I just did my Day 2 even though I was having trouble even walking after Day 1! and I wouldn't have even tried if not for your encouragement here on these boards! Thank you thank you thank you!