30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I thought I'd finish day 9 on Level 2 today, but I ran instead - 33 minutes straight to be exact, YAY!

    Going through a rough patch right now (my grandpa has been in the hospital since I left for Boston last week) and it's really taking a toll on my body. I don't want to eat, can't sleep and I'm obsessive about exercising (trying to get my mind off of it). It's life and I know I have to deal with it, but maybe you guys can offer some suggestions for me to calm the hell down.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Did the shred for today. I bumped it up to level 3. I should have stayed at level 2 for 2 more days, but I wanted to add the intensity in before I head off for vacation this Saturday. Did WATP 3mile express right after it. Used my hand weights along with it also. Great workout today
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Mo, just noticed your post. So sorry to hear about your grandpa. Is he close enough that you can go visit him? Sometimes just visiting the person and talking to them can help alleviate some stress. You really need to eat something though. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to worry yourself sick. Even if it's small little snacks - just to keep your energy up. I do know what you mean about using exercise to get your mind on something else though. If you can't visit him, maybe send a card. Little things like that can sometimes help reduce the stress your feeling. Sending you lots of prayers!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree Para, that is good advice for Mo. Sorry you're having such a rough patch, Mo. I am also stressed and so am getting weirdly obsessive about the exercising - if I'm not doing it, I'm thinking about it, which is weird for me. I think maybe we should try some meditation or something maybe?
    Anyway, keep your spirits up, and maybe try some of Para's suggestions, they seem like good ones.
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    OK well thats fab cos for some strange reason i decided to start it again today and just saw your post in my "whats been happening" section, so Im in there! If there are other people about i will be motivated not to drop off it!!!

    Here is RESULT!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Good morning to you all.
    I thought I'd finish day 9 on Level 2 today, but I ran instead - 33 minutes straight to be exact, YAY!

    Going through a rough patch right now (my grandpa has been in the hospital since I left for Boston last week) and it's really taking a toll on my body. I don't want to eat, can't sleep and I'm obsessive about exercising (trying to get my mind off of it). It's life and I know I have to deal with it, but maybe you guys can offer some suggestions for me to calm the hell down.

    Hey, Mo...

    I hope you've been coping a little better today. I like Butter13's idea of meditation - at least get some quiet time and try to calm your mind for a bit. How about a massage? That never works for me (can't stand strangers touching me...weird, right?) but it works for most. My prayers for your grandpa and for peace and comfort for you and your family. (((hugs)))
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks, guys. I found out yesterday that my grandpa is coming home next Monday. Immediately after I heard that, I could eat. It was the weirdest thing.
    I found this morning that I had no energy. Jillian normally kicks my *kitten*, but I felt that I really didn't have the energy to do it today. I guess what they say is right - use food for energy. Before, food was my friend. I need to remember that food is fuel, not friend.

    So sorry to hear that you're going through stuff too, Butter. It almost feels like I took one obsessive behavior and replaced it with another. How about a massage? Many places have good deals (or go on Groupon and see what you can find).

    Thank you also for the tips on how to cope. My house is about 30 min from the hospital (and so is my office). It's funny, but it seems like everything is 30minutes away from everything in Chicago! I saw my grandpa the other day and painted a suncatcher for him (a 30yr old painting a suncatching, what a hilarious sight, let me tell ya!). He loved it and is looking better.

    I'm eager (not scared anymore) to start Level 3. I've also been looking into other Jillian DVDs. I see that it's the 3-2-1 principal for all the tapes I've looked at. Anyone else thinking of trying another one of her workouts?
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Mo - so glad to hear your grandpa is going to be released from the hospital! That's great news :)

    As for trying out other JM DVD's, I found this workout routine on here that some are trying (the 30 day slimdown) and I already purchased the DVD's when I bought the 30DS. I think once I'm finished with the 30DS I'm going to move onto this:

    DAY 1 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 2 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 4 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 7 - OFF!
    DAY 8 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1
    DAY 9 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2

    DAY 11 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2
    DAY 14 - OFF!
    DAY 16 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2
    DAY 18 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1 & 2

    DAY 21 - OFF!
    DAY 22 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 2 & 1
    DAY 26 - OFF!

