30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Mo - I'm sorry to hear you are having such a horrible day :( But a big kudos to you for not emotionally eating. That's my downfall big too. I'm trying to turn to exercising instead of eating when I feel stressed. Here's hoping the sun shines your way soon.

    I'm still not 100% - that dang rattle in my chest and sinus congestion is hanging around. I did get my shred in today but didn't feel the energy I did Tuesday, so I only did an extra 20 minutes of other workouts. That's ok, I'll get there again. I weighed myself today and no change. I was a bit bummed about it, but knowing how much time I missed exercising I should be thankful I didn't gain.

    I ordered the Walk Away the Pounds Extra that Lazatin is doing. Should be here by Saturday and I'll start it first thing Monday since this upcoming weekend is my weekend to work two twelves back to back. I'm excited to try it out.

    You will love WATP express...I started with the one mile for about a week and felt like i needed more. So I went to two mile and did that for about a month now i'm at the three mile and hope by august to be doing the four mile...i sweat just as much walking as i did shredding...ENJOY!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Look at you guys and your progress!! I love it

    Thanks for the kind words too. It's been a very long day, but I got my shred in and felt better after doing it. I'm not going to lie, it was kinda weird not binging when I was stressed. My coworker told me that I had to eat when I hadn't had anything by 2. So, I had some wasa crackers and cottage cheese. It was ok. Things are a lot better with my stressors and I feel that I'm on the mend. It certainly didn't help that I felt all bloated and nasty after not working out for those 3 days.

    Tomorrow is always a new day and a new chance to start fresh. My wonderful bf never wants us to go to sleep mad or upset and he always likes there to be a clean slate the day after we argue or whatever. My goal is to treat my journey like that. Yes, I am going to have horrible days when I am mad or upset or beat myself up, but I have the power to not carry that on to the next day. It's not worth it...especially since I was a "I'll change starting tomorrow" girl in the past. I'm not looking to change tomorrow, I'm now looking to make improvements each day along the way that will lead to an accomplished Mo!

    Tomorrow I meet my friend the elliptical again. I'm shooting for 1 hour after work - oh yeah!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    So glad to have you back...keep pushing it...my log in day is tomorrow and I'm excited and scared at the same time...excited to see if there are changes and scared the scale isn't gong to move...we will see:happy:

    Para~ when you do get WATP express let me know what you think..I think she is the reason I've lost 5 inches in the hips and 4.5 inches in my thigh!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Ok results after level 2...not as awesome as level 1, but better than nothing...

    Level 2--7/8/11
    Arm - .5
    Neck- .5
    chest- .5
    ab- .5
    waist- 1
    hips- 0

    Lost 4 pounds....
    So totals so far with 30DS are...

    weight-13 lbs.
    Arm - 2
    Neck- -1
    chest- 1.5
    ab- 3.5
    waist- -6
    hips- -6

    Now to start level 3 today and see what happens.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Mo - superb attitude! The days where things weigh us down do seem to be the hardest. I'm trying hard to resist my urge to eat something sweet when I'm feeling down. I love your attitude now though & will try to incorporate it into my rough days :)

    Laz - I'll let you know what I think of the WATP express. Heck if I can loose half the inches off my thighs & hips that you have, I'll be a happy camper!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Your results are great, Laz! What's most impressive to me is your dedication! I can see that you like the results that you're getting and that's what's pushing you to go further - you are such an inspiration for getting to Level 3 and incorporating another sweat your butt off exercise on top of Jillian's. Wowzers!!

    So, today, I hated Jillian's quote of "ok, time to add cardio to our warm up." Nooooooo, no no noooooo jumping jacks, I said!" But, I still did them.

    I didn't go on the elliptical today - I was smart about not running two days in a row (Saturday and Sunday) so I ran this morning and will elliptical-it tomorrow.

    Besides the weight and feeling better, what other changes have you noticed? I can definately say that my attitude has changed. I have very few "screw it" moments. When I do, I'm glad I can come on here and you guys know exactly what I'm talking about and are there with me. I've also seen a more confident me. Short sleeves? Me? Sleeveless? Seriously? My arm fat keeps waving after my hands stop, but it's so much less than before. :blushing:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Thanks MO~ I'm kinda one of those people well I paid for it I better not waste the money...i have that problem with food too! :sad: Level three is tough..she has you doing cardio with weights..iI didn't get as good as a burn today because there was stuff I just couldn't do! But by the end of level 1&2 i was able to do it so i am sure that will happen with level 3....I did work harder at WATP and burned the most calories ever with that video at 783..so proud of that. I also walk around with sleeveless shirts...i figure what the hel...i;m trying to get rid of it and if people want to stare...whatever..i don't care..at least i'm trying! I also noticed that if i think i might want to eat i go do something else or look for a healthy alternative..my pear was great last night and now I'm gonna have a red delicious apple with my water....keep up the good work, excited to hear about your changes!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, shredded it for today and came upstairs to refill my water - to my surprise the dvds I ordered from Amazon just yesterday were sitting on my kitchen table. Talk about super fast FREE shipping! Ripped open the package and took the WATP express dvd that Lazatin is doing back downstairs and did that too! WOO HOO! I enjoyed it. I wasn't drenched, but it does work up a sustained sweat. I needed to find something to do to add a little cardio into my routine and I'll stick with this for a while.

    Changes I've noticed - I do feel stronger, I'm able to workout for longer periods of time, so my endurance is better. My arms are looking a bit better - so hard to gauge when you see yourself everyday. But one thing I've noticed this past week is my scrub top is getting loose around my arms and hips so there must be some tightening up going on! I'm not at a place where I would feel comfortable wearing sleeveless yet - I'm small busted so I just feel like I have nothing in my chest to balance out my arms.

    I think my posture is better. I feel taller when I'm walking around. And I feel stronger when I have to stoop down to pick something up. Oh, and balance. I definitely feel like I'm more balanced when moving around!
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Hey ladies, long time no see. Been having a pretty rough time for the past week or so. Level 2 is absolutely KILLING my knees! I've never had knee injuries before, so this is coming out of left field for me. It's like almost every move on level 2 is high impact on the knees. Don't really know what to do about it. A friend of mine suggested that, if modification didn't work, simply move on to level 3. I'm thinking about it, as I don't really want to go backwards to level 1. So as far as progress goes, I'm only on day 4 of level 2.

    In addition to that, I have my niece with me along with my own 4 kids (yep...count 'em, that's 5 kids 8yrs old and under in the house all day). It's been ok, but I've noticed that whenever I get frustrated or annoyed, I get the munchies. And no, carrot sticks and apple slices won't cure these kind of munchies. I'm talking chips & cupcake munchies. Know what I mean? *sigh. I was doing so well for like 2.5 weeks, but now I'm having more and more moments where I just feel like I want to hang it up. When frustration goes up, motivation plummets for me. I honestly need to just give myself a swift kick in the rear and get it into gear. But on some days, that easier said than done.

    Okay, enough of my whining. I'm off to go guzzle a bottle of water. Sheesh.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~ Did my second day of level 3 and did much better! Mo...I hate to tell you that there is jumping jacks with weights in this one:sad: . I also found my shake weight DVD that I have been looking for for months! My two year old had it and I couldn't find it but yesterday looking for a swimmy diaper I found it...so that is now a part of my routine also...YAY! i hope you all have a good weekend. We are going to Wilder Days..you know Little House on the Prairie stuff and going to be walking around most of the day...enjoy your weekend and I hope to hear from you soon!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~ Did my second day of level 3 and did much better! Mo...I hate to tell you that there is jumping jacks with weights in this one:sad: . I also found my shake weight DVD that I have been looking for for months! My two year old had it and I couldn't find it but yesterday looking for a swimmy diaper I found it...so that is now a part of my routine also...YAY! i hope you all have a good weekend. We are going to Wilder Days..you know Little House on the Prairie stuff and going to be walking around most of the day...enjoy your weekend and I hope to hear from you soon!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    O Laz, I'm so jealous you are going to Prairie Days! I'm such a LIW fan - I even went to Rocky Ridge when I was in Missouri. Please write and tell me how it is!!!