    It looks like it has a nice variety to it so I think I would really enjoy it. I also have her Yoga DVD and think I will incorporate that one in there also. Let me know if you would be up to this. We could continue to give each other support while completing it!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Mo - I am glad to hear things are looking up for you. I lost my Grandma earlier this year and it really reminds you just how much they mean to you. I'm so glad to hear that your Grandpa is on the mend and that he enjoyed the suncatcher. I'm sure after a day or 2 of good nutrition you will be back in battle with Jillian!

    Butter - I love the idea of meditation. I have tried yoga in the past (at home, not in a studio) and it hasn't really seemed to help with relaxation. With a 3 year old, and all of the normal life chaoses, I find myself in desperate need of just epace and quiet at times. I may Google meditation and see what I can find to get me started.

    Keda - I know other people that stay away from massages for that same reason. I have only had one massage, a pre-natal massage when I was pregnant. I loved it and would love to go for a regular massage, but my problem is body image. I get nervous that someone will notice my un-toned body. Sad, I know!

    As far as other Jillian DVD's, I have one of her No More Trouble Zones workouts. Another killer! There is one move that I just stand back and laugh through. Maybe after I finally make it through 30DS I will be able to make it through that move! I know she has a slew of new ones out now too. I will have to look into them.

    My husband has challengeed me to lose a few pounds before we leave for camping on Aug.1. I have to admit, the thought of beating him at weight loss will keep my booty moving - that's for sure!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Hye guys~ i actually have Jillian's ripped in 30 that i wa thinking of doing next but i like the look of 30 day slime down..maybe I'll have to look for that one. Not sure. I have three days left and then i am done with 30DS..not so much progress so far but will post finally results when all done....Then who knows what I wil do. Hang in there everyone.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, got my shred in for the day. I'm feeling really tired today - not sure why. Still feel like i put in a good workout though. I have to get packing for vacation so my day is really full. Work 12hrs tomorrow and then off to the ocean!

    I'm up for whatever DVD or plan anyone wants to try once the 30DS is complete. I like having you guys to stay accountable to. Just let me know what everyone else has in mind.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I read your workout plan twice, Paramedic, and almost wanted to cry. Tears of pain at the thought of having to do all that and tears of joy at the awesome dedication you have to this.

    I'm willing to do whatever you guys do - I think we should have a "Jillian Michaels support" thread. Anyone who is doing any of Jillian's vidoes can post successes, road bumps, etc. The Banish Fat, Boost Metablism and Slim Down look interesting to me - I need something to do before I start my 6am Boot Camp at the end of August!!!

    Well, I didn't shred this morning - not sure why, I just didn't do it - honestly, that scares me. Sounded like the old me. I had the workout clothes on and almost got to the basement, but, then, just didn't want to do it. I will do it tonight, it's my last day on Level 2 and my inspirational Laz is almost done with Level 3 so I have to work it.!!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    So today I did not feel like walking which is so not like me cuz I really like that DVD..so after I finished Level 3 I thought I wonder if Level 1 would be a challenge....so I did Level 1 today also...and there was some that I did have to work really hard at (but I did the jumping jacks). I was surprised but it has been said over and over again that your body gets good at something if you don't change it up so i was thinking maybe I need to change it up with 30DS and add some old ones in..who knows....I'm with you, I would like to stay together with the next one..you guys are such great support...I was also thinking maybe we didn't all need to do the same DVD...maybe we could do one that interested us and then let everyone else know what it is like..just a thought....but I'm also willing to do what others are doing....stay tough guys...we can only get better.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    I would love to have you guys as "accountability partners" even after this shredding journey is over. You guys are such a big motivator for me. I know I must be crazy, but I was thinking about doing Insanity with my husband once I finished 30DS. I've gotta be crazy, cuz I'm barely skeeting my way through this thing, and Insanity looks exactly that...INSANE! But I think I want to see how much I can push myself and how far I can go. Who knows.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Mo & Laz - I'd be all for starting a JM support thread - or whatever we want to call it. And we wouldn't necessarily have to do the same workout - just let each of us know that we got our workout in. I just really like having you all to report to. Keeps me on my game and makes me push through it if I know I have to let someone know how I did for the day.