    About the Shred - you guys are making me feel like a slacker. I am on Day 9 or something and am still on level 1, and it's still kicking my *kitten*. I am trying to get it exactly right before I move on. I pause far less - and now a 2 second pause instead of a 5 second pause - and am lunging lower, and am using 4 lb weights instead of 2 for the chest flies and dumbbell row. So I'm seeing progress but don't feel at all prepared to move on. I know I have to go at my own pace and guess I will at least give level 2 a try in a week maybe.

    My new goal has been to work out at least 90 min per day since it's summer and I'm a teacher so am not working. I have been using exercise TV and having fun trying new things. I tried a dance video by Billy Blanks JR (did anyone know the Tae Bo master had a son? He kicks your *kitten* just like his dad). I also have been doing a little pilates and bellydancing which is fun. Trying to mix it up.

    Realized my summer goal was too ambitious and I was setting myself up for failure, so have amended it to losing 15 lbs by the end of August. I think that's still pretty ambitious but I'm really starting to get into exercising and find myself saying "What else can I do?" instead of "Oh, god, no more!"
    Well, gotta go. My friend wanted to spend time with me today so instead of lunch I suggested we go walk the track. Baby steps, right?
    Keep up those baby steps, girls. Thanks for letting me vent. Any advice is always appreciated.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Butter~ It was fun..they had Native American dancing, people dressed in the olden days clothes(I bought my daughter a bonnet), corn husk dolls, metal work and lots more...they have a look alike contents for Nellie and Laura...wow..did they look alike! We didn't actually go to the play it was way too hot for the little ones but amazingly enough they really do have a parairie fire..yes real fire....its been a long time since I went. We only live 45 minutes from Walnut Grove so it was an easy trip. I am also a treacher and really working hard this summer to lose weight...30 is my goal too....aren't you kind of scared when you go back to work that its gonna be hard?..I am!

    Just to let you know...I didn't perfect any level before I moved on. She said 30 days and I wanted to see what those results would be...I have to say I liked level one the best and may go back to doing that after I finsh level 3.....
    Up to eat some lunch..yummy pancit!:love:

    had to edit...way too may typos!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    O Laz, I'm so jealous you are going to Prairie Days! I'm such a LIW fan - I even went to Rocky Ridge when I was in Missouri. Please write and tell me how it is!!!

    About the Shred - you guys are making me feel like a slacker. I am on Day 9 or something and am still on level 1, and it's still kicking my *kitten*. I am trying to get it exactly right before I move on. I pause far less - and now a 2 second pause instead of a 5 second pause - and am lunging lower, and am using 4 lb weights instead of 2 for the chest flies and dumbbell row. So I'm seeing progress but don't feel at all prepared to move on. I know I have to go at my own pace and guess I will at least give level 2 a try in a week maybe.

    My new goal has been to work out at least 90 min per day since it's summer and I'm a teacher so am not working. I have been using exercise TV and having fun trying new things. I tried a dance video by Billy Blanks JR (did anyone know the Tae Bo master had a son? He kicks your *kitten* just like his dad). I also have been doing a little pilates and bellydancing which is fun. Trying to mix it up.

    Realized my summer goal was too ambitious and I was setting myself up for failure, so have amended it to losing 15 lbs by the end of August. I think that's still pretty ambitious but I'm really starting to get into exercising and find myself saying "What else can I do?" instead of "Oh, god, no more!"
    Well, gotta go. My friend wanted to spend time with me today so instead of lunch I suggested we go walk the track. Baby steps, right?
    Keep up those baby steps, girls. Thanks for letting me vent. Any advice is always appreciated.
    Butter - Don't feel bad. I'm still on Level one myself. I have had a really hard time the past couple of weeks keeping my head in it. I am finishing up a class at school and I have put exercise on the back burner. I am really bummed that I won't meet my goal of losing 10 pounds before our camping trip August 1. So like you, I am resetting the clock today and I will be busting my booty to lose as much as I can.

    Laz - Your esults are AWESOME!!! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep it up!

    Mo - As always, an inspirarion! You are so positive, even when the goiing gets tough. Thanks for keeping it going!

    Keda - Hang in there girl! I'm an emotional eater myself so I hear ya on the cupcakes and chips. But consider this your swift kick in the butt! You can do this! As far as your knees, if modifying the moves doesn't work, maybe just do what you can in level 2, replace the moves that bother your knees with some of the exercises from level 1, and move on to level 3 like your friend suggested.

    As for me, I am done with classes after tonight for 4 weeks. I am going to get back into C25K tomorrow night along with 30DS. I have completed 7 days on level 1 but it has been a couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I need to start over, or just finish up the last 3 days and move to level 2. I am open to suggestions. I need to kick it into high gear and get that scale moving again. I have a vacation coming up and shortly after that football season starts, and I need to look good in my Cowbos Jersey! =)

    Have a great day everyone and get moving!

  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44

    Butter - Don't feel bad. I'm still on Level one myself. I have had a really hard time the past couple of weeks keeping my head in it. I am finishing up a class at school and I have put exercise on the back burner. I am really bummed that I won't meet my goal of losing 10 pounds before our camping trip August 1. So like you, I am resetting the clock today and I will be busting my booty to lose as much as I can.

    Laz - Your esults are AWESOME!!! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep it up!

    Mo - As always, an inspirarion! You are so positive, even when the goiing gets tough. Thanks for keeping it going!

    Keda - Hang in there girl! I'm an emotional eater myself so I hear ya on the cupcakes and chips. But consider this your swift kick in the butt! You can do this! As far as your knees, if modifying the moves doesn't work, maybe just do what you can in level 2, replace the moves that bother your knees with some of the exercises from level 1, and move on to level 3 like your friend suggested.

    As for me, I am done with classes after tonight for 4 weeks. I am going to get back into C25K tomorrow night along with 30DS. I have completed 7 days on level 1 but it has been a couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I need to start over, or just finish up the last 3 days and move to level 2. I am open to suggestions. I need to kick it into high gear and get that scale moving again. I have a vacation coming up and shortly after that football season starts, and I need to look good in my Cowbos Jersey! =)

    Have a great day everyone and get moving!


    Thanks for that swift kick, mom2nate08. I needed it. I realized that I just gave up last week. I woke up this morning thinking, "what am I doing? This is not me! I'm not a quitter. Get your butt up and DO SOMETHING!" I saw such great results and felt so much better about myself those first two weeks, and then BAM, week three self-sabotage. I'm done with that. So I've done my shred for this morning - still level 2, but I modified the hell out of it. My knees are still bugging me, but I'll be fine. I have to push through this. Shoot, if I can push four babies out, I can finish a stinking 30 DS, right? I'm going to try to fit in more walking this week, too, which will be a challenge. I may have to be up before dawn if that's going to happen. We'll see.

    Thank you ladies so much. It's a real encouragement to log in and see you guys here with me, so to speak. May we all feel motivated, strong and successful this week. Happy Shredding!
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Andrea - way to get your head back into it. It is really hard to keep at it with all of life's distractions. Congrats on finishing your classes. I'm sure that's a relief to have them behind you!

    Keda - awesome finding the inner strength to get moving again. I agree with trying to modify the exercises as much as you can for your knees. Have you tried using knee supports? They may help to keep your knees stable during the exercises and take some pressure off of them. I had to use them back in high school when I played year round sports and they really made a difference for me.

    I worked the shred this morning - still on level 2. I have 3 more days of it. I'm a bit worried though as my illness put me a week behind and I leave for vacation this upcoming Saturday. I don't know if I'll be able to keep shredding during vacation, but I plan on at least taking the video and see if I can work it in somewhere. I'll be staying with my parents and my 3 boys will be with me. Also my sister and her teens are coming, so space may be an issue, but hopefully I'll be able to work something in.