    I think the 30 day slim down looks hard. I haven't done any other JM dvd's, but the others I have are longer -- I think they are 40-45 minute workouts. I'm not sure I could hang with her for that long, but I'm willing to try.

    Keda - I don't have the insanity workout, but I've read it's insane. You certainly could do that one and just let us know how it's going for you.

    We can all post our ups & downs, how we like/dislike the dvd or whatever.
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    okay...so I ordered Insanity yesterday. AAAAAHHHH! Nervous & excited all at the same time. Hubby & me are going to start on 8/1. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes for me. But for now...I need to finish this shred. I think I'm going to do like Laz and do two levels today. Yesterday, I did level 2 & felt like I could go for a little more, so why not? Have a beautiful day, Ladies!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Back to posting about 30DS. Sorry its been awhile since I chimed in for my wife and I. We are still doing the shred. We started on 6/18 but were set back by a week long business trip, then 4th of July weekend and so forth. We are now on Level 2, Day 4. And looking to finish it out with no more days off for the next 16 days! Hoping for the best with that!

    We were doing 30DS in the evening after other cardio workouts...running or walking or elliptical. But we have switched it up this entire week and are getting up early and doing it first thing in the morning before work and then doing our regular cardio stuff in the evenings. Doing it in the morning when not already winded is really helping us to push harder and do it more intensely. I think Level 2 is easier or maybe just more enjoyable than Level 1. The routines are somewhat more likeable for me for whatever reason. Looking forward with apprehension to L3 mid-next week to see what Jillian brings.

    In regards to the question of what to do next after 30DS....we are going to do Ripped in 30 with Jillian. We already have the dvd. After that which will be the end of August, I hope to be at my goal weight and plan to do P90x to tone up strengthen up. I am also training to speed up my 5k time and do some runs this fall. I have found that always having a fitness goal/plan for the next few months really keeps me motivated each week to have a good week.

    Overall, I have been impressed with 30DS and am glad we are doing it!!

    Keep it up and achieve results!!!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Let's do this - once Laz is done with Level 3, I (or whoever) will start a new thread for a Jillian support group. Hopefully I'll meet some new people who are just as awesome and motivating as you all have been to me! I figured that would be a good time to start a new thread since it will be the point at which one of the original shredders shredds the total workout :happy: Or, if I go with what Keda plans to do (get out of my head, lady) and do the workout twice, I might just catch up to Lovely Laz!

    So, today was the last day of Level 2 and here are my stats:

    From 6/27 to 7/15 - Level 1 to Level 2 of 30DS
    Weight - down 3.8lbs
    Chest - down .5inches
    Biceps - down .5inches in left, no change in right
    Waist - down 1inch
    Hips - No change
    Thighs - No change

    TOTAL (after 2 Levels of 30DS)
    Weight - down 8.2lbs
    Chest - down .5 inches
    Biceps - down .5inches in right, down 1 inch in left
    Waist - down 4inches
    Hips - down .5inches
    Thighs - Right down .5inches, no change in left
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Oh, and I had to share an NSV!
    Yesterday, I took my mom to go see my grandpa (my grandpa and I were arguing politics, so you KNOW he's feeling better). As we were walking up to the room, I asked my mom if she was ok because she was dragging *kitten* since we left the car (no, I didn't quite say it like that, lol!). And she's like "Monica, you're walking too fast!! Where's the fire?!?!?" YAY!! My normal walk is now "fast" to some people. I, of course, slowed down but I didn't realize I was walking so fast until she said something.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Holy smokes! Those stats are impressive! It is all worth while when you see that difference.

    You have all done so well with the program - way to go!