    I also did WATP's after the shred. I wanted to bump it up a little so I really pushed myselft harder then the women in the video and used hand weights. I did arm exercises while doing the moves & walking the video shows you to do. I really felt more of a workout today and kept my sweat up much better then before, so I think I will keep incorporating that into that video.

    So glad to hear everyone is sticking with this. You guys really motivate me to keep moving!! Oh, I was down another 1.5lb's this morning since my last weigh in!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning to you all!

    I had baby bdays all weekend - a 1yr old on Saturday and a 3yr old on Sunday. I didn't need to exercise after running around with these kids. I asked the bf if we can have an adult date this upcoming weekend - I meant with beer!! Get your head out of the gutter!! I have a new found appreciation for you ladies with kiddies. At least when I'm with them, I can give them back!! You guys have to constantly watch them - how do you even get your workouts in? You are all Superwoman!!

    I also appreciate those who are coming back to the shred. It's tough work, people. I have never sweated so much in my life, but I can see the changes and I actually want to finish something that I started when it comes to fitness. I have never finished something that I started with losing weight - it would get too hard, I wouldn't see results, I'd have a few bad days and then would just say "screw it." I'm finishing the shread and I'll finish C25K around the same time. It's a part of the new me.

    I did day 8 of Level 2 today. Laz totally scared me with the whole "weights during cardio" thing. I am afraid and I'm sure I'll halfass the first few days of Level 3! Just like Keda, my knees are starting to throb (I hope it was just a fluke this morning). I modified some lunges and it was ok.

    I guess the best advice I can give you (without having you hate me like I hate Jillian when she says it) is to keep going, you can do this, you can do a kick-your-butt 20 minutes. Your heart will be stronger, your legs will be leaner and your tummy will be flatter.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Good morning to you all!

    I had baby bdays all weekend - a 1yr old on Saturday and a 3yr old on Sunday. I didn't need to exercise after running around with these kids. I asked the bf if we can have an adult date this upcoming weekend - I meant with beer!! Get your head out of the gutter!! I have a new found appreciation for you ladies with kiddies. At least when I'm with them, I can give them back!! You guys have to constantly watch them - how do you even get your workouts in? You are all Superwoman!!

    I also appreciate those who are coming back to the shred. It's tough work, people. I have never sweated so much in my life, but I can see the changes and I actually want to finish something that I started when it comes to fitness. I have never finished something that I started with losing weight - it would get too hard, I wouldn't see results, I'd have a few bad days and then would just say "screw it." I'm finishing the shread and I'll finish C25K around the same time. It's a part of the new me.

    I did day 8 of Level 2 today. Laz totally scared me with the whole "weights during cardio" thing. I am afraid and I'm sure I'll halfass the first few days of Level 3! Just like Keda, my knees are starting to throb (I hope it was just a fluke this morning). I modified some lunges and it was ok.

    I guess the best advice I can give you (without having you hate me like I hate Jillian when she says it) is to keep going, you can do this, you can do a kick-your-butt 20 minutes. Your heart will be stronger, your legs will be leaner and your tummy will be flatter.

    Didn't mean to scare you..it's only a few times she uses weights with cardio...but you know how she loves those jumping jacks and of coure you have to hold weights with them...man is she mean..anyway, you will be fine..i know it!

    I have a great NSV...today i did a little clothes shopping since i need more thank tops with this hot weather. I started as a size 3X in shirts so i grabbed some 2X and went to try them on. By mistake i grabbed a 1X and tried that one first and it FIT....yes really fit....I put on the 2X which was too big...i am so excited so i bought two hoping to go down some more! YAY!
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow, Laz, that's great - TWO sizes! Very proud of you. And yes, I have just been saying that, that I'm scared I will gain weight when school starts again. I am looking to change careers but that may not happen before September. Maybe we should both go work in yoga studios instead lol.

    Great job everyone. I was thinking of trying Level 2 tomorrow - I'll let you know how it goes.